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Thread: Cardio?

  1. #1


    I need to shed some serious weight (to the tune of 40lb) before i can start any sort of gear. I already do a half hour of cardio on an elliptical machine before i lift. What kind of duration should i look to do? Also I am changing my diet by cutting out empty calories ( sugar and most carbs) while increasing my intake of protein.
    any input would be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Nottingham, England
    Do cardio first thing on empty stomach if poss. You can Take amino acids to prevent your body going into a catabolic state.
    Also doing your cardio before you lift is questionable, I personally would go after lifting. This way youd of burnt off as much food as possible from your body and you will get straight into fat burning for energy. Again amino acids are an option if your concerned about losing muscle mass.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    do cardio at morning (empty stomcah) 7xweek, also stay on the elliptical after work out as long you can.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Nottingham, England
    Aside from my other post, throw your diet up in the diet forum. Trust me that is the best bit of advice anyone on here will give you.
    What are your stats? (age weight bodyfat ect)
    Your diet can make all your efforts at the gym invalid if it is incorrect.
    Good luck with you cut dude! Keep us updated.

  5. #5
    thanks for the input and i will start doing my cardio after my lifting and I will get some aminos

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    get in the diet section and they will help ya out

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Diet will get you there faster buddy. Good luck.

    P.S. I agree with savking about doing your cardio post workout.

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