Does anyone have any good exercises for these two body parts other then the traditional shrugs and pull downs or rows??
Does anyone have any good exercises for these two body parts other then the traditional shrugs and pull downs or rows??
for traps the traditional shrug is the best.. but up right rows will also give and awsome pump. you can also experiment with different forms of shrugs
for lats pull ups, pull downs, one hand pull downs, cable rows, dumbell rows, barbell rows (both over and underhand) there is so much different things to do
Traps are interesting group to work. Shrugs seem to be the best way.
For lats, i do dumbell rows and standing plate lift.
The plate lift is when you stand, feet together, with a plate (I use a 45lb.), arms outstretched. I pick it up from my waist (rest position) up to my eye level (I look through the hole.) then back down again. It seems to work pretty well.
really heavy barbell shrugs where you bend over slightly and externally rotate the shoulder which brings the traps into play
for lats I find wide chins and under hand grip bent over rows best
Try doing behind the back shrugs on the Smith Machine, along with regular shrugs, I found this to help me a great deal.
Originally Posted by Flexor
Isnt rotating the shoulder very bad for the rotator cuff??
Originally Posted by Giantz11
Can you explain back shrugs to me?? Do you mean grabing the bar behind my body instead of in front?
Originally Posted by Giantz11
Can you explain back shrugs to me?? Do you mean grabing the bar behind my body instead of in front?
how is it bad for the shoulder? maybe you would care to explain how you would go to the gym without rotating your shoulderOriginally Posted by kdrkid81
you aren't even moving your shoulder so how can it be bad for it?? the glenohumeral doesn't move, yes the a/c does but there is no negative effect on the rotator cuff
rotating your shoulder is only bad for certain movements such as completely internally rotated lateral raises (pouring pitchers), upright rows and whatever else
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