Originally Posted by
i'm much more in favor of a toned down lee priest style bulk diet. I've found it works far better and i gain a lot more muscle, fat can always be stripped down after.
Fat is easier to lose than muscle is to gain, why limit yourself?
Your sample diet is good, the macros are correct, but in all honesty i prefer bulking with lots of red meat, lots of carbs and lots of fats and pay no attention to macros aside from protien (2 grams per lb of bodyweight) and the fats and carbs come in large amounts throughout the day as well..
Sure your way will put lean muscle on and limit fat loss, however my way is more fun. A sample bulking diet that i would use:
Meal 1. 1 1/2 servings n large 2 in milk with oatmeal and peanut butter and 4 eggs (cooked)
Meal 2. Steak, potatoes, veggies of some sort, 1/2 serving protien powder (usually whey) with olive oil (2-3 tablespoons)
Meal 3. Ground beef, onions, peppers, mushrooms, rice.
Meal 4. 1 1/2 servings n large 2, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, milk.
Ultrafuel preworkout
50 grams of whey, 150 grams of dextrose 20 ius of slin
Chicken, rice, brocolli
Meal 6. Steak, mushrooms, onions potatoes or rice of some sort.
Meal 7. Nlarge 2 with milk, flax oil
Meal 8, 3 cans tuna with mayo and bread
Mid sleep snack - Cottage cheese, protien drink with milk.
So yeah... this diet isn't for endomorphs, but its what works for me.
It comes out to about 6500 cals, 600+ protien etc..
I also use 12.5mcg of t3 while bulking and the GH helps keep fat off.