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Thread: Chest, Triceps, and Bench Press

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Chest, Triceps, and Bench Press

    On my chest, shoulder, and tricep work out, some of the exercises I do are:

    -Flat Barbell Bench Press
    -Incline Dumbbell Press
    -Weighted Dips
    -Standing Barbell Press

    all of those involve triceps pretty heavy. Anyways, After those exercises (and a couple more that weren't mentioned) to finish off my work out with triceps I have: Skullcrushers and Tricep Cable Press Downs.

    My Question is: After all of those pressing movements, when I work my triceps are close grip benches neccesary? Because I've already done 4 pressing movements. I like to do close grip benches, but If they aren't doing anything, I'm better off saving my energy for better exercises. What's your opinion. Close grip bench or not?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    way too much pressing for my liking, i mean defiantely not something i would do myself anyways. by the time i got the the military press my front delts and tris would be pretty damned toasted. id do side lateral raises instead of the military if it was me, and i would also do some sort of fly for chest. then all that is left is an exercise for your tris to finish em off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I like having those 4 pressing movements, and I keep the sets low. So should I just stick to skullcrushers and press downs? I do like close-grip benching because it really hits the triceps, but I am doing 4 other pressing movements. So should I continue to train without it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    For your skullchusher, Hellium3 suggested, in another thread, to go over the head.... (call it Hellium french presses)

    Try it, you wont believe the pump it gives ... I feel like my tris are going to explode everytime I do this exercise... That exercise is a keeper.... and do it slowly (5 seconds up, 5 seconds down).

    I dont think that you'll need another exercise for your tris if you do this... 'cause you have a shoulder, chest, tri day... witch is allready alot on your tris.
    Last edited by neardark; 11-21-2006 at 04:04 PM.

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