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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Workout plan.

    Hey guys im looking to change up my workout routine before i begin my first test only cycle. This is what i plan on doing, you guys let me know if i should switch something around here or add in something else or take away something.

    Mon- Rest
    Tues- Rest
    Wedn- Legs
    Thurs- Shoulders, triceps
    Fri- Rest
    Sat- Back, traps, calves
    Sun- chest, biceps

    Here are the exercises i plan on doing for each muscle group in order-
    Legs/ 1.leg press, barbell squats, stiff legged deadlifts
    Shoulders/ 1. Barbell military press, lateral raise machine, rear delt dumbells
    Triceps/1. Weighted dips, french press dumbell, rope pushdowns
    Back/1. Weighted pullups, T-bar rows, Low Row machine
    Traps/1. Upright rows smith machine, barbell shrugs
    Calves/ 1.Standing leg raise, seated raise
    Chest/1. Dumbell press, incline barbell bench, Fly machine
    Biceps/1. Preacher curl barbell, dumbell hammer curl, reverse cable curl

    Plan on doing 3 sets for the first workout of each muscle, then doing only 2 sets for the rest. Plan on going to failure on all, slow, controlled reps with good form to start out with then might speed it up when i max out. Want to throw in maybe one more lift of each when in the middle of cycle or not necessary? My calves are horrible thats why i think i should split them up and do them on a seperate day from legs so i can hit them really hard. or maybe do it 2 days a week?

    Also forgot to add i will be hitting the first set or each muscle with the heaviest weight i can lift. Then going down in weight for the next sets, and of course warm up sets before each muscle too.

    also what do you guys think for squats? i was thinking of hitting barbell ATG squats one week then the next week doing free motion machine parallel squats with a lot of weight. Both in the 6-10 rep range but just dont want to really push it extremly hard on barbell squats without a spotter. Same goes for back- one week pullups then the next lat pulldowns then back to pullups, keep trying to add a little more weight or reps from last time?

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    i didnt get much past 1st part of your post but if thats how u r gonna set up split why not set up 2 days rest after legs...imo if u do them right you'll need it ....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    IMO you aren't doing enough for legs, back, chest and shoulders with what you listed there and biceps the day after back is a bad idea.

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    I think it's fine the way it is. You can always make minor modifications as needed but I would run with it just the way you set it up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    On the barbell
    Let me break this down to how I understand this split.

    Wed - Legs - Fine

    Thursday - Triceps - Fine, Shoulders - assuming you are only doing sitting position exercises for shoulders?

    Friday - Fine

    Saturday - Calves - Fine, Back/Traps - If you did shoulders right then you will feel pain which will affect your back/traps exercise.

    Sunday - Chest - probably pain from yesterdays back and traps workout won't allow you to do a good chest session and your biceps.

    Any questions?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    Let me break this down to how I understand this split.

    Wed - Legs - Fine

    Thursday - Triceps - Fine, Shoulders - assuming you are only doing sitting position exercises for shoulders?

    Friday - Fine

    Saturday - Calves - Fine, Back/Traps - If you did shoulders right then you will feel pain which will affect your back/traps exercise.

    Sunday - Chest - probably pain from yesterdays back and traps workout won't allow you to do a good chest session and your biceps.

    Any questions?

    Yes the shoulder workout is all seated except for standing bent over rear delts. im going to switch it around a bit, what do you suggest for this split?

  7. #7
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    im thinking:

    Mon- Rest
    Tues- Rest
    Wedn- chest, calves
    Thurs- Back, traps
    Fri- Rest
    Sat-Shoulders, triceps
    Sun- Legs,bi's

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    im thinking:

    Mon- Rest
    Tues- Rest
    Wedn- chest, calves
    Thurs- Back, traps
    Fri- Rest
    Sat-Shoulders, triceps
    Sun- Legs,bi's
    Yes, this looks a little better then what i had out there. Thanks!

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