Just getting back into training, been easing into it while considering a cycle of test only.
Yesterday for example I hit the trail, there is an old set of steps rising up a cliff face that are nearly 70% grade incline. So I sprint up them like rocky IV..skipping every 3 steps for full range of motion, Followed each set at the top with 15-20 air squats. then after my super sets I do some lunges, calf raises (body weight) and single leg air squats.
Super setting with air squats after each climb left my quads at the top end of each step I took burning a little opposed to when I would pre exhaust with lunges, I would struggle to even push off the step on the bottom (start position) of each step.
So I'm figuring by trial and experimenting that sprinting etc is really reliant on hamstring power/endurance
All in all. Summary is that I love keeping this type of stuff while I'm training because I love being efficient. Moving all that mass one has gained is important (if that's your thing ) but I like real life application and is what I train for. Yes I love the looks but I figure that will come with the effort. Main goal is strength, muscle endurance, cardio endurance. And I'd love to fill out with some quality mass.
Never skip LEG DAY !! Lol