Hey everyone. I'm new to this site/forum and I'm loving how much info and support there is here. I have some general questions about me wanting to try a new workout plan. First, I've been working out off and on for about 7 years and I'm starting to get a bit fat and its time to change that. I was in MMA and boxing for about three years and in that time I was taking Halodrol, superpump 250 or NO xplode. These were good but now I'm looking for more. I wanted to try a pro hormone but there is remarkebly little information about what you can stack those with.

First, what is a great prohormone? It seems like the highest rated ones are illegal now.

Second, what can I take with a prohormone? Can I still take a preworkout like Jacked or superpump? Can I take NO2 still?

Third, with a prohormone do I need to do post cycle therapy or worry about liver protection?

Should I do an anabolic-like workout; high weight, low rep everyother day or can I do all muscle groups in three days and rest the fourth?

What is the basic percentage of protein/carb/fat that I should be eating daily?

I appreciate everything anyone has to tell me on this. I would really appreciate some people experienced taking PH to let me know what has worked for them for fat cutting/muscle building.

Thanks everybody and I hope to become a valuable member of this forum.