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Thread: My Shoulder workout

  1. #1

    My Shoulder workout

    Hello, this is my new shoulder workout please could you give me some help? Im 20, ive been training seriously only 3 months. Ive done bits in the past but nothing continuous. Im 12 and a half stone and about a stone overweight. And im tryin to build mass and strength, here it is...

    Seated Dumbell Press: 4 x 8
    Rear Delt Raises: 4 x 8
    Sides: 4 x 8
    Fronts: 4 x 8
    And i do High Rows for my traps on this day: 4 x 8

    Is this ok? Do i need more than one press?

    Also here is my back/bicep day routine

    Deadlifts: 4 x 8
    then again, for my traps i do shrugs here: 4 x 8
    Wide Grip Pullups: 4 x as many as i could do (which turned out to be pathetic)
    Close Grip Lat Pull Downs (using the triangle bar): 4 x 8
    Seated Rows: 4 x 8

    Incline Dumbell Curls: 4 x 8 - failure sets
    EZ Bar Preacher Curls: 4 x 8 - failure sets

    Any help would be appreciated, im clueless, these are workout ive put together from reading the net. thanks, John

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    The Beach
    The shoulder routine looks good. I would add standing or seated Barbell presses.
    Add shrugs on either day.

    Pullups are hard at first. What I did was everytime I was in the gym I would do one set as many times as I could, except on backday, do 3 sets to failure.
    As far as deads and presses go up in weight every set as heavy as you can go. You will only grow if you lift hard and heavy. Even if you cant go to heavy, every workout put what you can do for 1 or 2 and do it.
    So your body can feel that heavyweight. It will get used to it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Its not a Shoulder workout with out Shrugs.. I found it hard to hold onto the bar in order to get the right amount of weight to make it effective so i got these really handy wrist wraps that had a hook on them.. you can get really cheap wrist wraps almost anywhere.. regardless, make sure you do shrugs..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    boone, n.c.
    yeah bro add another press. and you might want to even consider taking out one of the isolation lifts. reason being the presses are going to build more strength and mass than frontal raises. but others may say different

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnGreig89 View Post
    Hello, this is my new shoulder workout please could you give me some help? Im 20, ive been training seriously only 3 months. Ive done bits in the past but nothing continuous. Im 12 and a half stone and about a stone overweight. And im tryin to build mass and strength, here it is...

    Seated Dumbell Press: 4 x 8
    Rear Delt Raises: 4 x 8
    Sides: 4 x 8
    Fronts: 4 x 8
    And i do High Rows for my traps on this day: 4 x 8

    Is this ok? Do i need more than one press?

    Also here is my back/bicep day routine

    Deadlifts: 4 x 8
    then again, for my traps i do shrugs here: 4 x 8
    Wide Grip Pullups: 4 x as many as i could do (which turned out to be pathetic)
    Close Grip Lat Pull Downs (using the triangle bar): 4 x 8 Is this CG Reverse Pulldown?
    Seated Rows: 4 x 8
    I'dd add one more rowing movement since you are utilizing 2 movements that specifically recruit your lats. Make it balanced. Dumbell or Barbell Row perhaps.

    Incline Dumbell Curls: 4 x 8 - failure sets Replace this with Spider Curls. I find any sort of Incline work recruiting your biceps puts unnecessary strain on the muscle. Injury/tear waiting to happen dude..
    EZ Bar Preacher Curls: 4 x 8 - failure sets Fine, although I would replace it with your standard BB Curl. Nothing beats this in terms of mass.

    Any help would be appreciated, im clueless, these are workout ive put together from reading the net. thanks, John
    In regards to deltoids. Most people I have trained or have seen throughout the years have overdeveloped anterior fibers that completely over power their posterior and lateral fibers. If this is the case with you, I see no reason to add 2 presses. Focus on your side/rear fibers while using 1 pressing movement.

    Remember, pectoral pressing movements (flat/incline) also recruit your anterior fibers. So don't ever think they are being neglected with only 1 pressing movement.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    boone, n.c.
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    In regards to deltoids. Most people I have trained or have seen throughout the years have overdeveloped anterior fibers that completely over power their posterior and lateral fibers. If this is the case with you, I see no reason to add 2 presses. Focus on your side/rear fibers while using 1 pressing movement.

    Remember, pectoral pressing movements (flat/incline) also recruit your anterior fibers. So don't ever think they are being neglected with only 1 pressing movement.
    yeah thats a good point bro. just thinking in the terms of more weight=more size. but good call i stand corrected

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