Looks like it a bit but your bf is a bit high. You using a ai?
Maybe a little bloat. How long has it been since you used? I would say it's mild gyno. Get the diet in check and down to 12% and see how it looks. If they are still pointed then I would start some of the gyno reversal processes or start looking for a good doctor.
Arimidex 0.25mg EOD.
I really hope you have a proper PCT in place too.
Bigger problem is he's 22 with no plan and no base according to the photos. OP I really think it is time to stop the cycle and hit the nolva and clomid before you get full blown gyno. This experience should teach you that first you are not prepared for AAS use and second your gyno prone and need to use a proactive approach if you cycle in the future.
Just my opinion that you ask for when posting on a forum. Do with it what you want. Not flaming.
if thers a lump behind then its gyno, to me just looks abit watery and like you could do with loosing abit of fat from there, doesnt look like gyno
There's an app for that. Err... a thread I mean.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Sorry for the last post.
In details, this is my first cycle. I'm taking TEST PROPIONATE for 300ML a week. (not that much). The guy from who a bought my AAS told me if I'm detecting gyno signs, just take Proviron. That's why I'm asking you what is the best to take. Some say it's ok, other said that I should use an AI or Novaldex.
Well, again I'm saying that I may think it's gyno from the picture, but I can't say if it is or not. I don't know what I should look for gyno signs. Like I said earlier, it's not sensitive, not iching and not painful. I'm a little bloated because I'm eating a lot for a powelifting competition in a month or so.
14% body fat ?
Training 5 years?
No A.i?
You need to stop what your doing and start educating yourself. You don't know what your doing, don't look like you train and your body fat looks higher than 14%. I don't care if you take offence because you need to be told. If you carry on without the basic knowledge and understanding of what your doing you are setting yourself up for lots of problems, and when you do get gyno you will know about it
Bro you are way off your natty potential. Really shouldn't be doing gear at this point. It'll do you a lot more good if you have more lean mass.
AgreedOriginally Posted by Back In Black
Listen buddy I'm not trying to flame, some people try and tell you gently but I won't ***** foot around the fact you don't seem to have a clue. If your 13.5% then I must be 8% which I'm not. I'm honestly trying to help don't take it as an insult, I've been there myself getting bad advice of friends who didn't have a clue themselves. I thought I knew it all and ended up paying the consequence of bad preparation and bad cycling.
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