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Is it enough to effect performance as a pre workout supplement
I'm not sure how much caffeine is even in 3 teaspoons of coffee
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Is it enough to effect performance as a pre workout supplement
I'm not sure how much caffeine is even in 3 teaspoons of coffee
Try it and find out what amount works best for you.
It is definitely one of the main ingredients that gives you that 'energetic' feeling you get from pre-workout supps. I personally do a cup of coffee plus a pre workout supp, but I like to feel like i'm on speed, so... lol
I am a big fan of a cup of java pre-workout
I believe labrada supercharge extreme has around 220mg of caffeine per scoop haha
caffein tabs have 200 mg, depending on when you workout and when you plan on going to sleep you can even do the stack before training, although you might want to consider removing the aspirin depending on your training style and bodyparts you are working.
I read somewhere that 300mg caffeine is about all you want to consume per day to be safe
one of the problems I have with caffeine is that it constricts blood vessels, which is contrary to what I want to do prior to working out. Instead, I take an NO blast product for the arginine, which helps dilate blood vessels somewhat.
so you have to decide if the benefit of caffeine (thermogenic) outweighs the detriment (constricted blood vessels) is right for you. Only you can answer that.
i loooooooooooooooooooooooooove caffeine!! helps giving me energy throughout the day and at the gym, always lift better with caffiene and if i dont get a cuppa in the morn i have a bad day lol
Caffeine is great
theres NO way that can be healthy. that's 8 to 10 cups of coffee. even if taken by pill, that's a ridiculous amount. how do you take yours? how much and how often?
i know most thermogenics have 100mg per pill, and they don't recommend more than 3 pills per day (or 300mg a day). obviously there is some other shit in there, but still.
I used to think this as well. I wont get into all the scientific mumbo jumbo but during exercise caffeine acts as a vasodialotor. It has to do with calcium transfer in the body. Anyway its not too uncommon in stims - the same can be said for ephedrine (diff rreason why however)- which under normal circumstances is a vasoconstrictor but during exercise it acts as a vasodialtor.
Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 04-10-2011 at 10:55 AM.
I drink 2 or three cups of coffee in the morning then take a 200mg pill with my aspirin and ephederine after breakfast. I drink an 8 oz cup of coffee, black pre-workout with my second stack of 200mg caffeine/25mg ephedrine/325mg aspirin. The reason for caffeine intake is not strictly as a thermogenic agent, it also is a good energy source and has been recommended as such in the bodybuilding world forever.
Good post.
My head is spinning......SO MUCH TO LEARN!
just put a tablespoon of coffee in my vanilla protein shake today if that counts for anything......COFFEE MILKSHAKE!!!
Nice contribution jimmy
@Times Roman
Read an interesting article on NO products and the specific role and use of L-arginine as a vasodilator and basically arginine causes a spike increase in insulin which in turn causes vasodilation they tested this by using some sort of insulin blocker and lone behold when arginine was tested again it turned out there was no vasodilation. Something to consider when taking a N.O supplement when cutting. Also any study that shows L-arginine to be effective as a nitric oxide enhancer was with IV administration of upwards of 20 grams needed for effect. And with oral bioavailability around 70% and gastrointestinal discomfort from oral use in excess of a few grams. Basically anyone that promotes arginine supplements to give a pump are 100% gangsters that rely on marketing, misinformation and the placebo effect to lure customers.
As a matter of interests I purchased some L-carnitine today, seems promising as a N.O stimulator, but im gonna have to try it out and do a lot of research before I can give my verdict!
Sounds tasty!
I must try it sometime although the only protein power I have laying around is 100% calcium caseinate which literally turns to glue when mixed
I need to get my hands on come whey to split the casein 50-50
I don't want to intake to much caffeine either.
Just the other day I was giving a guy a consultation and as I was going through his diet I discovered he was taking in excess of 15 cups a day :O
Brick were shat!
There are some serious caffeine addicts out their!
Especially with a lot of people who work crazy shift hours.
ill tell you.. I cant drink coffee.. i have never been a fan... but what i use is spike energy drinks before a work out. They work amazing for me. This is coming from someone that used 3-4 scoops of jack3d and felt nothing. Samew with no xplode and nano vapor.. it doesnt even have any sugar or carbs in it.. it has a lot of caffeine and some " spike special formula" which i really think is like cocaine lol.
honestly nothing jacks me up like you are describing. I'll try the spike to see what it does for me.
New study recently published on L-carnitine while were on the topic of pre workout performance enhancement
2 g's of l-carnitine twice a day for 24 weeks
- the Carnitine group utilised 55% less muscle glycogen compared to Control
- 31% less pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) activation compared to before supplementation
(basically conserves substrates for hepatic glucose production allowing you to retain more stored glucose for later use)
- muscle PDC activation was 38% higher at 80% vo2max
(the opposite then happens at the higher end of the vo2max scale with carnitine allowing your body to utilize glucose faster to keep up with the demand for glucose at a higher intensity)
- acetylcarnitine content showed a trend to be 16% greater
(improves the function of mitochondria, the organelles within cells that are involved in energy production)
- muscle lactate content was 44% lower (P < 0.05) and the muscle PCr/ATP ratio was better maintained
- The Carnitine group increased work output 11% from baseline in the performance trial, while Control showed no change. This is the first demonstration that human muscle TC can be increased by dietary means and results in muscle glycogen sparing during low intensity exercise (consistent with an increase in lipid utilisation) and a better matching of glycolytic, PDC and mitochondrial flux during high intensity exercise, thereby reducing muscle anaerobic ATP production. Furthermore, these changes were associated with an improvement in exercise performance.
I just got some today, gonna test some out. I'll let you know if I notice anything significant.
Can't wait
Cant workout without coffee lol
My understanding is that once you consume caffeine regularly your body gets used to the positive effects, like increased tolerance for pain and increased energy, and the negative effects only last, like being a diuretic or increasing cortisol levels.
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