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Thread: Split (long)

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Queens, NY

    Split (long)

    Hey, just trying to get some feedback on this split my buddy found/is currently doing. He has been doing it for the past 3months or so. I wanted to change my current routine up and found that this works with my schedule and equipment that is available to me in the gym at work. Ty in advance.

    Weeks 1-3

    Squats 5of5
    Dead-Lifts 5of5
    Standing calf Raises 5of10
    Leg raises 5of15
    Incline Situps 5of15

    Incline Barbell Bench Press 5of5
    Seated Arnold Presses 5of8
    Bicep Cable Curls (Low pulley) 5of10
    Tricep Pushdowns (straight bar) 5of10
    Bent over dumbbell lateral raises 3of 10-15

    Leg Press 4of15
    Leg Curls 4of15
    Wide Grip Pulldowns 4of15
    Hyperextensions 4of10
    Pull down ab crunches 4of15

    Incline dumbbell Bench press 4of10
    Dumbbell side lateral raises 4of10
    Bicep dumbell curls 4of12
    Tricep pushdowns (rope) 4of12
    Barbell upright rows 3of15

    Weeks 4-6

    Bentover barbell rows 5of8
    Barbell shoulder shrugs 5of10
    Leg extensions 5of10
    Leg curls 5of10
    Seated calf raise 5of10
    Incline situps 5of15

    Decline barbell bench press 5of5
    Seated barbell shoulder press 5of8
    Preacher barbell curls 5of10
    Lying tricep extensions (with the EZ bar) 5of10
    Cable upright rows 3of 10-15

    Hack squat 4of15
    Stiff Legged deads 4of15
    Seated cable rows 4of15
    Leg raises 5of15
    Crunches 4of25+

    Flat dumbell bench press 4of10
    Dumbell front lateral raises 4of10
    Bicep barbell curls 4of12
    Tricep pushdowns (with V bar attachment) 4of12
    Close grip pulldowns 4of15

    Weeks 7-9

    Squats 5of5
    Partial dead lifts 5of5
    Chin ups 4of till fail
    Pulldown ab crunches 5of10
    Leg raises 5of15

    Flat barbell bench press 5of5
    Bentover dumbell lateral raises 4of10
    Dumbell side lateral raises 4of10
    Dumbell front lateral raises 4of10
    Bicep cable curls 5of10
    Tricep Pushdowns (straight bar) 5of10

    Hack squat 5of10
    Leg Press 4of15
    T-Bar Row 4of10
    Hyperextensions 4of10
    Pulldown ab crunches 4of15

    Dumbell benchpress on ball 4of10
    Dumbell shoulder press sit on ball 4of10
    EZ bar bicep curls 4of12
    One arm over head dumbell ext. 4of12
    One arm dumbell rows 3of15

    Weeks 10-12

    Leg press 5of5
    Stiff leg dead lifts 5of5
    Wide grip pulldowns 4of10
    Incline situps 5of15
    leg raises 5of15

    Weighted Dips 5of5
    Chin ups 4of till fail
    Side lateral raises 4of10
    Seated barbell shoulder press 4of10
    Bicep dumbell preacher curls 5of10
    Tricep pushdowns (rope) 5of10

    Squats 4of15
    Leg curls 4of15
    Leg extensions 4of15
    Seated cable rows 4of10
    Standing calf raise 4of10
    Pulldown ab crunches 4of15

    Pushups with feet on ball 4of till failure
    Seated dumbell shoulder press 4of10
    Standing one arm dumbell curls 4of12
    One arm overhead dumbell ext. 4of12
    Close grip pulldowns 4of15

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Queens, NY
    gonna take the no responses as it being an ok workout routine...Do you guys think it's too much change (excersises, sets, reps, etc...) over the course of 12 weeks or not enough?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i dont like it, it seems like your changing exerises every week and have no consistancy.I would stick to a few basic exercises(dead,squat,bench,rows,pulldown,military) and track your progress every week so you can log your progress

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    The changes are too fast for significant progress imo, I suggest you stick with a routine that focuses on your individual needs. If you're a beginner and need overall work finding a more basic routine would be best. And maintain your routine for about 2 months, maybe more, depending on what body part or the workout's impact on that body part. A workout isn't always the same, if you gradually increase weight..when you begin to develop more strength keeping strict form, I'm sure you will add size. If you're getting sore you're doing something right. But remember, all of this is pretty much useless if you're diet isn't in check.

    That workout seems to be more advanced, or simply targeting someone else's goals. Like I said find out what you want to improve and start lifting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I dont like it. Whats the idea behind it.

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