Just curious how often everyone does cardio every week and for how long per session. I've been doing it 4 x per week at 30 mins. Anyone think this is too less, too much? Thoughts?
Just curious how often everyone does cardio every week and for how long per session. I've been doing it 4 x per week at 30 mins. Anyone think this is too less, too much? Thoughts?
60 minutes a day 7 days a week off season (2x30). 90-120 minutes a day 7 days a week precontest.
2 x 30 mins. Would that be 30 am and 30 pm ?
Yes, 30 first thing in the morning and 30 PWO. I am currently doing 50/30 as I am 9 weeks out from my next contest. Normally my 2nd session would be longer right now but doing it HIIT so keeping it a bit shorter.
I do that same amount too. I read somewhere that your body does not start to reallywork out until after 20 mins of cardio, so a 30-45min or even more is suggested...can't find the source atm
I like to do 30 min. HIIT 5x week after my workouts. I make sure to bring my post wo shake with me. I will either go on the indoor track or run around my neighborhood.
Typically I'll run 20-30 mins upon waking up, later in the day I will run and/or swim 30-40 mins. Every day except when I train legs I do no cardio. If I feel I really blew my load in a workout I'll take some cardio off. Typically though I'd say 5-6 days a week of 30-70 mins a day.
Im bulking right now, Im doing about 30 mins stairmaster (3x a wk)
As long as I take an eca stack I'm able to keep lean so cardio only happens when I lift weights hard enough to call it cardio
2 times a week minimum, 30 mins but after seeing these posts I'm going to do more
5-10 hours a week.
changes often......at the min im doing 15 mins bike to gym in the a.m and 20 mins HI after work p.m
Depends on my job for the week. But if not to demanding 45-60am 2x wk, and 45-60pm 2x wk. am tread mill only. Change it often, Pm Hiit, swim, cross fit, mill w pushup, sit up, obliqe back on the mill circit, hiit w long jumps, hiit w stairs.
Depends on your body type, i do 0. If i do more than that i shed weight like nobodys business :/
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