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Thread: Arms Size Difference! help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    ab, canada

    Arms Size Difference! help

    Age 23
    Weight 160lbs
    Location Canada
    cycles 0
    Working out for 8 years
    body fat, aprox. 12-15%
    arms 15 in.
    waist. 32 in
    max bench.3 reps 220
    sports played, lacrosse, beginner bodybuilding
    I apologize If I ask inapropriate Q's and for spelling mistakes.

    Hi Everybody,
    Thanks for stopping by,
    I am Left handed, My Right Bicep and tricep is larger then opposite bi/tri.
    there is a small difference in strength but the most noticable difference is in size the same Goes for my left pectoris/chest, is larger then my right.
    what can I do about It?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    concord nc
    whats your workout consist of?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    ab, canada
    Work out schedual.
    days on 4-5 with 2-3 days off,
    wednesdays I workout legs and go swimming,
    thursdays I stretch and recovery from legs.
    friday is core and stabilityand balance exercises,
    saturday biceps and forearms
    sunday lats, rear deltiod and trap/ upper back
    monday, chest and triceps
    have a gym at home and wednesdays go to the local gym/pool to exercise.
    the last six months I have really hit a platue and need to get out of it now!!!
    I did stop working out for two months from nov15- jan 15, and didnt loose any strength or mucle, but did gain a little fat around lower abs and love handles. my metabolism is med-high and i can eat what ever I want at my age i have noticed. looking to get up to 170 and lean by summer Help!!!

    There is a bit about me, what do you think? is a good course of action?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    concord nc
    doesnt sound like a bad plan, its your actual lifting is where your problem is. im sure when your lifting, lets say bench, and your working out hard you notice one arm will start to go up while the other lags. am i right? if so this is because without thinking we are relying or using our dominate hand/arm/pec more then the other.

    easy fix just need to be doing some more dumbbell lifts so this way you are forcing the side that is lacking to handle all the weight. (id advise to have a spotter while doing dumbbell press or you might end up with one to the face) now this goes the same with your arms when doing curls.

    now to even up the size and strength....find a weight that you can only do about 5reps with and try to get about 3set with doing that weight. but when you do this your not going to want to workout your dominate side to its max or you will remain with uneven size and strengths. your just trying to let the one side catch up. if this is confusing let me know

    btw how tall are you and hows your diet? what are some exercises that you do as well?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    ab, canada
    thanks for the suggestion's
    Not confusing at all. I am 5' 9 inches.
    Diet Here is a typical day gerneralized
    1.5 to 2 grams protein per lean bodymass per day. 30-50 grams of protein per meal. Try to get 5 to 6 meals in a day
    Morning 8 am- oatmeal with brown sugar and glass of milk+ isoflex 2 eggs
    lunch- sandwich and soup,usually salad
    snack,mutantmass 1000 calories 52 g protien
    dinner brown rice or whole wheat pastaor quinou, 12 oz. chicken or pork or beef. 2 steamed or raw vegtables and salad with lots of variety

    this meal plan is very typical to my diet, I dont eat this every day but very close too.

    I will follow you suggestions for training, I follow mostly the same exercises per muscle group for about three months then take a week of and hit my body again with a different vareity of exercises. this get me sore again. like the first time lifting all over again. for my weaker arm with doing that weight to start 5reps with and try to get about 3set
    and them followd by the regular routine
    for chest weaker side heavy dumbell press 0 degrees and a 45 degrees with the other arm holding a equal or lesser wieght for balance.
    5reps with and try to get about 3set
    I will let ppl know how this works out. thanks again 9za4ck4

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    concord nc
    no problem, if you want help with your diet i would try posting it in the diet section. theres some really good guys here that can really help with that. damienm05 and gbrice are a two that i know that really know there stuff. how all goes well good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Agree with the above comment about they guys on here

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    Switch over to dumbbells. On arms start with your weak arm and only do as many reps with your strong arm as your weak could do. Also switch to db's on chest. Pic a weight that feels comfortable for both sides and keep the movement even. I had the same problem with my arms and my Lats and have fixed both this way.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Pre exhaust your bis and tris with dbell exercises before you move to bbell exercises. By exhausting those muscles before you move onto your true mass building exercises, you ensure your dominant arm isn't doing more work. Did this for a couple months and it worked for me to get things more even.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    ab, canada
    great posts everyone thanks for the advice

  11. #11
    Unilateral movements dumbbell,one arm cables,and then finish off with a bi-lateral movements.

  12. #12
    I got the exact same problem... , for the past 4 months i have been ONLY working out wiht dumbells and the sizes still differ... im right handed so i would consider the right side to be more dominant then the left but im getting the exact opposite. when i work out example: chest my left arm is lagging and right arm is steady but im getting the left chest more "pumped" and it even looks slightly bigger then right one, same problem with bicep, tricep, lat.... its making me a real it a good idea to be doing the weaker side with heavier weight or stick to the same for both??? any help is appreciated....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    newport richey fl
    i guess this is a common problem im right handed but my left side was by far stronger i always thought it was from breaking my collar bone i spent 1 year using dumbbells only to bring everything even this was before i knew about this website haha

    your best bet is to stick to dumbbell movements same weight for both left and right side and after you exhaust that given body part if you want to switch to a barbell go for it

    iv noticed after my warm up set i do say bis ill end with a negative set and up the weight by 20 pounds its the only way i seem to get a pump anymore being natty lol

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