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Thread: working out 2 major groups in one day at different times (dumb but serious question)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Question working out 2 major groups in one day at different times (dumb but serious question)

    im gonna go tubing on saturday and the gym wount be open early enough for me to go and it will be closed by the time i get home is there anything wrong with training one group early in the morning tomarrow and then another one later that night..... or should i just train them together ( i think that will be even worse) i was gonna hit my back in the morning and then my chest and shoulders later on that night....i just dont want to miss a workout.....and suggestion would be awsome...thanx guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    New York
    missing a workout isn't the end of the world, i know when people start lifting they get addicted, but it's better to take it easy and don't overlift so you don't injure yourself, you'll regret it in the long run, health is priority

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    you could just just change it up for one workout and superset chest with back.

    you can either superset within the same body part or you can train two different body parts, for the reason that each body part gets a little rest between sets, as you are always moving. Back/chest/shoulders all together would be a little demanding IMO...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    yea that was my thoughts as well....i usually work out my back alone on one day cause it is such a large group of muscles....i think im gonna just workout my back tonight and then in the morning jjust burn out on pushups....just to do somethng....cause if i dont get to workout for the day i feel like nothing has been accomplished not only in the gym but the day as a matter what else i do.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    i wouldn't work two major muscle groups in one day, just hit one really hard and then let the day off count as a day of rest, remember rest is where you build muscle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    true that.......ok for my dilemma..... i didnt work out back this week yet but my chest is one of thos body parts that needs some help as far as getting some jiggly off of im goin tubin tomarrow and it will prolly help tighten it up ever so slightly......should i just hit my chest this week and start with back on monday or should i do back tonight and just kill some pushups in the morning

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    do chest this week and start back on monday, for your chest try weighted dips for the last 3-4 sets, and the last two sets of dips do drop sets, as many as you can with weight, then as many as you can with your own body weight, great for chest development and helping to widen it a bit in my experience, i also do a variation on dips for triceps and it's amazing

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