1-I would like to know the differents between body building ,weight lifting and power lifting in terms of training days,sets,reps,intensity and muscle size and definations.And is it possible to mix them in my training program to get all their benefits?(like having bodybuilding big muscles and power lifters power)
2-How to get your muscles cut?Is it by losing alot of body fat?or is it when you do high reps like 20-25 and super sets?and why people actully do these types of reps?
3-Im on diet now is it ok to drink creatin and protien shakes with low calories while im trying to lose weight?and is it ok to do 12,10,8,6 reps to lose weight?since heavy weights take alot of energy to deal with so that means losing fat while im on diet
4-i heaed that intensity training makes the muscle grow bigger but what i dont get is that you can still get your intensity with 25 reps or even 12 reps so do both of these sets build msucles?
5-What should i do when i feel hungry in the gym?should i eat calories?and i do eat caloires ill be like doing nothing since im trying to lose fat will im in the gym?And how would i know that im overtraining?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post ;D