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Thread: How do you stay motivated when you work out alone?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    How do you stay motivated when you work out alone?

    I unfortuantely have to work out alone because everyone at my school is a bum. None of my friends lift at my level so that they could push me. So I am wondering what others do to stay motivated when you don't have someone next to you telling you that you can get that last rep. I feel my training is suffering from it and I want it to stop. Any quotes or visualization techniques that can help me stay focused and keep my intensity up. Everyone's 2 cents are welcomed I am in desperate need of some assistance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    think about getting big for the women and also realize working out makes you healthier inside and out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    think of yourself as the lonesome hero on it's way to excellence

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    This might sound stupid but, try to make everyone think how the fuck can he lift that much weight, that works for me cause I'm not really that big of a guy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I usually lift alone. Luckily I can see all the hotties in bikinis swimming in the pool outside the gym. Talk about motivation.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Home at last
    Music. Loud.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    The land of stars
    I agree with Pad. Put on some headphones and turn up the volume. I myself prefer to loft alone, I don't like to talk while I lift. If I need a spot I grab some kid and have him help me.

    But a walkman, preferable CD, is a must.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    I like to lift alone at home, no distractions, just me against the weight. I keep motivated by keeping a detailed log. Every time through my split I am trying to up the weight or reps. I have a love for lifting. I can't wait to get home, change clothes, and have at it. I feel bad if I don't do it.

  9. #9
    I have the terminator/predator dvds, I watch my favorite scenes before I workout.
    The first scene in terminator when he walks into the bar is the best non-gun action sequence ever, the cyberdyne building shootout is the best gun action s. ever I also love when you see the terminator drop the roses and say "Get down" to john connor and then started fighting with the t-1000.
    I also gave ufc highlight videos of tank abbott with awesome music.

    I always workout alone....

    Girls don't like guys with big muscles.... brad pitt/george cloony/matt damon.... their all skinny bastards!
    Thats not the reason to workout hardcore.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Originally posted by z67enforcer

    Girls don't like guys with big muscles.... brad pitt/george cloony/matt damon.... their all skinny bastards!

    The fact that they are multi millionairs and world famous movie stars might have something to do with that. Not the muscles.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    What works for me is to just picture myself.

    If you feel unmotivated walk up to the mirrors and lift your shirt up, if your like most of us you can always find something that needs improvment.

    You mentioned your in school, have a picture of yourself in your locker so everytime you open it you see yourself. As time goes by put more pictures up so you can see your progress.

    If your looking for more stimulants while at the gym they buy an Mp3 player and download all the songs that get you going. Good music plus a good ECA stack keep me going at the gym.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Land of milk and honey.

    Movies are a good way to get hyped about training. I can take and watch the first fight scene in Blade and then move through all the great fight scenes on the DVD in about 15 minutes. Nothing more motivating then to watch a 5th degree black belt that is ripped, kick some butt. I would love to have the type of definition that Mr. Snipes has as well as flexibilty and fighting skill.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    The land of stars
    Originally posted by Vegas Kid

    The fact that they are multi millionairs and world famous movie stars might have something to do with that. Not the muscles.
    I couldn't agree with you more Vegas!

  14. #14
    The mirror.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    mirror and loud music

  16. #16
    Crowds get me going. When i'm alone in a crowd, i get anxiety, and my fight or flight response kicks in. I'm not one to flee, so i have all this andrenalin kicking that i put into my workout. Can be a bit dangerous though, since there are times when i feel like smashing somebody over the head with a dime plate... but overall, it's a benefit.

    And definitely mirrors. Whether with a partner or alone, with a mirror i workout 25% better.

    Music of course helps too.

  17. #17
    Yeah blade is awesome, I'll tell ya... that snipes has some athletism. He's almost perfect.... I've seen him box like a pro in money train(I know how to box so I could tell... he was hitting the double end bag like a pro), he's got huge ripped muscles(for a normal person ect.. not ifbb), and could probably run the 40 in amazing time and we all know how he can play b-ball... of course that's probably due to the fact he's black.

    I remember when blade flies in the air at the ending scene and puts his sword to the ground...awesome.

    "The fact that they are multi millionairs and world famous movie stars might have something to do with that. Not the muscles. "

    LOL!, but seriously I've showed pictures of ronnie coleman to girls and 100% say he looks disgusting. I'm just saying their is a lot more to lifting than the opposite sex... like pushing your body to the limits, throwing the extra weight on the compound exercises every week...ect.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Brooklyn N.Y
    to keep me say before a set of bench pressing ill think of lets say arnold who has a big chest ....and while im pressing i just say in my mind " chest like arnolds , chest like arnolds "
    Im not exact on quoting arnold but he said something like when he worked his biceps he pictured it filling up the room.....also getting ripped for the beach hypes me up ........

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Pretend your football player that lives in the country... thinkabout you running over everyone in football.. and all the shock of faces watching u crush them... then halftime taking ur shirt off and spashing water over urself.. image chicks watching the water drip down your body to ur abs... then image yourself with a farm hat against leaning against a walla or farm gate.. and one leg bent against it and people taking black/white shots for a magazine..

    ok i cant tell u all my dreams

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Brown Bear................Are you Indian perhaps? I have a friend with that name!!

    Well, I'm just evil and need no motivation. The mirrow is a good thing for me to. A whole lots of load Rock (ACDC and OZZY O) get me fired up.

    Big R

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I am more motavated when i train alone, it's all about focus, when i am driving to gym i am planing my exercises, thinking about how much how many etc.. so when I walk in I am ready to go. You HAVE to train with heart in order to grow and reach your goals, also having some set goals in very important. You need a reason to train and eat, etc.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2002
    i agree with Padawan, loud music! gets me pumped,im in my own little world

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    ahh thats easy

    i look at myself nude and BANG to the gym i go hehe

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    West Coast
    To stay motivated, I think about the "one-armed push-up" scene from the movie G.I. Jane!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Like BigD said, the mirror is the best motivator!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I will agree with all of you the mirror does help. The mini pose downs in between sets when ou got the "pump" going, now I actually found someone that has a passion like me he is about 140lbs and lookin to bulk up. He keeps me motivated because I see how far I have come in just a couple of years. Oh and BIG R Brown Bear is a nickname I got from a couple of my coaches. My last name is brown and I am kinda like a bear. They just go together.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Go to the search button and look up a post in the educational threads called "Training the Mind" Part 1 and Training the Mind part 2. There is a load of info that will help you get over these periods. The important thing is to be able to reconize this and respond accordingly. Each of us have different motivational techniques that work to keep us focoused. It is important to remember that this should not reflect any negative ideas about ones detitcation to their training. Everyone will hit these times of motivational depression so to speak. You are only human after all. It's what you do once you realize the problem that counts. Good luck.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Up in the D
    How I stay motivated when training by myself:

    1. Unleash all the rage I have pent up.
    a. Listen to music that makes me feel aggressive
    b. Take an ECA and a Diet Soda before training
    2. Set Short, Intermediate, and Long Range Goals
    3. Create a focused training environment

    Last edited by Ermantroudt; 06-15-2002 at 08:09 AM.

  29. #29
    Think of it in weeks, you get through this week then take a rest day (one) that dosent mean eat your weight but you get the idea then next week you do the same.

    and also remember that the better you get by yourself the more people will be shocked when they actually see you lift

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Thanks everyone for your ideas. Now I have a lot to think about I think that my training will increase now to a higher intensity. With your help I hopefully can keep it there for a while now. In the end I guess some tunes and some mirrors can help, but to me I think its basically all attitude. What I have started to realize is that I am already ahead of all the people that don't lift weights or work out. I have realized that I am making the choice to better myself, and you can't really go wrong once you have made that choice. Thanks again for everyones thought and opinions.

  31. #31
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    May 2002
    for my modivation I play really crazy music it gets me pumped up and I can go for ever. And for long term modivation think about what You will look like in 5 years if you keep working out thte way you do

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    in da gym

    Thumbs up

    i stay motivated cuz i know one day when i look in that mirror i will be supa huge!!!!!


  33. #33
    that is my same problem. i cant do this because im stil living at home but your you turn the music on loud with some good beats also have water next to you. have a posters of hot chicks all around you and maybe one poster of a guy (im not gay) thinking if you keep lifint you will have the muscle he does.

  34. #34
    whenever i realize that i dont have much enthusiasm about my lifting, or if i start to get that (((is this all worth it?))) attitude when shit gets tough, i sit down and close my eyes and think about the reality of it all. you train for a purpose, or a goal. Whether your goal is to become Mr. O, to bench press 300 pounds, or lose 25lbs of fat, the fact is that there are other more important things in life, and you would only be wasting valuable time if you dont give it your all every time you set foot in the weight room. you live life once, by making every possible effort to succeed in everything that you do, there can be no regret.

  35. #35
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    Las Vegas
    I look down at my gut and think "the only way I'm gonna get rid of this is to work harder". It keeps me in the gym no matter how tired I am, but now I have to watch my diet which sucks.

  36. #36
    Originally posted by scottp999
    I like to lift alone at home, no distractions, just me against the weight. I keep motivated by keeping a detailed log. Every time through my split I am trying to up the weight or reps. I have a love for lifting. I can't wait to get home, change clothes, and have at it. I feel bad if I don't do it.
    I agree with scottp999 100%! A training log is the best way to go and save you alot of time . You can look back at what you did on that workout and try and top it by at least another rep or more. You will know exactly what weight to put on. It really hypes you up when you look back and your doing alot more weight than you started with! That will motivate you big time.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Manchester, England
    Log your traing to make sure you are improving weight all the time. You must progress weight to get bigger.

    Dropping out is for the weak minded (especially when you are striving for something you want '6 pack, pecks and fu**ing huge legs and back)

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    north of the South, east
    Originally posted by Diesel
    I am small and I need not to be!
    You're right Deisel, You're just a little guy!

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    East side
    I only take 60-90 second rest between sets, it goes by pretty quick. I cant have an intense workout if I talk to people at the gym, the 60-90 seconds it spent catching my breath and staying FOCUSED. 5 min rest between exercises.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Before the Zena or Hydrox kicks in I come to this board, read a few different forums, the quotes or tag lines at the end of most post and that gets me pretty fired up to lift.

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