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Thread: Wow !! Guess what?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Wow !! Guess what?!

    Weeeeeeeell, i didnt go to the gym at all last week, i know, bad of me, but alot was goin on for that week, spring break n all, but get this!!

    i went to the gym last night right, now keep in mind im a guy that goes to the gym religiously 5x a week (with the exception of last week), but i went last night and i went up at least 15-25lbs on all my workouts!!!

    i was like what?!?!? i would bench normally like 185lbs, but last night i did 205lbs!!

    i normally rep 35lb dumbells, now i did 45lb!!! i went up 10lbs on my abs machine workout, and well a little here and there

    but it was great!!! My muscles are feelin the burn and i woke this mornin feelin nice n sore, wow!!

    anyone else had this happen to them?

  2. #2
    Were you drinkin and eatin like shit for that week off or did you maintain a decent diet?

    I come back stronger if my body is achin and I keep my cals up and lay around all day...

  3. #3
    you should always give your body a week off after, ive heard, 6 weeks of straight hard training...of course...most do more...i try and take a week off every 10-12 weeks...i always come back feeling fresh and re-charged!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    NO NO i stil kept my diet, eating subway, eating healthy, i mean sunday is my cheat day, but even if it is my cheat day, i still ate healthy foods!!

    but yea, i ve been working out hard for like 2-3months straight without a complete weeks rest, man it felt great!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Northern Kentucky


    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    Weeeeeeeell, i didnt go to the gym at all last week, i know, bad of me, but alot was goin on for that week, spring break n all, but get this!!

    i went to the gym last night right, now keep in mind im a guy that goes to the gym religiously 5x a week (with the exception of last week), but i went last night and i went up at least 15-25lbs on all my workouts!!!

    i was like what?!?!? i would bench normally like 185lbs, but last night i did 205lbs!!

    i normally rep 35lb dumbells, now i did 45lb!!! i went up 10lbs on my abs machine workout, and well a little here and there

    but it was great!!! My muscles are feelin the burn and i woke this mornin feelin nice n sore, wow!!

    anyone else had this happen to them?
    I used to work each muscle twice a week, but now I only work each muscle once a week. The results are every bit as good if not better, so I figured I was wasting my time doing all that extra work.

    My point is that you may have been overtraining, and perhaps you need to step down your workout altogether for optimum results. Just a thought.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Northern Kentucky
    Quote Originally Posted by davethewavedra
    you should always give your body a week off after, ive heard, 6 weeks of straight hard training...of course...most do more...i try and take a week off every 10-12 weeks...i always come back feeling fresh and re-charged!
    If I so much as back down to a lighter workout one week, I always come back a little weaker. It's great if this works for you, but it's certainly not true for everyone.

  7. #7
    I always take a week off every 6-8 weeks of training, works amazingly IMO

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    yes yes i definitely agree!!

    im going to start doin that! every 2months (8weeks) ima start takin 1 week off to just COMPLETELY let my body heal up and rest!!

    Man!! I lvoe this!! I feel so much stronger... but now i was sooooore as hell when i woke up :-/

    well, omw to the gym now, yay!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    good deal.

    will be taking one week off after 12 weeks of powerlifting

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    NO NO i stil kept my diet, eating subway, eating healthy, i mean sunday is my cheat day, but even if it is my cheat day, i still ate healthy foods!!

    but yea, i ve been working out hard for like 2-3months straight without a complete weeks rest, man it felt great!!
    Those two do not go together.. as swole would say: LARDWAY... LOL... if your really trying to eat healthy and lean up subway is NOT the way to go.. I mean I admit I eat it once in a while (once a month maybe if that) I get whole wheat bread double chicken breast and veggies.. I dont think that could be to bad but Im sure there are better alternatives..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by Thin Ice
    I used to work each muscle twice a week, but now I only work each muscle once a week. The results are every bit as good if not better, so I figured I was wasting my time doing all that extra work.

    My point is that you may have been overtraining, and perhaps you need to step down your workout altogether for optimum results. Just a thought.
    interesting.. I have been reading and researching about the 2 times a week/pr bodypart training.. I was starting to think that I was over thinking this "overtraining" philospohy.. I always did 1 body part per week bc I always read thats the correct way and I SAW and FELT myself getting bigger, stronger.. but this past month I started hitting everybody part once every 5 days and it might be mental but I FEEL bigger.. Maybe its just the "shock" and the inital phase of me doing this routine, but so far its working pretty good.. the only problem is my shoulder.. it gives me problems sometimes so chest 2 times per week (incline) may effect me.. I hope I dont get injured doing this shit... another thing I realised is that it really does come down to diet as boring as that sounds.. my point is i guess I will just have ot vary and change things and asses my progress.. we will c....

  12. #12
    that actually happend to me too i went from military pressing 225 for almost 2 reps, took off a week of lifting(spring break) and this past week put it up 4 times i did put on alot off weight though but most of it water, im goin to start taking breaks every 7th week.

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