I tried to start working out about a year or 2 ago, and never really got into it. I have been pretty serious about it for the last 6 months. Here is some info on me.
I just turned 20 years old.
203 lbs with an unimpressive BF perecentage
45.5 in chest
11.6 in forearm
15.2 in bicep
14 in tricep
41 in around belly button/hip area (I'm working on it!)
15.3 in calves.
Lately I have been working out each body part once a week. I usually do 6 different types of exercises per body part with 3 sets of 5 reps. I have seen decent gains strengthwise but not really to much muscular development.
My diet is as follows
Breakfast: 60 gram protein shake + milk
Mid-morning snack (2 hours later): 2 26g protein bars
Lunch: Tuna sandwich, cottage cheese, milk
Post Workout: 60 gram protein shake + milk
Midafternoon snack: Turkey sandwich and milk
Dinner: Usually a tuna or chicken sandwich, cottage cheese, chips, milk
Before bed: 60 gram protein shake + milk
I believe I am getting enough nutrients to get big, so I decided to change my workout up a bit. I bought Arnold's Modern Bodybuilding Encyclopedia and am going to begin the beginners workout which consists of primarily 3 exercises per body part, 3 times a week (ex. Chest MWF Incline, Bench, Cables). I am going to do this until I get some size. Any other advice you all could offer would be great, whether a change in diet, lifts or suppelments is welcome. Thanks!