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Thread: Best time to take GH

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas

    Best time to take GH

    Have read a few articles here and there, actually, there seems to be one that's on many sites LOL, anyhow, seems that for someone like myself, 37 years old, best time to take GH would be in the morning, but also to split the dose should I wake up early and go the bathroom, or split it morning and then early afternoon (which doesnt really help, a time would be great, or so and so hours from morning dose)...another question is, what if my sleeping patterns are different, say I don't go to sleep or wake up like "regular" people, do I just take my first dose as soon as I wake up?

    Second bout with growth, only ran it a few months last year at 2iu/day, but was taking it at night before bed, not sure where I heard/read that, but i got decent results, nothing crazy...bumped to 4iu/day now, after reading, will likely hit at least 5iu/day, but want to do it optimally, as with everything else thanks


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    what g.h are you running mate ?

    if i were you id run 5i.u e.d minimum
    i used to pin in the morning however lethargy was a prob so id recommend pining late at night well after evening meal (1-2hrs after ) but it doesnt matter if you pin it day or night , timing of food intake is paramount . you will find people in both camps r.e am or pm
    basically i make sure my g.h is ready before i go to sleep . i then pin it 2 hrs after eating or whenever i wake up during the night . could be 11pm or 2am etc ...
    if you were to pin a high dose such as 10i.u e.d then i would recommend splitting it . 5i.u am and 5i.u pm for example . but since you suggest about 5i.u e.d then theres no need to bother
    you really need to have a long term view with g.h . 6 months would be considered minimum to see real gains (however well being would become apparent in a few weeks ) . myself ,my intention would be to run it for a year at least . if not forever ...

    if you do run g.h for a good length of time then you should consider t4 as it works well in combination, if not required . there is some good info on this in this section particularly some info posted by marcus300 but i dont have the link . im sure another member will provide
    Last edited by swithuk; 05-29-2013 at 02:05 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    I work odd hours and pin it when I wake up. I run it 5 on 2 off so it doesn't interfer with the weekend when I am trying to be a normal person again. I use 4 iu's a day with 100 mcgs. T4 and have been running it for just shy of 12 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    I have been running 4 iu upon waking up and 4 iu before sleep
    Never had lethargy from hgh
    In fact i feel good and have great sleep at night

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006

    I had some lethargy when I began...It subsidized on my 3rd week of Hgh. I am using norditropin nordilet pens which i get from pharmacy (so guaranteed real deal). funny thing is that I could be feeling sleepy as hell, when I hit the gym I am a different person, then after the shower, I drowse back again I guess its related to the elevated sugar levels after you pin hgh

    I was running it at 2iu and upped it today to 3 iu. I wake up at 6 am shoot it morning time as soon as I wake up. I also had some questions about pinning 5iu as to wether to shoot at once or split and what would the pros/cons of each be.

    alpha-male quick question: I understand the logistic need of the the 5on/2off regimen but would it not be better to avoid 2 consecutive off days? im speaking in terms of hgh effect on the body and depriving it for 2 consecutive days....

    read somewhere that this was originally recommended as a way to save on gear costs...but if one was to really do a 5 on / 2 off split, it would have to be in the form of 2 on 1 off then 2 on 1 off then 1 on etc (avoid 2 consec days off)....any ideas as to this?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by swithuk View Post
    what g.h are you running mate ?

    if i were you id run 5i.u e.d minimum
    i used to pin in the morning however lethargy was a prob so id recommend pining late at night well after evening meal (1-2hrs after ) but it doesnt matter if you pin it day or night , timing of food intake is paramount . you will find people in both camps r.e am or pm
    basically i make sure my g.h is ready before i go to sleep . i then pin it 2 hrs after eating or whenever i wake up during the night . could be 11pm or 2am etc ...
    if you were to pin a high dose such as 10i.u e.d then i would recommend splitting it . 5i.u am and 5i.u pm for example . but since you suggest about 5i.u e.d then theres no need to bother
    you really need to have a long term view with g.h . 6 months would be considered minimum to see real gains (however well being would become apparent in a few weeks ) . myself ,my intention would be to run it for a year at least . if not forever ...

    if you do run g.h for a good length of time then you should consider t4 as it works well in combination, if not required . there is some good info on this in this section particularly some info posted by marcus300 but i dont have the link . im sure another member will provide

    wouldnt pinning at night affect his nat release of hgh?? I understand that night pinning is recommended clinically for those with no/extremely low natural hgh levels and would therefore have no impact whatsoever. but for "normal" people using hgh for "recreational" purposes , this would be a diff ball game altogether...

  7. #7
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Othello View Post
    wouldnt pinning at night affect his nat release of hgh?? I understand that night pinning is recommended clinically for those with no/extremely low natural hgh levels and would therefore have no impact whatsoever. but for "normal" people using hgh for "recreational" purposes , this would be a diff ball game altogether...
    thats a good question . ive asked that of vets here many times .again you get people in both camps . but the guys i really listen to basically say it makes no difference , especially at the level of i.u im taking and above (5i.u e.d)

    and to answer your question about 5 on / 2 off split , if i may . this has no benefit other than to make it cheaper . in fact as you suspect it is better to maintain a e.d protocol

  8. #8
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    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by swithuk View Post
    thats a good question . ive asked that of vets here many times .again you get people in both camps . but the guys i really listen to basically say it makes no difference , especially at the level of i.u im taking and above (5i.u e.d)

    and to answer your question about 5 on / 2 off split , if i may . this has no benefit other than to make it cheaper . in fact as you suspect it is better to maintain a e.d protocol
    I see your doses of > 5 i.u ed, I am sure that whatever gh the body generates is negligible and unused. Maybe to theres some kind of negative loop that prevents it from generating any gh at all which would then mean taking at night would be very beneficial.

    At lower doses I guess why take the risk...have been around long enough to find things that people considered as gospel at one time turned out to be total no-no a couple of years later ... so in my book if something deemed risky can be avoided , then avoid it until there is enough evidence to wipe out the risk

    but then I guess the 1 million dollar question would be at what dose exogenous HGH does the body stop (if indeed it does) producing its own??

    I understand that at later ages (> 50 or so) the body's own gh is negligible and therefore supplementing with exogenous gh is necessary and can be done without any risk....but for those younger (30s, 40s etc) what is the case? any coherent study out there?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Othello View Post
    but then I guess the 1 million dollar question would be at what dose exogenous HGH does the body stop (if indeed it does) producing its own??
    I'd love to hear the answer to this as well.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    USA-New Jersey
    5 on 2 off is for saving gh and so u can run it longer
    If u can do everyday its better
    Before bed shot will interfere with ur natural pulse but for me im doing 4 iu before bed and soon it will be 5 iu before bed and 5 iu in morning
    So i dont really care
    Cuz exogenous gh is more anyway
    If u want to follow best method which is annoying
    Shoot upon wake up and then by night time dont shoot before sleep
    Wake up 4 hrs into sleep shoot another shot then go back to sleep
    This way u dont interfere with ur natural gh which peaks 3 hrs after sleeping
    I tried it for a week
    I hate interupting my sleep!!!

  11. #11
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    In french they say "il faut souffrire pour etre beau" like one has to suffer to look good but i sure am not waking up in the middle of the night for that

  12. #12
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    San Diego, ca
    I have always done it at night,2 hours before bed. My doc told me that your natural HGH is secreted at night so this will more likely mimic your normal cycle.

    Not sure if he is right or not?

    He also said based on the trial studies every other day was most effective? Again this is just what my doctor told me. I hope it helps

  13. #13
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    Sep 2012
    IM in the morning to burn fat. IM before bed to repair and grow muscle as you sleep. SubQ in the AM to burn fat at a slower time release as it absorbs in your fat.
    Last edited by testluva; 05-30-2013 at 09:46 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    IM in the morning to burn fat. IM before bed to repair and grow muscle as you sleep. SubQ in the AM to burn fat at a slower time release as it absorbs in your fat.
    With the pens and a 5mm needle i think itd be quasi impossible to do IM shots...there are also 6mm needles available but i doubt theyd reach muscle tissue

  15. #15
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    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Newchick76 View Post
    I have always done it at night,2 hours before bed. My doc told me that your natural HGH is secreted at night so this will more likely mimic your normal cycle.

    Not sure if he is right or not?

    He also said based on the trial studies every other day was most effective? Again this is just what my doctor told me. I hope it helps
    From what ive been able to gather so far its based on age and natural gh levels in the person.... also night shots are for replacement therapy when gh levels are either too low or non existent due to old age or biological defficiency.

    I guesw it all revolves around supplementing ones gh or replacing it. Im currently digging the web to try and find any serious studies as to exhogeneous effect on natural gh ... if the current dose we take (2-5 iu) shuts it down then one should think replacement and night pins should be ok....just my 2 cents

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Othello View Post
    With the pens and a 5mm needle i think itd be quasi impossible to do IM shots...there are also 6mm needles available but i doubt theyd reach muscle tissue

    fuond this about needle size for IM:

    Intramuscular Injections
    Intramuscular injections go into the muscle below the subcutaneous layer, so the needle must be thicker and longer to ensure that the medicine is being injected into the proper tissue. Twenty (20) or 22 G needles that are an inch or an inch and a half long are usually appropriate for this type of injection.

    A person who is thin, with very little fatty tissue can use the inch long needle; a heavier person may need to use the inch and a half long needle.

    so 5 or 6 mm needles that come with pens cannot reach the muscle tissue ... (for reference 5mm = 0.19685 inches)

  17. #17
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    Just read this nice post by Marcus ( post number 11) on this forum....hope its useful

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Othello View Post
    fuond this about needle size for IM:

    Intramuscular Injections
    Intramuscular injections go into the muscle below the subcutaneous layer, so the needle must be thicker and longer to ensure that the medicine is being injected into the proper tissue. Twenty (20) or 22 G needles that are an inch or an inch and a half long are usually appropriate for this type of injection.

    A person who is thin, with very little fatty tissue can use the inch long needle; a heavier person may need to use the inch and a half long needle.

    so 5 or 6 mm needles that come with pens cannot reach the muscle tissue ... (for reference 5mm = 0.19685 inches)
    Look here man. Now you've found this also to copy and paste. LOL!!
    Whoever wrote that has never given themselves IM injections. What kind of an idiot uses a 20 gauge/1.5 inch needle? Christ, I draw with a 21 gauge. I use insulin pins for IM injection of insulin and MFG with no problem.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Look here man. Now you've found this also to copy and paste. LOL!!
    Whoever wrote that has never given themselves IM injections. What kind of an idiot uses a 20 gauge/1.5 inch needle? Christ, I draw with a 21 gauge. I use insulin pins for IM injection of insulin and MFG with no problem.
    Hehehe so much for knowledge on web and kudos to user experience

    thanks Titan. Does this apply to the needles used on pens?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2006
    There was a post by Sgt Hartman back in 2011 about the different amounts of GH that average adult males secrete in a 24hr period and how much of it is during the day and how much during sleep (

    Click image for larger version. 

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    I think it gives a pretty good idea with respect to each age group and the amount of gh secreted over 24h, during the day and during the night.

    there was also a study ( whereby they showed that the negative feedback loop on HGH is caused by Free Fatty Acifs(FFA). FFA reaches max between 4-8 hours after you pin, and remains elevated for 24 hours...this was used to show that pinning at night might not impact your natty release.

    as with any protocol, you will always have 2 schools of thought if not guess is its up to each of us to research and then do what his/her body feels best with.

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