I have posted a couple of times before ranting about gym etiquette. Well, yesterday has to take the cake. I was just about finished for the day and I went to the dumbell rack looking for some 30's to do some tricep kickbacks. I couldn't find any on the whole rack. I looked around and saw two guys each using a pair of 30's. In the middle of the room there were a bunch of dumbells scattered all over the place. There were a pair of 30's there but I didn't want to take them in case someone was using them and just went to get some water or something. I waited about a minute and kept looking around to see if anyone would make eye contact with me saying "hey buddy, I'm using those". Nothing. So I took them - putting one back on the rack and used the other for my kickbacks.
Well, I'm into my second set and some guy comes charging over, looking at the the numbers on the dumbells everyone is using. He then goes to me "HEY! Where's you get that dumbell?"
I told him I got it over there with the mess of other dumbells. He says "Who said you could take that? They were my dumbells."
I said "Sorry man, I looked around to see if anyone was claiming them and I thought they were just left out."
See, I actually apologized to the guy. But this guy was steaming at me. He told me that ALL of those dumbells over there were his (there were 6 or 7 pair) and that "no one touches them until I SAY they can touch them."
What's with this guy? I can go on in more detail, but to make a long story short, he threatened to kick my ass. That surprised me as he seems to weigh about 165 and I'm 290. I apologized about 5 more times until he just pissed me off so I sort of threw the dumbell at him as I gave it back to him. The guy next to me just finished with his pair, so he gave them to me.
First of all, I know this guy is an asshole as I apologized several times. But I have a question. If I see dumbells in the open floor again, what actions am I obliged to take before I take them?