Hi Guys
How you all doing I have come over from sorting out my macros/diet and what I need for daily intake, i just want you guys to see how I'm lifting and if you can tell me where I'm going wrong.
Also I'm in training for the climb to Mt Everest Base Camp plus 300meters up further so you can see I'm doing legs every other day not sure if this is a bad or good thing.
I'm going to hymalayers in Oct.
i have come down from 99.7kg to 96.4ish since start of June but I work offshore and food is crap.
This is what I'm doing ?
Mon - Chest
Flat bench press 2 warm up sets followed by 4 sets ending on about 70-80kg 12,10,10,8
Incline Dumbell press 4 sets 40Lb 12,10,10,8
Incline Flys 4 sets 25Lb
Close grip push downs 4 sets 20kg 12,12,10,10
Dips 4 sets as many as I can do in all sets
Over head curl 4 sets 15kg 10,10,8,8
40min run and 20min speed walking
I speed walk at 4.5mph
Tue - Shoulders
Military dumbbell press 2 warm up sets followed by 4 sets 30lb 12,10,10,8
Dumbell side raises 4 sets 20lb 12,10,10,8
Up right rows 4 sets 24kg 12,10,10,8
Squats 2 warm up sets followed with 4 sets same weight on all sets 40kg 12,10,10,8
Leg extensions 4 sets 45kg
Reverse leg extensions 4 sets 35kg
Leg press 4 sets 60kg
Wed - Back
Bent over rows 2 warm up sets followed by 4 sets 30kg 12,10,10,8
Lat pull downs 4 sets 45kg 12,10,10,8
Bent over one arm bum bell row 4 sets 40lb
Ez bar curls 2 warm up sets followed by 4 sets 30kg 12,10,10,8
Concentration curls 4 sets 25lb 12,10,10,8
Hammer curls 4 sets 30lb 12,10,10,8
40min run 20 min speed walk
I speed walk at 4.5mph
I repeat this program again Thur, Fri, Sat then take Sunday off any critics and will be much appreciated.