First off let me start saying thank you to all of those members here who've actually kept me from ever needing to look somewhere else when in need of advice (well, at least training & diet vise).
I recently got my hands on some Clen tabs, 100 40mcg tabs and I started the cycle today. Was planning to run it (2 weeks on/2 weeks off) until it runs out, currently trying it out for fat burning purposes.
Took one pill (40 mcg) 11 hours ago and tried to monitor the effects it had on me. I always had the idea I would sweat as a motherf**ker while on, so I was almost to afraid to try it out (wouldn't be able to work if I was sweating like a beast all day, every day) but I kind of didn't sweat nearly as much as I had thought. It first led me to believe it was fake but after a few phone calls to my source and other guy's who've plenty of experience in the field I'm not sure that's the problem. I've got a slight headache right now but nothing to worry about - not even sure the Clen is causing it...
I never sweat on Clen, or at least more than I usually do. Not everybody gets every side effect of Clen. The only ones I get are jitterness the first 5 minutes after a large does, and it goes away after I have been on for a few days. Cramps are the other side effect I get.
Before i turn this into an essay I'm just going to throw a few questions out in the open and hope I will get responded to
1. Is 1.5-2 gallons of water really what's needed while on? It seems just a bit to much when I can't say that I'm sweating that much more than I'm used to.
(drank about 1.7 gallons today and I'm actually thinking I might wet the bed tonight since I've been taking a piss every 30-60 minutes)
I usually drink 2 gallons a day to begin with. If you are on Clen, then it really is not an option. You have to stay hydrated. I know, it does suck pissing every 30 minutes, but that is something everyone here has to deal with. If 2 gallons is too much, try 1.5 gallons.
2. I'm not a fan of high doses, plain and simple. So I was thinking that I might do a split, one week on, two weeks off (and keep the dosage at 40-80 mcg) - would that be of any use or is 2 weeks on 2 weeks of the only way to go?
I would go two weeks on, two weeks off. It is way more effective. If you are getting great results at a lower dose, then stay at that dose. I usually start at 60mcg and within a few days hit 160mcg. Keep raising your dose until you feel you do not need to anymore. The results will speak for themselves.
3. Went to the Pharmacy today and asked for Taurine (they sell a bunch of NOW products but it was nowhere to be found) - and the women I spoke to looked at me like there was something wrong with me. Asked me what it was, why I was asking for it... then asked me to write it down and came back with the answer they didn't have it and there was nothing in there that included Taurine. So now I actually have to wait until my shipment from the USA arrives (5-7 days I think) until I can get my hands on it, that is if it doesn't get sealed (I called up three different pharmacies, visited one and no one even knew what it was until they looked it up) - Do you guy's think I will be able to survive the first week without it? Didn't really feel any cramps today, just a minor one during workout today.
Don't get ahead of yourself. The cramps will come. That is one side effect everyone gets with Clen and I would highly recommend getting Taurine before starting Clen. If you started already, go grab some Potassium pills. The cramps will come, and they will hurt.
4. I'm a mary jane user (use it to fall asleep in the evening since every single sleeping tablets I've tried have given me unacceptable sides) and since Clen is going to increase my heart rate as does the mj should I stay away from it while using the clen ?
I'm in the same boat as you. Sleeping pills (even ones such as Ambien) do nothing for me. So usually I will take a few hits because marijuana is the only thing that can put me to sleep. I did it every night while on some Clen cycles and I still got the same fat burning results as I did when I did not use it. They are fine to use together.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated and before you go on a rant I did try the search option and even google without getting to know exactly what I needed to know (but learned a tons anyways
