Last edited by boDAWG; 07-21-2010 at 04:32 PM. Reason: added (how i am now)
Good luck man!
awesome man glad to hear sounds like you did some homework i will be chiming in from time to time to see how your cycles going. OH and when i shoot quads it always gets a lil more sore the next day not the first just to give you heads up anyways goodluck man
Yeah I have some soreness for a couple of days post inj. too. Its nothing to worry about tho. I cant wait to see your updates bro.
Last edited by boDAWG; 07-21-2010 at 04:32 PM. Reason: added a picture
alright so i made a lil change in meal two instead of PB sandwich i added 8 slices of lean chicken lunch meat mixed it all up and ate that
MEAL 3 before workout (about 45minutes before workout):
PB sandwich with two slices of wheat bread
shake - 25g of protein
shake - 5g of creatine
2 pills of BCAA
1 Flaxseed oil softgel
right before the workout (5 minutes before)
big granny smith apple
today was the back day
blasted my back for about an hour
for some reason i went really really really hard on my lower back and i cant even feel it now but my upper back is killing me
if anybody can give me a few pointers or exercises for lats and trap id appreciate it, also how to work my middle back, i mean i got some exercises but im looking for something more so i can expand my workout, also how big of a break do you guys think i should take between reps i've been doing 45sec to 1 min any suggestions?
PWO about 30 minutes after workout:
shake 25g protein im using ON
5g creatine mixed into crystal light
MEAL 4 (about hour and a half after work out):
8oz chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice (cooked)
3/4 cup of fat free cottage cheese
im gonna have another meal before i go to bed but it wont be much maybe just an apple or like a PB sandwich on 1 slice of bread or i might just eat a cup of almonds or something, we will see
my thigh is officially F***ING killing me, my whole right thigh from the spot i injected down to my knee is all very sore, it hurts to touch and looks a bit swollen
also i got about 4 extra shots of TEST E so i dont know what to do with them thats about 1000mg more, anybody got an idea how i can work them into my cycle? i was thinking do first 4 weeks at 750mg a week what do you guys think?
im a little concerned, the area above my knee is pretty hot and pretty swollen, it hurts pretty bad too, is this something to worry about or am i just too paranoid?
ok so i just woke up, my leg is still hurting, and its still swollen from the place i injected down to my knee and my girlfriend thninks my foot is swollen too, so im a lil concerned but ill just let it be and see what happens
breakfast meal 1:
4 egg whites and 2 whole eggs
half of a green bell pepper
protein shake 25g protein
flaxseed oil softgel
i gotta go to work today from 9:45 to 4:00pm and i get like no breaks at all so its gonna be tough to eat during that time but ill make it happen somehow
alright time to go tako some tylenol for my leg
take ibuprofen not tylenol. its better for inflamation. Keep an eye on that leg. If it gets worse or doesnt get better soon than go see your dr.
alright so im back home from work i couldnt eat much at work so i ate a pb sandwich and a sandwich made of some chicken lunch meat (lean) about 13.5g of protein from that sandwich and about 9 from pb sandwich so not too good but not that bad either
im off to eat some chicken, im thinking im gonna make some chicken breast and some salsa with some brown rice and some wheat bread
im trying to find my god damn gym shoes my gf and my lil bro hid them from me cuz they think my leg is too bad, hahahaha im about to tear up the house and find them bitches lol
ill be back on later, peace
A nice dose for a first cycle. I remember my 500mg test e cycle like yesterday. Freakin strength gains through the roof. Diet is the key though, with the proper diet you will be very happy. Good luck.
okay so i just had my 3rd meal and it was as follows:
2 cups of wheat spaghetti (measured cooked)
1/2 cup of brown rice (measured cooked)
1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese
1 grilled chicken breast
2 small slices of garlic bread (i just couldnt resist my girl makes garlic bread so damn good lol)
oh and i also ate an apple about 30 minutes prior to this meal, im getting ready to go to the gym so ill be back on after that
thanks everyone thats been helping me so far, ill be posting some pics up tonight, maybe even here within next few minutes
Last edited by boDAWG; 01-23-2008 at 06:39 PM. Reason: added stuff to my late lunch/dinner
i put up some pics so everyone can get a agood look at what i look like now
ok so the swelling came back so im going to the ER but one problem, what the hell am i suppose to tell the doctor when he asks how this happened? i need an answer quick since i need to leave RIGHT NOW
I would tell the truth. Worst case is he'll give you a lecture. You don't have to tell them what you were injecting if you're not comfortable though. You can say it's none of their business, or lie and say B-12.
can't they notify the police???
alright so i was at the ER last night cuz i was freaking out and they did like a million ****ing tests i was there from 11pm till 5:30am.
they took xrays, ultrasound, a drew like 7 vials of blood.
blood work came back good
ultrasound showed i have some liquid under my knee
xrays were fine
my second injection is today im gonna try to be a bit safer so this doesnt happen again
oh the doctor said i had cellulitis (infection caused by an injection, bite, tear or cut) so i dont know how i infected myself
one question are you suppose to draw and inject with the same needle or are you suppose to draw with one and inject with another one?
Alot of people draw and inject with different as it dulls, but a lot just use the same needle also so I don't think that is the problem. Make sure you are clean and you clean the area you are injecting before and after you shoot.. and clean the bottle before you draw.
ok here is what i did, opened the needle and syringe, ( the needle and syringe were sealed ) , i cleaned the top of the bottle off with an alcohol swab, i cleaned the spot where i was injecting, i washed my hands with dial soap, then i cleaned the spot again and i iced it, then i twisted off the plastic piece off the needle, i drew test e, pulled the needle out cleaned the spot again and then cleaned the needle off with alochol swab (i used 4 different swabs), i injected, drew a bit to see what comes out (air bubble did) so i injected test e.
so far today i ate 6 egg whites, 1 cup of 2% milk, 1 cup of oatmeal (uncooked) today is my day off so im not gonna eat too much i wanna shock my body a bit
oh and i mixed a table spoon of PB into my oats and its delicious lol
Your test E might not be sterile. If you got an infection with the first inject that's probably what it is. Might want to consider tossing your gear.
I never change needle always use the same to draw and same to inject hell on my current cycle im using 4 different aas so i draw out of 4 different vials and then inject is the needle more dull ya but its not that big a deal for me i dont mind needles. And i agree with Coop77 it might be your gear that is not sterile. see what happens
not good advice homeskillet, even if you use isopropyl on everyone of the stoppers your still collecting bacteria and other unwanted debris on the outside of the needle.
for sanitary purposes you should swap needles after you get done drawing all your aas out or you will eventually get a nice infection.. i have seen it more than once
well i dont know if it even was an infection, my leg is fine now, i mean still a lil sore but its minimal
i injected today again into my right a** cheek so we will see how it goes from now, if this area gets swollen and starts hurting and what not ill toss the shit and use the second vial i got
anyways glute was wayyyyyy easy and didnt hurt but when i pulled the needle out a few drops of test E came back to surface so i just kept wiping with alcohol swabs, and then i left an alcohol swab on the spot and held it in place with my boxers lol
im off to bed gotta get up at 8 tomorrow, have work, see ya guys later
boDAWG, im going to be paying some close attention to this thread as we have a lot in common. I'll start up my own thread this sunday when i start my cycle of Test E. Im starting out at 6'1 - 228lbs. same age. Perhaps a little challenge is in order??
well first of all i can tell your new, so welcome
and im a lil heavier but i also got quite a bit of fat on me, but as far as a challenge you're on buddy, keep the stats real and clean. i started out at 240 just had my second shot tonight so we will see how i go
also if you got advice on ANYTHING let me know, especially good foods, thanks and once again welcome
will do man will do
i think i am a bit leaner then you are but as far as muscle goes id assume were around the same amount(kinda impossible to tell). Im new to these boards but i have been involved in the fitness/bb'ing scene for about 4 years now. I came looking for some info on a first cycle and i was happy to see there is actually a lot of good guys on these boards. I'm not sure if ill be able to get a before picture because my memory card was confiscated by police(long story), so i'll see what i can do. Keep goin though man looks good so far!
so like i said earlier i didnt eat much today just so i can shock my body a quick run down of things i ate today:
eggs for breakfast 4whites + 2 whole (6whites and 2 yolks)
just a tiny bit of oatmeal (was gonna eat a whole cup but nahhhh)
2 apples
1 chicken breast
2 slices of bread
tomorrow im at work from 9:30am to 4:00pm so i gotta get up SUPER early and make some food to take to work. im gonna up my calories to about 4000 probably im gonna redo my diet at work tomorrow since im sure ill be bored as hell
anyways guys, thanks for all your help, keep checking in..............oh did i mention that i had to lie to my gf that im no longer on the juice because she couldnt keep her mouth shut and every time we got into an argument she would say its cuz im on juice lol sooooo it was just getting old, well we will see if she finds out hahahahaha peace
okay guys im at work so i cant type a lot, but my right glute is feeling good, no problem no swelling just a bit sore when i push on it but when im sitting i cant feel anything. so i think its good, okay gtg peace
okay finally home, anyways the glute is getting more sore, the thingh (first place i injected into) is getting much better, swelling is gone for the most part and i have only a bit of pain so thats good.
today i didnt get to eat much at all i slept in, so to make sure this doesnt happen again im gonna go and make some of my food for this weekend NOW.
tonight is my chest night so ill keep you guys posted, so far no gains in strength but it is only week one
i have a question though, i injected monday and thursday so my next injection would be sunday or monday again?
scroll to bottom and there they are
Last edited by rmcfar; 01-27-2008 at 12:56 PM.
Last edited by boDAWG; 07-21-2010 at 04:33 PM.
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