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Thread: Murder. Is it something humans are incapable of not commiting?

  1. #1
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    Murder. Is it something humans are incapable of not commiting?

    Does it not shock some of you sometimes how easy murder can creep into the human heart? It reminds me of this monologue from Natural Born Killers.

    "Mickey: It's just murder. All God's creatures do it. You look in the forests and you see species killing other species, our species killing all species including the forests, and we just call it industry, not murder."

    Is killing the most natural thing in the world? Take what's happened in the news recently, The Washington Sniper recently sentenced to death, the killings at Ft Hood, the killings of the soldiers in Afghanistan by rogue policemen. We think it's evil all of those acts, and so we think the perpertators should be killed/executed as a result.

    Until the day I go upto someone, smash him in the fist and both our faces break, I think killing and murder will always be a part of the human race.

  2. #2
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    Murder and killing are different things

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I think killing and murder will always be a part of the human race.
    I'm going to have to agree. I can see myself wasting someone without remorse if the situation was appropriate

  4. #4
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    the power of will determines capability, when all the physical barriers are removed

    i think as a human race we are capable of peace

    we just need to unify our minds

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptAmericaX View Post
    Murder and killing are different things

  6. #6
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    killing to eat and survive as a species is different than murdering a guy for his possesions.....


  7. #7
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    Simple answer Yes, Long answer is still Yes.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Does it not shock some of you sometimes how easy murder can creep into the human heart? It reminds me of this monologue from Natural Born Killers.

    "Mickey: It's just murder. All God's creatures do it. You look in the forests and you see species killing other species, our species killing all species including the forests, and we just call it industry, not murder."

    Is killing the most natural thing in the world? Take what's happened in the news recently, The Washington Sniper recently sentenced to death, the killings at Ft Hood, the killings of the soldiers in Afghanistan by rogue policemen. We think it's evil all of those acts, and so we think the perpertators should be killed/executed as a result.

    Until the day I go upto someone, smash him in the fist and both our faces break, I think killing and murder will always be a part of the human race.
    Muslim related.
    the more it spreads, the more evil acte will be done on america.

    at least one of them will get his 72 virgins tonight as the state of VA does this world a favor.

  9. #9
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    Killing is natural and it will always be a part of the human experience.

    We are outdated machines that respond to evolutionary processess that started millions of years ago. The fact is murder/killing has had a direct link to surival for about 95% the entire time humans have been on this planet.
    The need to kill for survival is much less now, but the genes are still there and people will always respond to them (it would prob rationally take a couple million years of living in a "civilized" world before genes began to alter in disfavor of killing).

    Its funny how we demonize murderers in our modern world, but expecting noone to ever kill again would almost be like expecting noone to ever have sex again. The evolutionary forces are too strong for certain peoples concsious thought to fight. So they give in to the urge.

    When I think about it its scary cause I see the genes in myself. I think everyone has the genes just that in some people the genes are dormant, OR the urge to kill is weaker, OR the mental capacity to resist killing is stronger. Theres been times when I've felt and believed I truely was gonna kill someone, I never did, but as strong as the temptation can get I do understand murder completely.

    Even when you see something like some serial killers who just shoot children, as sick as it is, believe it or not those serial killers are enhancing their reproductive success. Those kids will fail to carry the genes of their father to new off spring, (their future kids) and the serial killer gives his genes a better shot to replicate. That dynamic would apply to when we lived in smaller tribes (population is too large now for it to enhance your success like it use to) but the circuitry and hardwiring is still in some peoples brains obviously.

    And believe it or not, we call murders "sociopaths" but I'd be willing to bet that the larger majority of them are actually just alpha males.

  10. #10
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    Ummm, I have ONE THING TO SAY....

    Killing is Easy, that is what makes it so dangerous.

    i am a man who feels NO REMORSE for his actions.. which makes me the most dangerous type of human. Capable of murder without blinking an eye.

    BUT !!

    Only if needed, like if someone raped my wife... or killed one or all of my kids... yes i would DISPATCH that bastard(s) to whichever God they pleased...

    but, the weird thing.. I am not diagnosable with any mental illness..there is no chapter for what I have. It's just called.. HATRED .. towards other humans... THAT do harm to me, or to my family...

    NO, I am not about to, or have killed anyone... I am just saying...

    Last edited by The Deuce; 11-10-2009 at 10:37 PM.

  11. #11
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    i believe Bo hit the nail right on the head. most of us on this board are probably alphas, and when you throw in the alpha hormone testosterone your get extreme alphas. its just and exaggerated form of our natural self. and a lot alpha personality traits in todays world is not widely accepted.

  12. #12
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    Killing is easy. Not getting caught is the hard part. I have been in situations where I may have killed someone if others hadn't been around to stop it. If someone pushes me far enough to fight I lose control of rationality and I don't stop until some makes me. It's like something takes over. I guess it's the gene bo spoke of?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Ummm, I have ONE THING TO SAY....

    Killing is Easy, that is what makes it so dangerous.

    i am a man who feels NO REMORSE for his actions.. which makes me the most dangerous type of human. Capable of murder without blinking an eye.

    BUT !!

    Only if needed, like if someone raped my wife... or killed one or all of my kids... yes i would DISPATCH that bastard(s) to whichever God they pleased...

    but, the weird thing.. I am not diagnosable with any mental illness..there is no chapter for what I have. It's just called.. HATRED .. towards other humans... THAT do harm to me, or to my family...

    NO, I am not about to, or have killed anyone... I am just saying...

    I do want to state one cold hard response to that last comment.

    No matter what any man has been through in his life,
    no matter what any man thinks he his capable of,
    no matter how vengeful any man may think he can get,

    NO MAN can say "killing is easy" untill that man has took a life himself.
    And one more thing I will say.
    In prison I got the opportunity to meet a lot of murderers, guys who you would think had no remorse, guys who prob thought themselves they would have no remorse. And I don't remember ever speaking to one who told me "killing is easy".

    Even in the event it was retribution for a horrific crime commited upon your family, you have to kinda wait till your 80 years old, sitting in a hospital bed taking your last breaths before you can REALLY say "killing is easy".

  14. #14
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    i can say killing was easy at the time. and thats when its matters. not afterwards. im speaking about Iraq btw so dont call your local pd

  15. #15
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    Bo I agree with your last post to a degree but many of the men you talked to in prison killed in cold blood not in protection or else they wouldn't have been there. Well atleast the ones with good attorneys. I have not killed but believe if it was to protect myself or a loved one I could without remorse. Especially if it was a kill or be killed situation.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    i can say killing was easy at the time. and thats when its matters. not afterwards. im speaking about Iraq btw so dont call your local pd
    Thats crazy man thanks for contributing!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Bo I agree with your last post to a degree but many of the men you talked to in prison killed in cold blood not in protection or else they wouldn't have been there. Well atleast the ones with good attorneys. I have not killed but believe if it was to protect myself or a loved one I could without remorse. Especially if it was a kill or be killed situation.
    Excellent point bro, had no considered that.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Ummm, I have ONE THING TO SAY....

    Killing is Easy, that is what makes it so dangerous.

    i am a man who feels NO REMORSE for his actions.. which makes me the most dangerous type of human. Capable of murder without blinking an eye.

    BUT !!

    Only if needed, like if someone raped my wife... or killed one or all of my kids... yes i would DISPATCH that bastard(s) to whichever God they pleased...

    but, the weird thing.. I am not diagnosable with any mental illness..there is no chapter for what I have. It's just called.. HATRED .. towards other humans... THAT do harm to me, or to my family...

    NO, I am not about to, or have killed anyone... I am just saying...

    Wow, You said it Deuce. I agree 100 % I too have a family, I wouldn't think twice about it.
    Last edited by Want_2_Get_BIG; 11-11-2009 at 12:37 AM.

  19. #19
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    i will kill all of you.....for fun

  20. #20
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    killing maybe easy for some people.
    but the question is when is all and done with, would there be real regret..

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    i will kill all of you.....for fun

  22. #22
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    your first ^

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    killing maybe easy for some people.
    but the question is when is all and done with, would there be real regret..
    regret cant undue death, sure most will feel regret later when its too late. but its way too late. when can feelings undue actions?

  24. #24
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    well thats the thing then, if some may feel regret then killing is not so easy .

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    your first ^

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    well thats the thing then, if some may feel regret then killing is not so easy .
    Quote Originally Posted by Want_2_Get_BIG View Post
    why you bringing collars mom into this now?

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    well thats the thing then, if some may feel regret then killing is not so easy .
    Lets just say, your a cop and you come home from night shift and someone is raping your wife, WHAT WOULD YOU DO!?!?!?!? Tell them to stop and call 911? NOOOO, You would shoot that son of a bish and then call 911 and not think twice about taking a life.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    why you bringing collars mom into this now?
    Sorry Collar, I meant Peachfuzzez MOM!

  29. #29
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    oh ofcourse dont get me wrong, anger and rage will take over and you do what you have to do.

    but some are saying its just like an easy thing to do, i believe not really it can tourment someone for rest of their lives.

    but i understand in the moment for sure, you go ape shit..

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Want_2_Get_BIG View Post
    Sorry Collar, I meant Peachfuzzez MOM!

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    oh ofcourse dont get me wrong, anger and rage will take over and you do what you have to do.

    but some are saying its just like an easy thing to do, i believe not really it can tourment someone for rest of their lives.

    but i understand in the moment for sure, you go ape shit..
    Thats all I am sayin! And for the record, I was talkin about peachfuzz's mom

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Want_2_Get_BIG View Post
    Thats all I am sayin! And for the record, I was talkin about peachfuzz's mom
    yeah man no big deal, its forum cant take any of this stuff personal even if it was directed at me.

    but thanks for clearing it up hehe.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    OK, IM sorry fuzz

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Want_2_Get_BIG View Post
    : OK, IM sorry fuzz
    me too. why would i wanna kill my AR family? Id kill for you guys!

  36. #36
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    do it... go on do it.... do it. do it..


  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    well thats the thing then, if some may feel regret then killing is not so easy .
    your not seeing the point. you have 2 different actions. one being killing and the other is regret. who cares if someone regrets it! if someone breaks into your mothers house and kills her in her sleep would you care if the killer felt regret? im willing to bet the farm you could care less. you would only think of the killing aspect. so if someone killed and felt regret the they might not kill again. but they still killed someone. you pulling this regret card is like being p1ssed that your were cremated instead of being buried. its doesnt matter. whats gone is gone.

  38. #38
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    i wouldnt find killing anyone easy......if someone hurt my close friends and family..i dont know what i would be capable of.....i would kill if i had to i.e defending myself or family...i hope it never comes to that..

    im reading a book called the iceman...and that bloke has no regrets or feelings of guilt..

  39. #39
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    I once killed a guy that was drunk and crossed the road without watching... I was driving and came to a red robot doing about 60km/h, he walked infront of me, i went into him and he flew over the hood.
    It was horrible. But touch my family/dogs and ill put u to sleep permanently.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    killing maybe easy for some people.
    but the question is when is all and done with, would there be real regret..
    there you go!

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