I recently switched up my chest routine drastically. I used to begin with the classic flat barbell bench, then to inclkine dumbells followed by flyes and finishing with either decline dumbells or paralel dips. Starting last chest training session, witht he advice of my manager whos is a competitive bodybuilder, I altered my chest training to include different pressing movements and more isolatory movements. I start off with the incline bench on its lowest possible angle of incline (between 10-15 degrees) and do dumbells presses. After db preses I do flyes at same incline. I then hit the flat barbell bench and then finish up with peck dek flyes and/or cables at the same low incline. He said that this inlicne is good enough and no higher inclines are needed for upper chest. What concenrs me is that he is a shorter more borader man than I am with my longer arms, and maybe this works so well for him because of his build and won't work so well for me becase of mine...what do you all think?