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Thread: Diet Construction and Supplement help!

  1. #1

    Diet Construction and Supplement help!

    Aight I'll just jump into it. Need any pointers on diet and supplement intake. Any mods or adds would be good if it could be kept below $100

    Supp: Daily Multi Vitamin (store brand) Pink Magic (natural test booster) Amplified Creatine 189, Fishoil
    Food: Usually bagel with cheese and sliced meats and protein shake (1/2 serving of Serious mass, 1/2= 800cals 30g pro 300 carbs)

    Large Lunch (usually a loaded food like chipotle) Pink Magic

    Large Snack- Preworkout meal, Preworkout (Xtreme shock or Jack3d) and pink magic

    Dinner- Protein Shake(after lifting), Large Dinner, Pink Magic, fish oil

    Before Bed- Handfuls of nuts, Vitamin C, Zinc, Biotin, and another Multi Vitamin.

    Thats pretty much it. Its hard to be specific on meals because usually is different everyday, but always eat alot

    I'm 6'2 195lbs 20yrs old. Always had a high metabolism/hardgainer
    Last edited by Bijeebus; 02-01-2012 at 07:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Your diet needs to be more specific and become a routine imo I keep track of how much protein carbs and fat I take in daily and log it and change it to get the results I desire their are apps on any smart phone where you can keep close track .Sounds like you really dont know how much of each you are taking in daily . Their are some really good threads here on diet Gbrice Ive read alot of his he is very knoledgable along with several others .Good luck hope you find info needed

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Drop the test booster and the amplified creatine, they are both wasted money. If you use creatine use a simple monohydrate powder, 5mg before and after workout. Also you gotta be more specific and make a solid routine for your diet. Also way too many shakes for calories man. Stick to actual food sources for calories as much as possible. Pretty much just use a shake for postworkout

  4. #4

    i try

    I can't be more specific. I'm living at home for college. So whatever is made that night is what I eat. And I knew that creatine was bullshit. The guy offered me 60% off and it fit in my budget. FUCCK ME!!

  5. #5
    would it be possible to take that creatine back to GNC and try and return it if its already opened? Tell them like a professional told me it was bogus?

  6. #6
    Why can't I just eat as much as possible. I'm not worried about getting fat. I could eat candy chips and soda for a month and I would most likely lose weight, my metabolism has always been retardedly high ever since I started dropping mad weight for wrestling 4-5 years ago. I just do not want to count calories or carbs or protein. I just enjoy my time at the gym, and would like to see results from the effort I put into it.

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