How often and what should i do for bigger traps?
How often and what should i do for bigger traps?
Barbell shrugs, dumbbell shrugs, upright rowsOriginally Posted by abstetic
Those and also give overhead shrugs a shot, they target upper traps!Originally Posted by Razor
bigger traps make your delts look smaller.. not worth it IMO
Shrugs, shrugs and more shrugs. I am a firm believer until someone can prove me wrong that you can hit small muscle like biceps, triceps, traps etc. 2x week. So I get em on Back day (Mon) and I get em on leg day (Fri).
Mockery has a point which is why I target my delts as well.
Don't get so carried away with the amount of weight. Do full ROM reps. Stand in front of the mirror if you can. I see guys doing "shrugs" with 405 when they aren't even moving the bar an inch with their traps but they getting a great calf workout. Add weight when you don't sacrifice form.
Agreed 100 percent...6 to 7 sets of heavy but controlled shoulder shrugs,full range of motion squeezing at the top and bringing the weight down slow is the way to go.Best trap exercise imo
Brahs thanks I still feel my traps since Sunday.. Hopefully they will get bigger
You should try heavy back workouts too...barbell rows with a slight angle worked for me
I hit em twice a week. Heavy BB shrugs after deads, bent over bb's, good mornings. Then db shrugs for reps on another day.
What sort or reps are you guys doing? I'm doing 15 slow holding at the top, then 5 fast due to my grip going. Form it good but think I need straps really to take the load off my fingers. Getting a good pull and ache after evey set but only doing 5 sets. (140kg weight aswel)
I don't know what this exercise is called but what you do is /hold a barbell with both hands in the center of the bar (nuckles facing out) then you rise the bar up to your chin, and then back down, on the way down concentrate on flexing your traps.
Those bad Boys get me real good!
Last edited by 951thompson; 09-07-2012 at 12:53 PM.
Upright rows?
Yeah that's maybe what there called, not sure lolOriginally Posted by digsy1983
I do them, but don't have my hands on the middle of the bar. Keep them as fairly wide so I can't favour 1 arm over the other.
One word : Deadlifts
Sounds good, my traps grow really fast, so I take it easy on them or they will look out of proportion with the rest of my body lol I don't need to do much to them they just grow like mad, wish the rest of my body would grow so easy lolOriginally Posted by digsy1983
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