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Thread: Want to lose these extra pounds of fat! NEED HELP!

  1. #1

    Want to lose these extra pounds of fat! NEED HELP!

    Hey guys, so I'm Damion. I'm 19 years old, and I'm 6'0 and 190 pounds. I've been exercising for a good 9-10 months now, and I've lost a good 60 pounds. I went from 250 pounds to 190-195. I've hit a plateau and I need to try something new. I also would like to mention that I do Calisthenics, most body weight workouts. I don't want to be big, I want to be lean and ripped. I usually do intense 30 minute sessions of calisthenic exercises 4 days a week. 4-5 super sets of miscellaneous calisthenic exercises with a 1 minute rest period in between. (Pushups, Pullups, Burpees, etc.) I was just advised to go all natural instead of going the steroids route, so I'd thought I'd give it another go. So please, any advice will help me. Also, I would like to know how many meals a day I should be eating for my goal. Thank you every in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    First off congratulations on your progress. That's awesome man. Weight loss or gain is controlled by calorie intake and expenditure. Eat more than you use and you'll gain weight. Eat less and lose weight. However........our bodies cannot sustain a continuous linear weight change. There must be plateaus along the way for your metabolism to reset. Give it time. You've come a long way already. Your weight will start to move again after your body resets. Get into the nutrition section of the forum as well. Lots of good info in there. Good job and best of luck.

  3. #3
    How intense are those workouts?
    Have you tried sprinting?
    As far as meals go,the norm say 5-6 ,500 cal under maintenance. But seems like your diet is good,just that the body got used it .
    Need to mix it up.
    List your meals and your workouts so the board can see what we are working with.

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