In December 05 Shoveling my brothers driveway I suffered the misfortune of TO SAY THE LEAST FUKIN MY BACK UP.:
First of the T spine July 29,06
Discs:At T-5T-6 small midline disc herniation contacting the ventral cord surface.There are mild bulges of the T-7T-8 and T-8 T-9 discs.
IMPRESSION:Small herniation at T-5T-6.No cord compression
Pain didn't get much better at all.
Second of the L-Spine November 26,06
At L-4L-5,there is a mild disc bulge without canal stenosis of foraminal narrowing.At L-5-S1,there is a central disc protrusion indenting the ventral thecal sac without canal Stenosis of Foraminal narrowing.
IMPRESSION:l-5-S-1 Central disc protrusion and L-4L-5 disc bulge without canal stenosis or foraminal narrowing.
I've been told most would rather have my results then there own but with that being said I was still in serious pain.In the begining I couldn't even get out of bed without major lower and middle back pain.I had the shot DEPOMEDROL IN MY MIDDLE BACK HAD A REALLY BAD REACTION FROM IT.And would never do it again.I got sick as hell throwing up blood and the pain didn't go away for a while after that.I'll never know if it worked or not because so much time went by before I felt better.
October 2007 I got back in the gym very slowly and even hurt my back again doing STANDING cable curls THEN I HAD TO DO EVERY THING SITTING DOWN TYPICAL FOR DISC INJURYS FYI.Took me out of the gym for another couple weeks but proved to be just a little gym rust I had to work out.At this point I was really fuked up about it cause I really had nothing else to take my mind off of starting over "That's another story" But I did come back and Knew I couldn't train heavy ever again if I wanted to get back to the one thing that was always there for me.The steel "never lie too and always kick you the real deal"Refer to Henry Rollins "Body building a lifestyle".I had to learn how to diet if I were ever gonna enjoy this game again.So the EGO was checked,hung up and forgotten about and the REAL education began.Through a long road of "This is what I do"Or"You have to eat this way" blah blah BULLSHIT I WAS TIRED OF LISTENING TO THE SO CALLED LAWS OF DIETING AND DID MY OWN THING.Which proved to be my most vindicating achievement in life that would cross over into something greater then i ever imagined.I LOST MYSELF AND FOUND MYSELF IN BODYBUILDING AND THE REAL JOURNEY HAS JUST BEGUN.I've had such great progress with my mock contest prep it's proven to be something larger then the actual goal was intended for.The harsh reality's and sacrifices of what a bbr goes through to reach the intended goal that permeates his mind and makes his world go round is something spectacular.It's clear that the majority of the world just has no idea what competitiors go through,not for money cause there is no money in this game but for PRESTIGE,just to be known as a pro.There's so many good pro's out there that don't even get a paycheck for what they do and often go in debt just getting into contest condition.I know I'm 6 weeks out from my time frame goal and I'm holding my car ins bill in one hand and 10 bags of Talapia in the other.
To sum it all up I'd rather train and advise people on dieting,be in the gym on my own time training and just make my bills,then be miserable at my day to day robot job and be wealthy..or the prospect of being wealthy.My hat goes off too all the competitiors and regular gym goers like myself in the world of bodybuilding.Good luck and god bless.
This is my life I'm living it on my terms
1st thumbnail-Pre disc injury/summer August 05
2nd thumbnail-Latest pic/Calorie surge day last month
3rd thumbnail-begining of mock contest prep.Feb 27th,09
4rd thumbnail-After I lost all the weight from the inactivity.
Attached Images-Weight gain from injury.