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Thread: ryo's workout for strength

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    ryo's workout for strength

    my workout at the moment is:

    the idea is
    (1)to train do only 2 exercises per muscle group each day and to give it all in those...

    (2) to train each muscle possibly more than 1 day per week to gain strength

    (3) to use basic exercises most of the time

    number or sets and reps not really defined, sets around 4 to 6 and reps depending on the excercise, but I usually go on until I feel either the muscle has been worked (reps drop) or too tired, anyway like I have read in Arnold's Encycloopedia I choose the weigth so that it feels the right one and then I do as many reps I can in good form


    incline dumbbell bench press
    1 arm rows
    close grip bench press
    lat machine superset (wide then rest then close grip)
    pulley with wide bar


    military press
    pulley with triangle
    shoulder press with dumbbells
    read delt row
    weighted abs
    L flies


    bent over rows
    skull crushers
    standing bar curl
    reverse grip ez bar curl


    military press
    squats to parallel
    lateral raises
    stiff legged deadlift (well I bend the legs slightly)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    Why only stiff legged deadlifts?

    Where is barbell flat benchpress?

    I would replace lat pulldowns with pullups.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    1 Why only stiff legged deadlifts?

    2 Where is barbell flat benchpress?

    3 I would replace lat pulldowns with pullups.
    hi there

    well I had a leg injury (my tibia broke due to infection) and I just started squatting, I didn't want to do deads to soon

    plus my old personal trainer told me I need to strenghten my lower back first (before starting the full deadlift again)

    2 I dropped it because I couldn't progress with strength plus I have an imbalance (right pec bigger).... is it that important? I am still doing the close grip bench press

    3 well I was doing them but someone told me that I shouldn't (my form was not good) until I get to lift my bodyweight at the lat machine. what do you think?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by cloud_strife View Post
    my workout at the moment is:

    the idea is
    (1)to train do only 2 exercises per muscle group each day and to give it all in those...

    (2) to train each muscle possibly more than 1 day per week to gain strength

    (3) to use basic exercises most of the time

    number or sets and reps not really defined, sets around 4 to 6 and reps depending on the excercise, but I usually go on until I feel either the muscle has been worked (reps drop) or too tired, anyway like I have read in Arnold's Encycloopedia I choose the weigth so that it feels the right one and then I do as many reps I can in good form


    incline dumbbell bench press
    1 arm rows
    close grip bench press
    lat machine superset (wide then rest then close grip)
    pulley with wide bar


    military press
    pulley with triangle
    shoulder press with dumbbells
    read delt row
    weighted abs
    L flies


    bent over rows
    skull crushers
    standing bar curl
    reverse grip ez bar curl


    military press
    squats to parallel
    lateral raises
    stiff legged deadlift (well I bend the legs slightly)

    Age 29
    Height 5 ft 10 inch (177 cm)
    Weight 169 lbs (or 77kg )
    Bf% I suppose around 13%

    Cycle history

    I did 2 cycles, if I remember right in 2007 deca 200mg winstrol tabs 30 mg per week for 4 weeks and then deca 200mg sustanon 275 mg for 4 additional weeks - that worked
    in summer 2008 I did a cycle with deca 275 mg and sustanon 325 mg for 10 weeks and that didn't work, I think the gear was bogus
    then I did a small cycle with anavar only in january 2009 with gave me good results (not much muscle but good shape)

    Years training i restarted in 2007 til now, I trained in 2003 to 2006 as well

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by cloud_strife View Post
    hi there

    well I had a leg injury (my tibia broke due to infection) and I just started squatting, I didn't want to do deads to soon

    plus my old personal trainer told me I need to strenghten my lower back first (before starting the full deadlift again)

    2 I dropped it because I couldn't progress with strength plus I have an imbalance (right pec bigger).... is it that important? I am still doing the close grip bench press

    3 well I was doing them but someone told me that I shouldn't (my form was not good) until I get to lift my bodyweight at the lat machine. what do you think?
    If you're rehabbing from an injury then yeah take it easy. I wouldn't say don't do deadlifts as they will strengthen everything involved like no other exercise. I will say take it SLOW. Don't try to go up in weight really fast. There's no race going on here.

    Try a dynamic bench press exercise. Every set change your grip. Rotate between 17", 22", and 36".

    Set 1: x reps 17" grip
    Set 2: x reps 22" grip
    Set 3: x reps 36" grip
    Set 4: x reps 17" grip
    Set 5: x reps 22" grip
    Set 6: x reps 36" grip


    That will increase strength and should take care of any imbalance you have.

    IMO, there is no replacement for pull ups. Just keep trying until you can do them. Lat pulldown machines are a sorry replacement for the real deal. Don't listen to some retard who tells you to stop because your form is bad, rather than helping you correct your form. What an ass that guy must be.

    I've just recently, in the last 24 weeks started using pull ups a lot. They are so awesome.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    If you're rehabbing from an injury then yeah take it easy. I wouldn't say don't do deadlifts as they will strengthen everything involved like no other exercise. I will say take it SLOW. Don't try to go up in weight really fast. There's no race going on here.

    Try a dynamic bench press exercise. Every set change your grip. Rotate between 17", 22", and 36".

    Set 1: x reps 17" grip
    Set 2: x reps 22" grip
    Set 3: x reps 36" grip
    Set 4: x reps 17" grip
    Set 5: x reps 22" grip
    Set 6: x reps 36" grip


    That will increase strength and should take care of any imbalance you have.

    IMO, there is no replacement for pull ups. Just keep trying until you can do them. Lat pulldown machines are a sorry replacement for the real deal. Don't listen to some retard who tells you to stop because your form is bad, rather than helping you correct your form. What an ass that guy must be.

    I've just recently, in the last 24 weeks started using pull ups a lot. They are so awesome.
    hey thanks so my improved training will be:
    monday (pecs, back)

    flat bench 6 sets with different grips 17'' to 36'' (twice)
    1 arm rows
    incline dumbbell bench press
    lat machine superset (wide then rest then close grip)
    close grip bench press
    pulley with wide bar

    tuesday (shoulders, rear shoulders, back)

    military press
    pulley with triangle
    shoulder press with dumbbells
    rear delt row
    weighted abs
    L flies

    thursday (pecs, back, arms)

    bent over rows
    skull crushers
    standing bar curl
    reverse grip ez bar curl

    friday (legs, back, shoulders)

    military press
    squats to parallel
    pulls ups
    lateral raises
    regular deadlift

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    That looks better. Just make sure you watch your sets so you don't get into overtraining. You've got a lot of exercises in there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    thank you... what range of sets is statistically best? i usally do 18-24 per workout

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    If your goal is strength I think your workout is far from optimal.

    Non assisted lifters generally see results from 9-12 sets perk week per major muscle group. Reps are dictated by goal (which will dictate the load). Yup that's it. As you get more advanced moving to around 15 sets should be more than enough. Remember these are working sets, not warm ups.

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