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Thread: Back in the saddle of car wreck and vicatin addiction

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Galveston, TX

    Back in the saddle of car wreck and vicatin addiction

    I totalled my car and was laid up and on 6000 mgs of vicatin for about 4 months, and now I have been training for about 3 months. I've cycled about 4 times before mainly on test or sus and deca and I am 25 years old. I am getting ready to do a moderate cycle and curious if anybody else had tried this combo. I don't want to go to heavy because I don't want the side effects such a possible hair loss, loss of sleep, and anxiety. I could go stronger and get better gains but I'm just looking to put on a little strength and muscle definition. Any suggestions guys. I'd like to know what TT333 and Warrior think if you'll are still online. I'm 6'3'' 205 at 13% bf and I work out with 225 at about 8 reps. I wonder what type of gains I might see if I have the right diet and workout regime?

    250mgs to 500mgs pyramid of sustanon from weeks 1-10
    300mgs of deca-durablin from weeks 1-10
    30mgs of d-bol from weeks 1-4
    15mgs of anavar from weeks 7-10 and weeks 17-20
    250mgs of winny 50 depot from weeks 17-20
    hcg from weeks 14-16
    clomid from weeks 14-16
    clenbuteral from weeks 14-16

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    6.3 and 205?
    i'm 200 and 5.8......all natural and home grown
    IMO put on some more mass naturally and when you get stuck use it to get you going again......that's my 0.2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Galveston, TX
    Yeah, that is a good point manjak. Thanks for the reply. I have a natural thin build and bone frame. I kinda have an Alex Rodriguez type build and I have been up to about 230 when I was younger at peak cycle. I did to much juice then and looking back on it I was young and stupid. I didn't have the resources that are available now such as AR which is great! I have worked out consistantly with a few breaks for about 8 years and I naturally tapered down to a real trim 205. I havn't done a major cycle in about three years and I've ran a little bit of deca a few times in that span just to give me a creatine type kick. Since my training was interrupted for about three months earlier this year from a car wreck and then going through vicatin withdrawl, I might need more time like you had mentioned. Thanks again for caring about my health and helping me become more calculated. I ran 750mgs of test before along with other stuff and I wouldn't go through the side effects again. I'm more into playing it somewhat safe now and I'm not a guy who is looking to be brutally massive. I respect that, but it just isn't me. I'll posts some pics when I was younger and at about 10% bf and tipped in around 230 with about 10 pounds of water weight. I was huge and ripped but puffy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    that's the thing dude.....First is the accident u had and the back injury...who knows how it might react to the juice if it's too soon...and tell you a secret...
    I have a buddy who could be my twin build-wise...and last year we both got in tip top shape, me 208 lbs at 8% natural and him 212 at 11% after deca /winny cycle.....
    Well still with the stats this close everybody thought I was the one juicing ...Skin all tight ,and hard as a rock ..And him although a bit thicker than me couldn't get rid of that blooded look,in his face and his skin just appeared to be twice thicker than mine therefore making him loose a lot of definition .....
    that's why I think if you target a weight that can be achieved naturally ...go natural...if nothing else it just looks much better..and lasts longer also

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Galveston, TX
    I have a friend like this who is just a natural powerhouse. He is naturally wider and holds weight well. I have a 32 waist and lean muscle seems to be harder to put on my frame beyond this point but I can work harder and strengthen up. I wonder when my frame will naturally fill out and if my muscle memory of being 230 will kick in as well? I am somewhat fuzzy when it comes to knowledge on natural limitations for individuals based on body types.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    having the small frame is a bit of disadvantage when it comes to gaining mass....but all the mass you gain is going to be solid muscle,even now that you have been out of gym for a while you probably haven't packed any fat on ,true?
    And the fact that you was 230 lbs will definately help .It looks to me like if the muscle have already been stretched once to a certain size ,they tend to stretch easier again,even without juice.
    If you want try the stuff I used last winter to get to 208 lbs.

    3 bottless of 1-AD ( I pyramide cycled it just like a roid)
    2 kilos of creatine
    10lbs 100% whey protein( half-morning snack and after workout)
    500 gr of glutamine ( 5 grams a day)

    I found the 1AD makes the best effect if you triple the dosis
    and that's it.....I'm just getting ready to do it again but this time I might cycle the 1AD with HMB to see if the receptors get saturated in any way....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Galveston, TX
    That's some good advice manjac! You're right, there is no reason for me to get in a hurry and although I thought I had enoug good training behind me, I obviously need to push myself to my natural limit and use muscle memory to my advantage. My car wreck and all that vicatin really did a number on my muscle and strength and I hate to admit it but I need much longer than 3 months to recover. Thanks bro!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    no problem bro...
    glad to see you'll keep your nuts the same size....

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