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This is a common criticism of dbol, but it doesn't paint the entire picture.
Yes dbol brings a lot of water weight from the estrogen. Yes, you shed a ton of that after coming off.
It also brings strength gains for most of us. Like, where the hell did these extra reps come from? Oh yeah, the dbol.
This strength, if you plan properly, translates into either extra reps with your current weights or the same reps with higher weights. This translates, again, if you plan your cycle properly, into extra muscle stimulus, the results of which DO stick around after you come off dbol.
Some people take dbol thinking "all I gots to do is lift and i will get swole" (those people also probably think the same thing about SARMs). They are sorely disappointed. Just like any AAS, it has it's place, and we have to be smart about when (or even if) to use it.