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Thread: 3 day weight training split

  1. #1
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    3 day weight training split

    i am needing some help in figuring out a good 3 day weight training split. i am training for a triathlon, so keep in mind that i swim/run 2 days a week. i am trying to keep that on tuesdays/thursdays. i usually do the big 3 on monday (dumbbell incline bench, squats, and deadlifts), and usually do small muscle groups on wed/fri. i usually ride or run on the weekends one of the two days. would it be a good idea to do full body workouts on the 3 days or split it up into muscle groups? not bulking, looking to shed body fat so that my arse can move faster! thanks in advance

  2. #2
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    I'd do full body workouts. I might break up the big lifts into 1 lift each training day.

    Monday squat+db bench, rows, stiff leg deads, abs
    Wednesday bench+ rows, unilateral leg training, maybe an overhead press
    friday deadlift+ chins, lighter squats, incline db bench, abs

    that's how I would probably set it up for myself

  3. #3
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    break up like this
    Day 1. chest and tris
    Day 2. legs
    Day 3. back, bi's and shoulders

    this is what i do since i have rugby 3x a week

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxwkw View Post
    I'd do full body workouts. I might break up the big lifts into 1 lift each training day.

    Monday squat+db bench, rows, stiff leg deads, abs
    Wednesday bench+ rows, unilateral leg training, maybe an overhead press
    friday deadlift+ chins, lighter squats, incline db bench, abs

    that's how I would probably set it up for myself
    sorry but this is not a good split at all.

    a good simple three day split:

    mon back+shoulders

    wed legs+abs

    fri chest+arms
    Last edited by dec11; 02-02-2011 at 05:03 PM.

  5. #5
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    thanks for all who replied. i think i like the last one because everyone else in the gym usually does chest on monday! thats what i had in mind. what sets/reps did yall have in mind for each muscle? 4 exercises for each muscle group? pyramid? or change it up from week to week with light/heavy?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    sorry but this is not a good split at all.

    a good simple three day split:

    mon back+shoulders

    wed legs+abs

    fri chest+arms
    why is my routine no good? It's basically a push, pull, and squat split with some abs thrown in there.

    Splitting up the body and only training each movement once per week isn't as effective as higher frequency.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxwkw View Post
    why is my routine no good? It's basically a push, pull, and squat split with some abs thrown in there.

    Splitting up the body and only training each movement once per week isn't as effective as higher frequency.
    you move from concentrating blood in one major muscle group to another, and you're training groups multiple times per week, not an effective way to train.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    you move from concentrating blood in one major muscle group to another, and you're training groups multiple times per week, not an effective way to train.
    I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree. I've had great results training the same movement or body part 2 or 3 times per week and not gotten great results with once per week.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxwkw View Post
    I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree. I've had great results training the same movement or body part 2 or 3 times per week and not gotten great results with once per week.
    what type of results?

  10. #10
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    I finally got my strength up and certain lagging body parts to finally start to grow (chest, biceps) that never grew or got stronger with once per week.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxwkw View Post
    I finally got my strength up and certain lagging body parts to finally start to grow (chest, biceps) that never grew or got stronger with once per week.
    im not trying to be a jerk off, but you made this thread.

    your training split is why you arent putting on muscle mate (diet aside), i plifted competitively for 15yrs, trust me, the split i laid out is optimal. start with major muscle grps and throw in afew assistants after. obviously 8wks out from a comp you would go into specific plifting routines and drop reps and hit groups x2 pw

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    im not trying to be a jerk off, but you made this thread.

    your training split is why you arent putting on muscle mate (diet aside), i plifted competitively for 15yrs, trust me, the split i laid out is optimal. start with major muscle grps and throw in afew assistants after. obviously 8wks out from a comp you would go into specific plifting routines and drop reps and hit groups x2 pw
    Would you then put in the main lifts at the beginning of each day?

    (back, shoulders) deadlift, assistance

    (legs, abs) squat, assistance

    (chest, arms) bench, assistance

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxwkw View Post
    Would you then put in the main lifts at the beginning of each day?

    (back, shoulders) deadlift, assistance

    (legs, abs) squat, assistance

    (chest, arms) bench, assistance
    yeah, and only deadlift every 2wks, you will go stale pulling big deads every week

  14. #14
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    I may give this a try after my meet.

    (sorry for hijacking your thread)

  15. #15
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    hey no problem. the more info the better. i too power lifted back in college. but not really going for the power anymore, trying to concentrate on endurance and stamina. so while yall two go back and forth, keep in mind my goal. HA!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    hey no problem. the more info the better. i too power lifted back in college. but not really going for the power anymore, trying to concentrate on endurance and stamina. so while yall two go back and forth, keep in mind my goal. HA!
    if i was you id do all over body specific exercises x 2 pw and kp it light

  17. #17
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    dec, could you be more specific with the statement above. i am out of the gym this week, little infection, but i should be good to go on monday. looking to change up my current routine and go with something that you might recommend. thanks

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