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Thread: Tell me how I'm doin!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Oklahoma, USA

    Tell me how I'm doin!

    I tried to start working out about a year or 2 ago, and never really got into it. I have been pretty serious about it for the last 6 months. Here is some info on me.
    I just turned 20 years old.
    203 lbs with an unimpressive BF perecentage
    45.5 in chest
    11.6 in forearm
    15.2 in bicep
    14 in tricep
    41 in around belly button/hip area (I'm working on it!)
    15.3 in calves.

    Lately I have been working out each body part once a week. I usually do 6 different types of exercises per body part with 3 sets of 5 reps. I have seen decent gains strengthwise but not really to much muscular development.

    My diet is as follows
    Breakfast: 60 gram protein shake + milk
    Mid-morning snack (2 hours later): 2 26g protein bars
    Lunch: Tuna sandwich, cottage cheese, milk
    Post Workout: 60 gram protein shake + milk
    Midafternoon snack: Turkey sandwich and milk
    Dinner: Usually a tuna or chicken sandwich, cottage cheese, chips, milk
    Before bed: 60 gram protein shake + milk

    I believe I am getting enough nutrients to get big, so I decided to change my workout up a bit. I bought Arnold's Modern Bodybuilding Encyclopedia and am going to begin the beginners workout which consists of primarily 3 exercises per body part, 3 times a week (ex. Chest MWF Incline, Bench, Cables). I am going to do this until I get some size. Any other advice you all could offer would be great, whether a change in diet, lifts or suppelments is welcome. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    damn bro your diet isnt very good...and dont do that arnold split because its much better to work each bodypart once a week...go to the diet forum and choose one of the diets up top and see which best fits your goals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    sonoma county
    i think its better to get your protein from clean foods not depending on your shakes. there arent any real meals in your diet

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    With that amount of protein shake you will be sh1tting yourself every few hours without warning

    BigRandy's right. You want to get actual protein from proper food that gives fibre to your diet. All the liquid shakes will just slop through without being slowed down and absorptoin won't take place.

    You say your working on your waist, but thats not scientifically possible if you are trying to bulk at the same time. Either lose weight or gain muscle. I'd say you should lose weight first because you will see the resutls of gaining muscle better and it will keep you dedicated.
    Last edited by Flexor; 09-20-2005 at 08:34 AM.

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