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Thread: My diet, tips anyone??

  1. #1

    My diet, tips anyone??

    Hey guys im 23 years old 170lbs 15%bf 5'10

    ive been working out for the last 3-4 years off and on, i had a really shoulder injury i tore my ac and just started recovering from it this year, i've only been back at the gym for about 2 months and lost 31lbs from 201lbs when i was injured 8 months ago

    my diet consists of
    meal 1 - 1cup eggwhites, 2 eggs, 1/2cup oats
    meal 2 - 1cup brownrice, 1 cup lean groundbeef, 1cup mixed broccoli/cauliflower
    meal 3 - protein shake 45grams with 10mg glutamine, 1 fruit
    meal 4 - 1chickenbreast OR small steak, 1 potatoe, 1cup mixed broccoli/cauliflower
    meal 5 - protein shake 45grams (optional)
    meal 6 - 1chicken breast OR salmon fillet, 1 cup brownrice, mixed greens
    meal 7 - protein shake 45grams, 2tbsp natural peanut butter

    i've been doing 5-6days a week of 20min high incline walk and 5 days a week of weight training, since the past 3 weeks i've started this diet i've gone down 10lbs, i've contemplated doing a cycle but i have ALOT of people around me telling me different advice some of which even for a noobie like me i'm sure doesn't sound too right, does anybody have any suggestions for a cycle that could help me out?

  2. #2
    My first cycle was test and d bol.

    thats always a nice little starter and can gain some massive strength and size.

    I took test 12 weeks and d bol for the first 5 weeks.

  3. #3
    from past cycles i notice i get alot of water retention was wondering if theres somehow i can avoid this?

  4. #4
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    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 11-20-2010 at 10:47 AM.

  5. #5
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    New Jersey
    Are you here for diet or cycle advice? Guess i'll do both.

    Diet - actually not too bad IMO. You didn't post macros so I don't know how MUCH you're eating, but food choices are pretty decent. Definitely can be tightened up but i've seen much much worse.

    Cycle - I don't like your stats or age for cycling - i'd drop the idea all together for now, add some weight naturally which you most definitely can, and revisit in a year, better 2

  6. #6
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    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    My first cycle was test and d bol.

    thats always a nice little starter and can gain some massive strength and size.

    I took test 12 weeks and d bol for the first 5 weeks.
    Cal is an idiot! I just hate to miss an opportunity to point out that he proves this with almost every post. You are at 15% bodyfat and he's telling you about mass stuff, shortcut king! All over the board with your random, ridiculous advice, post some pics and some personal info so people know how little you know.

    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Are you here for diet or cycle advice? Guess i'll do both.

    Diet - actually not too bad IMO. You didn't post macros so I don't know how MUCH you're eating, but food choices are pretty decent. Definitely can be tightened up but i've seen much much worse.

    Cycle - I don't like your stats or age for cycling - i'd drop the idea all together for now, add some weight naturally which you most definitely can, and revisit in a year, better 2
    DO NOT CYCLE! You could end up like Cal, he started when he was 17, listen to what the intelligent, knowledgable and reputable people say. Also the ones who have posted their resume' or at least a history of where they are coming from, years of experience training people etc... etc...
    Last edited by tbody66; 11-20-2010 at 02:17 PM.

  7. #7
    all together my diet is roughly 2540 calories, i sometimes throw in a protein bar when im busy on the run or in between meals, like i said these past 3 weeks i've gone down 10lbs so my bf% has likely dropped i would love to be at 5-7%bf but not at 150-160lbs id much rather be around 180lbs 5-7%bf

    so for the most part continue with just hard work, clean diet? what's an ideal time to cycle and why is now a bad time?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inkdup204 View Post
    all together my diet is roughly 2540 calories, i sometimes throw in a protein bar when im busy on the run or in between meals, like i said these past 3 weeks i've gone down 10lbs so my bf% has likely dropped i would love to be at 5-7%bf but not at 150-160lbs id much rather be around 180lbs 5-7%bf

    so for the most part continue with just hard work, clean diet? what's an ideal time to cycle and why is now a bad time?
    The ideal time to cycle is when you stop making natural gains, or more specifically, when you have maxed out your bodies own potential. The only way you truly know when this occurs, is by not cheating yourself in any way in your efforts to progress. I know from personal experience that it is possible to make gains naturally until your late 30's and I would be hard pressed to find anyone who legitimately did so before they were thirty years old.

    I'm sure GB will help you with a diet, and I'd be happy to write you a personal workout program. It would be really helpful if you would post some pics first though. Also I need to know what exercises you perform specifically, sets/reps/poundages.

    I am confident that you will make great gains without gear.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Cal is an idiot! I just hate to miss an opportunity to point out that he proves this with almost every post. You are at 15% bodyfat and he's telling you about mass stuff, shortcut king! All over the board with your random, ridiculous advice, post some pics and some personal info so people know how little you know.

    DO NOT CYCLE! You could end up like Cal, he started when he was 17, listen to what the intelligent, knowledgable and reputable people say. Also the ones who have posted their resume' or at least a history of where they are coming from, years of experience training people etc... etc...
    Talk about some sh!t. Grow up man. Calling me an idiot and say I post random and ridiculous advice, really? Tell what advice I have posted that is random and ridiculous?? Everything I have said is legit, sorry you don't know much old man.

    I never told him to take it. Did you see me go all out into detail in what I told him to take?

    First off, there ain't no MASS CYCLE without a mass diet. He could easily cycle right now and gain muscle and lose a grip load of fat at the same time. He'll burn fat like no other on test. If he doesn't eat for mass he won't gain much mass or fat either.

    What happens when you train to fu*cking get lean and shredded? You adjust your diet and routine. If you do the same on a cycle you will just progress even faster. Yeah, I forgot, everyone stops their cycle 4 weeks before contest.

    You act like you're all that, I've seen your workout routine and its fu*king rubbish! Which proves to me you know sh*t. Go sit on rock IDIOT

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    Talk about some sh!t. Grow up man. Calling me an idiot and say I post random and ridiculous advice, really? Tell what advice I have posted that is random and ridiculous?? Everything I have said is legit, sorry you don't know much old man.

    just looked through all 66 of your posts and stick with my assessment

    I never told him to take it. Did you see me go all out into detail in what I told him to take?

    First off, there ain't no MASS CYCLE without a mass diet. He could easily cycle right now and gain muscle and lose a grip load of fat at the same time. He'll burn fat like no other on test. If he doesn't eat for mass he won't gain much mass or fat either.

    re-read your own quote, did you also tell him you were 17, no mention of how much size and strength you put on, no dosages, also that you were what 5' 5" 135lbs

    What happens when you train to fu*cking get lean and shredded? You adjust your diet and routine. If you do the same on a cycle you will just progress even faster. Yeah, I forgot, everyone stops their cycle 4 weeks before contest.

    and you would know this how??? You haven't posted any pics or stats or progress or results or anything to support that you know anything, although I've requested it from you on three different threads

    You act like you're all that, I've seen your workout routine and its fu*king rubbish! Which proves to me you know sh*t. Go sit on rock IDIOT

    what thread and post is my workout on? And no-one has seen your workout routine or anything else about you or your resume', oh you're probably getting sick of hearing that, maybe I should just refer to your "I know it all post" and that should be enough of a qualifying statement and no one needs to know where or how you learned it all, you just saying so should make it so. Oh, but this is a board of knowledgable legitimate experienced people who help people in the real world, not just jump online and tell them that what they are doing is stupid. Well, with the exception of you.
    People agreeing with a few of your "parrot" posts does not earn you respect, nor will your above response.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    People agreeing with a few of your "parrot" posts does not earn you respect, nor will your above response.
    I posted up a pic and my stats just for you so you would finally be quiet. Believe me, I do know a lot regardless of what you think. Take a good at my picture and then look at your picture. Who do you think knows more about lifting?

    And this picture was old. It was the only one I had, I am even bigger now and I will post more as soon as possible. Like I have said before, I don't give a sh!t is I did steroids at 17, it WAS stupid and I agree. But I did get huge and learn a ton about steroids at a young age so I necessarily wouldn't say that's a bad thing.

    And how many times do I have to tell you, this is not my account, most of these posts from the past ARE NOT MINE, regardless of what you think. I recently came on here because I am over coming a recent drug addiction and used this as a way to escape because I love lifting. I did not come on here to get advice, I came on here to keep my mind off of sh!t right now.

    I am not a computer person and I had to have my brother help me upload this picture. I did not care to do so because it is a hassle of my time. But since you like to run your mouth, I wanted to show you what someone looks like who knows what they're talking about.

  12. #12
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    where is this picture then

  13. #13
    are we gonna stop bickering and give this person advice at all?


    i dont see why there are three protein shake meals, you really just need the one PWO shake. real foods are always better for you, but the PWO shake is only there because in that 1/2 hr after wkout your body soaks up all protein and whey protein is readily available and easily broken down in that handy dandy PWO shake... IMO your diet needs more fish.. not optional salmon i mean like three filets of tilapia/w rice as a meal, or two-tin tuna sandwich/w celery and carrot bits (mix a bit of olive oil and spices in if you like) ... those are both hard-hitting meals that are lean as ****. also multivitamin. i know a lot of ppl on here are anti dairy but i think a cup or two of milk in the am is just fine as it's dairy nutrients are slow to break down and can give you a bit of extra long-lasting energy throughout the day

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    I posted up a pic and my stats just for you so you would finally be quiet. Believe me, I do know a lot regardless of what you think. Take a good at my picture and then look at your picture. Who do you think knows more about lifting?

    And this picture was old. It was the only one I had, I am even bigger now and I will post more as soon as possible. Like I have said before, I don't give a sh!t is I did steroids at 17, it WAS stupid and I agree. But I did get huge and learn a ton about steroids at a young age so I necessarily wouldn't say that's a bad thing.

    And how many times do I have to tell you, this is not my account, most of these posts from the past ARE NOT MINE, regardless of what you think. I recently came on here because I am over coming a recent drug addiction and used this as a way to escape because I love lifting. I did not come on here to get advice, I came on here to keep my mind off of sh!t right now.

    I am not a computer person and I had to have my brother help me upload this picture. I did not care to do so because it is a hassle of my time. But since you like to run your mouth, I wanted to show you what someone looks like who knows what they're talking about.
    You would win hands down if this were a debate about drug abuse and short cutting.

    You further prove how little you know by stating that if you are bigger you know more, oh, and there were four things addressed, you only partly responded to one of them. You could avoid the confusion by starting your own online ID and again, posting your resume.

  15. #15
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    Oh, and sorry for not putting this first, if that's you in your avy, very impressive, props on that. And what's the height and weight you were at in the pic?

  16. #16
    i usually do eat fish everyday, salmon mostly because tuna is boring and i cant eat it without mayo lol and i get sick of 2 chicken breasts a day, i was also told no dairy from the trainer who helped me with this diet, i would love to compete but i do have a full sleeve, and i also have a messed up looking left collar bone that sticks up cause of the torn AC so i don't think thats possible, i'm basically just doing this to see how far i can push my body,

    i'll post a picture after i get my trainer to take one, which should be this wednesday/thursday,

    aside from steroids, are there any supplements other then protein and glutamine that im using right now anyone would suggest? multivitamin?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inkdup204 View Post
    i usually do eat fish everyday, salmon mostly because tuna is boring and i cant eat it without mayo lol and i get sick of 2 chicken breasts a day, i was also told no dairy from the trainer who helped me with this diet, i would love to compete but i do have a full sleeve, and i also have a messed up looking left collar bone that sticks up cause of the torn AC so i don't think thats possible, i'm basically just doing this to see how far i can push my body,

    i'll post a picture after i get my trainer to take one, which should be this wednesday/thursday,

    aside from steroids, are there any supplements other then protein and glutamine that im using right now anyone would suggest? multivitamin?
    I'm a firm beleiver in Creatine. I like the white fish over salmon personally, I could eat it every meal .

    Looking forward to the pics and would like to see your workout routine.

  18. #18
    DAY1 back/abs/obliques
    -wide grip chinups 4 sets of 12 last set max
    -underhand pulldowns 4 sets, 12-12-10-8
    -single arm DB rows 4 sets of 12
    -low cable row 4sets 15-20-20-15
    -hyperextensions (45lb plate) 3 sets of 15
    -rope crunches 4 sets of 20
    -dumbbell side bends 4 sets of 12x each side

    DAY2 chest
    -incline DB press 4 sets 12-10-8-8
    -flat smith machine 4 sets of 15
    -incline flies 4 sets of 12
    -machine flies 3 sets of 20
    -pushups + crunches (25 each) 4x sets

    DAY3 legs/abs/obliques
    -smith lunges 4sets of 12
    -laying leg curls 4 sets of 15
    -leg extensions (1second up 4 seconds negative) 4 sets of 10
    -seated calve raises 4 sets of 12
    -single leg calf raise (holding db)4 sets of 20
    -decline oblique crunches 4 sets of 15

    DAY4 shoulders
    -BB shoulder press 4 sets 12-10-8-8
    -Front raise (cable) 4 sets of 12
    -lateral delt machine (5 second negatives) 4 sets of 12
    -reverse DB flies (superset with upright rows) 4 sets of 12
    -up right rows 4 sets of 10
    -dumbbell side bends 4 sets of 12
    -lying oblique crunches 4 sets of 15

    DAY5 arms/abs
    -alternating dumbbell curls 4 sets 15-12-10-8
    -skullcrushers on decline bench 4 sets 15-12-10-8
    -hammer curls 4 sets 12-10-8-8
    -concentration curls (1 up 4 down) 4 sets of 10
    -1 arm reverse cable pull down (superset with dips) 4 sets 12-12-10-10
    -dips 4 sets of 20
    -rope crunches 4 sets of 20
    -decline crunches 3 sets of 25

    my trainer put this one together for me, i was confused at first with some of the high reps but so far i actually like it, and the goal is to put on size right now, i use to only do 3 sets of everything so 4 is a little more difficult, i really wanted to put alot of focus around my midsection and arms,

    as for creatine what brand do you suggest? friends've told me to try concret because of it's high potency ?

  19. #19
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    Nov 2004
    Looks good, I have not been able to wrap my mind around shoulders having their own day in routines yet, I couldn't imagine doing that myself.

    I'm old school and simple creatine monohydrate of the least expensive kind is perfectly fine, IMO, no load, just one heaping tsp a day, I just put my teaspoon in my mouth and wash it down with water.

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