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Thread: huge vs fast....

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    huge vs fast....

    so, i was reading that thread about the kids in the gym who fought, and the bigger kid got his ass handed to him.

    and, it reminded me of a few nights ago - me and some friends were having a conversation about size/speed.

    so, i asked my friends: who would you rather fight.

    arnold in his prime

    bruce lee in his prime.

    2 friends said bruce, as arnold was huge.

    me and my friend dave both agreed, we'd fight arnold. although bruce was tiny, he was ripped, fast, and his strength was incredible.

    so. who would anyone here wanna fight? bruce or arnold

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I would fight arnold because he didnt train in fighting. He lifted weights. being strong doesnt mean you can fight

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I would fight arnold because he didnt train in fighting. He lifted weights. being strong doesnt mean you can fight

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    I'd rather fight Arnold for sure.

    but it's not a fair comparison, since Bruce Lee was a fighter.

    I can't think of someone who is ripped, fast, and strong, but wasn't a fighter for a better comparison.

  5. #5
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    Bruce lee would have just plain killed you out right.

    Arnold would have beaten you to death.

    I would have rather fought Arnold.

    Atleast I would have a chance of survival.


  6. #6
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    Nora Jones.

  7. #7
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    I'd pick Arnold for sure...Bruce Lee would wreck my ass. When you're as fast and precise as Bruce Lee was, size doesn't really matter. Big doesn't equal good at fighting.

  8. #8
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    Im a lover not a fighter....lets make some.

  9. #9
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    I would kick both their asses at the same time

  10. #10
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    i go with Walker Texas Ranger cause he always wins

  11. #11
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    9 out of 10 times a smaller guy is going to take it! the muscle and mass will almost always slow you down! There is a guy who lives around my neck of the woods who is like a super martial artist.. been to the sholin temple (not sure how to spell it) he is like 5'7" and 165# and looks as nothing to look at him.. This dude is rediculous in a fight! he is older now probably close to 40 but when he was around 28.. we were all hanging out in the city racing outr cars on the boulevard and we parked at a car wash.. he had a bunch of people talkin crap so he pulled $500 out of his pocket and set it in one of the bays.. he told any 5 guys that want to challenge him.. he will go in the bay with all 5 and shut the door and who ever wins get the cash.. Lets just say there was not 5 guys.. or 10 for that matter that would even have tried!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    9 out of 10 times a smaller guy is going to take it! the muscle and mass will almost always slow you down! There is a guy who lives around my neck of the woods who is like a super martial artist.. been to the sholin temple (not sure how to spell it) he is like 5'7" and 165# and looks as nothing to look at him.. This dude is rediculous in a fight! he is older now probably close to 40 but when he was around 28.. we were all hanging out in the city racing outr cars on the boulevard and we parked at a car wash.. he had a bunch of people talkin crap so he pulled $500 out of his pocket and set it in one of the bays.. he told any 5 guys that want to challenge him.. he will go in the bay with all 5 and shut the door and who ever wins get the cash.. Lets just say there was not 5 guys.. or 10 for that matter that would even have tried!
    9 out of 10? you are on crack bro, either that or you know a bunch of meat heads that are pussies.

    1. Being big does not mean you are slow
    2. Being bigger/stronger gives you an advantage physically
    3. Being slow means are depending on strength alone

    Just because you are bigger, does not mean you are not trained to fight. A LOT of big guys when they get in a fight, just puff out their chest, and expect to walk through people, that stops when they get hit in the face.

    Bigger and stronger than the guy? Grab a hold of his shirt with one hand and unload on him.

    I can't believe because some little guy beat up a 17 year old roid head in the gym, suddenly the world things strength has nothing to do with a fight.

  13. #13
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    Honestly it's a no-brainer. Bruce Lee was a trained fighter and Arnold was a trained bodybuilder. Arnold trained to build a Great physique while Bruce trained to break down great physiques. HAHA

    You would stand a better chance fighting Arnold than Bruce.

    However, if you took two top MMA fighters with equal skills and one weights 150lbs. and the other 250lbs. the 250lber would prob. do a lot more damage and be harder to fight.

    This is the reason the UFC has added weight classes. When the talent pool increases then weight has a lot more to do with winning. This is why fighters will cut 15-25lbs. of weight before the fight so on fight night they have a huge advantage.

  14. #14
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    Why do bodybuilders always want to talk about fighting?
    Bodybuilders make shit fighters!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33 View Post
    Honestly it's a no-brainer. Bruce Lee was a trained fighter and Arnold was a trained bodybuilder. Arnold trained to build a Great physique while Bruce trained to break down great physiques. HAHA

    You would stand a better chance fighting Arnold than Bruce.

    However, if you took two top MMA fighters with equal skills and one weights 150lbs. and the other 250lbs. the 250lber would prob. do a lot more damage and be harder to fight.

    This is the reason the UFC has added weight classes. When the talent pool increases then weight has a lot more to do with winning. This is why fighters will cut 15-25lbs. of weight before the fight so on fight night they have a huge advantage.

    I think as the talent pool increases, it helps the little guy.

    Some big guys just like to get punched around and are actually just pussies in a 250lb body.

    Brock Lesnar is not a notoriously well trained MMA fighter, but he does not fight with a style like Bob Sapp. And Brock is beating guys who are smaller, and everyone can see, it's just sheer size and power that is allowing him to dominate most of them.

    If you fight simply depending on size to over come your opponets, you get a fighting record like Bob Sapp (who still managed to beat Ernesto Hoost twice) but if you have some game plan, and are fighting to WIN, if you are committed to it, that size and strength works in your favor.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    I think as the talent pool increases, it helps the little guy.

    Some big guys just like to get punched around and are actually just pussies in a 250lb body.

    Brock Lesnar is not a notoriously well trained MMA fighter, but he does not fight with a style like Bob Sapp. And Brock is beating guys who are smaller, and everyone can see, it's just sheer size and power that is allowing him to dominate most of them.

    If you fight simply depending on size to over come your opponets, you get a fighting record like Bob Sapp (who still managed to beat Ernesto Hoost twice) but if you have some game plan, and are fighting to WIN, if you are committed to it, that size and strength works in your favor.

    You got idea what talking about mate.
    Sapp V Hoost was K1....and it's a small ring when shared with Bob Sapp, Hoost, who I have met several times, lost the second fight because he was dumb and wanted to prove something. He had the fight in the bag!
    Brock, that guy is top class on the ground! Do you think wrestling is all strengh?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    I think as the talent pool increases, it helps the little guy.

    Some big guys just like to get punched around and are actually just pussies in a 250lb body.

    Brock Lesnar is not a notoriously well trained MMA fighter, but he does not fight with a style like Bob Sapp. And Brock is beating guys who are smaller, and everyone can see, it's just sheer size and power that is allowing him to dominate most of them.

    If you fight simply depending on size to over come your opponets, you get a fighting record like Bob Sapp (who still managed to beat Ernesto Hoost twice) but if you have some game plan, and are fighting to WIN, if you are committed to it, that size and strength works in your favor.

    I'm not a fan of Brock Lesnar but to say he only wins because of his size is inaccurate. He was a national NCAA Division 1 champion so he has a LOT of skill. Is he the best Mixed Martial Artists? No, but he is a skilled fighter. When he gains experience we'll see what happens. He moves quickly esp. for his size. If you put him against GSP he would prob. still win. Here is a perfect example that GSP is hands-down a more skilled fighter for sure but Brock has so much more size that he would prob. win. However, if they were of equal weight then GSP would be the winner for sure. This is why they talk a lot about Pound for Pound best fighter. That person is prob. Andersen Silva at the moment.

    But, you can look back to UFC 1-3 where Royce Gracie dominated everyone he fought at only 170lbs. However, his skill level was higher than his competition because they were all 1 dimensional. Now, you put Royce back in the cage and he is too 1 dimensional and would prob. lose like he did a few years ago to Matt Hughes.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    9 out of 10? you are on crack bro, either that or you know a bunch of meat heads that are pussies.

    1. Being big does not mean you are slow
    2. Being bigger/stronger gives you an advantage physically
    3. Being slow means are depending on strength alone

    Just because you are bigger, does not mean you are not trained to fight. A LOT of big guys when they get in a fight, just puff out their chest, and expect to walk through people, that stops when they get hit in the face.

    Bigger and stronger than the guy? Grab a hold of his shirt with one hand and unload on him.

    I can't believe because some little guy beat up a 17 year old roid head in the gym, suddenly the world things strength has nothing to do with a fight.
    Yup I am on crack!! I have seen a lot of fights in my day and if the smaller guy has any brains.. he just waits until the big guy is tired out and then lays into him! I would love to watch you the big musclular guy go up against some 145# martial artist that could kick you in the face 22 times before you could even get your guard up and then tell me the little guy does not have the advantage! This is why they have things called "weight classes"

    There is no way a 250# guy has the dexterity or the quickness of a 175# guy! Once you get big, you lose flexibility! Unless you are just not very big and have never been 250#+ then you might not know what I am talking about

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Yup I am on crack!! I have seen a lot of fights in my day and if the smaller guy has any brains.. he just waits until the big guy is tired out and then lays into him! I would love to watch you the big musclular guy go up against some 145# martial artist that could kick you in the face 22 times before you could even get your guard up and then tell me the little guy does not have the advantage! This is why they have things called "weight classes"

    There is no way a 250# guy has the dexterity or the quickness of a 175# guy! Once you get big, you lose flexibility! Unless you are just not very big and have never been 250#+ then you might not know what I am talking about
    Kind off...
    I have trained and competed from 190 to 220, always been better with skill, technics and speed at the lighter weight. But, someone who is 220 naturally....different story

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Yup I am on crack!! I have seen a lot of fights in my day and if the smaller guy has any brains.. he just waits until the big guy is tired out and then lays into him! I would love to watch you the big musclular guy go up against some 145# martial artist that could kick you in the face 22 times before you could even get your guard up and then tell me the little guy does not have the advantage! This is why they have things called "weight classes"

    There is no way a 250# guy has the dexterity or the quickness of a 175# guy! Once you get big, you lose flexibility! Unless you are just not very big and have never been 250#+ then you might not know what I am talking about
    All this time I've been wrong I guess.

    Who knew they had weight classes to protect the 250lb fighters from the 145lb fighters.

    I guess I was just looking at it the wrong way

  21. #21
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    hell no im not goin up against bruce lee

    your fukkin nuts

    i could run circles around arnold. so ill take him on

  22. #22
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    Arnold in a second. I've beaten up guys alot bigger then me before. I know guys that big who admit they are pussies and cant fight

  23. #23
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    Arnold all the way.......Bruce would destroy me...

  24. #24
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  25. #25
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  26. #26
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    In the dark...
    Bruce Lee was a machine, I'd fight Arnie.

  27. #27
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    I would kick both their butts... But then I would wake up.

  28. #28
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    With proper training u can be big and faster than middleweights ... I'd fight both for the fvck of fighting I'd love the exp.... Il prob get my ass handed but nice exp

  29. #29
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    depends If I am Sust then I take Lee cause I have been told sust make u a good fighter

    Why fight cant we talk about it??? . Married for too long

  30. #30
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    arnold anytime over bruce

  31. #31
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    BTW, J-Dogg is the only one who is real on this subject.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    BTW, J-Dogg is the only one who is real on this subject.
    I like this guy

  33. #33
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    ^^^ I agree.. I once took A fight with a heavyweight thinking I was going to tag him and what not (265lb of lean mean muscle and exp) it turns out the guy had been that weight for the last ten years training mma and shit...Lucky for me it was only a three round fight ... And I got saved by the bell literally on the third round...he guy was as fast as me... Had a lot of endurance ... Bottom line go. My ass kicked... Didn't knock me out but my ass was handled .... ... Good ref for the future though

  34. #34
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    The name of this thread is not big against small.. it is HUGE against fast... 220# is not Huge!! 250#, 285#, 320# is huge!! there is a big difference. I am not talking about some good shape 230# guy against some 175# guy...
    I am talking about a guy the size of Ronnie Coleman or Kai Green in street fight against
    a martial artist... The "ronnie coleman" does not stand a chance..

    Not talking about a 220# guy in ood shape against a little smaller guy.. think about what you are debating

  35. #35
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    ^^^ depends a lot ... How exp is the other guy( Ronnie coleman) ... I know awesome street brawlers u would think they hAve done boxing or something but they just fight for the fvck of it ... In the weekends and stuff ... If that person happens to be 275lb bb he will have a good chance at getting the other one... Also being a martial artist doesn't make u excempt from being hit( u never said so)and being a martial artist u HAVE to have trained to fight a huge guy to beat him down, otherwise u only have technique vs impressive strength and size...if there is a weight difference of more than 100 lbs the chances of the martial artist winning are a lot lower unless he has trained to beAt huge people

  36. #36
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    Regaurdless of training, size, strength and athletic ability play a HUGE role in fighting and wrestling both.

    I'm going to step out on a limb here and tell you most 260lb line backers in the NFL would have their way with the majority of 145lb MMA fighters.

    Your SUPER elite 145lb fighters would fair well, maybe the top 20 in the world. But your 145lb karate instructor up the street is going to get his ass handed to him by a 260-300lb athlete in a street fight.

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