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Thread: Do you workout when sick??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Do you workout when sick??

    Im really sick, swollen, red, infected throat, fever, etc.. I just powered through a chest/bicep/forcep workout, and feel a little better. But, is it counter-productive? Should i rest it off? I didnt want to miss any, because I was away on vacation last week, went to see the rolling stones live and visit some friends, so i didn't workout last week. (tho i kept my diet in check)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    i wouldnt just because i have respect for other people in the gym. i wouldnt want to get them sick.. i know i'd be fumin if i saw someone real sick then i got sick the next day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    not only that but your body needs all the engery it has to fight the infection attacking you right now, give it a rest.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    i wouldnt just because i have respect for other people in the gym. i wouldnt want to get them sick.. i know i'd be fumin if i saw someone real sick then i got sick the next day.

    I went to the doc today, its not contagious, my throat is swelling for some unknown reason tho. He gave me epinephrin to carry with me, because he was worried its a severe allergy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by eljeffe
    not only that but your body needs all the engery it has to fight the infection attacking you right now, give it a rest.
    i agree w/ eljeffe. i used to be afraid of missin a workout but if ur not feelin well or even if ur burnt out just take a day or more if u want off. u're not doin urself any favors by workin out sick.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    Quote Originally Posted by JNel04
    u're not doin urself any favors by workin out sick.
    i agree with that all the way. i worked out earlier this week while sick and recovery is just legs are still killing me from 4 days ago!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla
    i agree with that all the way. i worked out earlier this week while sick and recovery is just legs are still killing me from 4 days ago!

    Same thing happened to me but on a back day... intensity was up cuz i was pissed i was comin down with something... back took like 4 days to recover... stay out of the gym for a little bit and i wouldn't do cardio either...

  8. #8
    i trained when i was sick a couple times and it only made me more sick. not to mention the fact that my workouts were pure torture/hell

    never, ever again...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    thats the way im feeling tonight. I did swoles leg workout at the gym, and im sicker than ever. Im gonna rest till its gone. It cant be an allergy, ****ing doctors. I havent changed my diet at all that ui can think of.
    Last edited by Evil Predator; 09-17-2005 at 10:01 AM.

  10. #10
    wow. sc's leg workout is hardcore bro. Not a good idea to do that type of a workout if you are sick. if you must train when sick, go easy on yourself that day

  11. #11
    what a bad coincidence! Yesterday i began to come down with a cold, today i have a fever of 100F.......yeah, there's one side of me that wants to workout today and adhere to my schedule, but the smarter side says it isn't a good idea

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ward065
    what a bad coincidence! Yesterday i began to come down with a cold, today i have a fever of 100F.......yeah, there's one side of me that wants to workout today and adhere to my schedule, but the smarter side says it isn't a good idea
    It seems like everyone is getting sick today. Just the change of the seasons maybe. Hope you all feel better.

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