The last six months of my workout regimen i have implemented a calisthenic
workout only on my lifting days in conjuction with intense cardio. I loved the
results it gave me on the onset: less body fat percentage, very minimal
decrease in strength and size, more flexibility, and more quickness and speed
on the tennis court. With my new found physique and fitness level i want to
gain a little more lean muscle. I am going to up my caloric and protein intake
while outlining a new workout program. This time i want to start using weight-
s. I have two questions. I want to maintain my pullups on the bar with my new workout
so what is the best day to incorporate them....back? or is it ok for every
workout day at the end of it? As far as dips goes what day is best for them Chest day or tri?
Ok one more question is it not overtraining the tricep if you work chest with it the same day, i like to split them.
Just in case my stats are as follows: 5"8 145 22 years of age.