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Need to see routine as mentioned but for a wide-upper back - here's my routine. BTW, my back is actually ahead of the rest of my physique by a good bit imo.
Warm-up x 20 then 10/8/6/4
Bent-Over BB row
Wide-grip chins (every other week, pull-downs instead)
4 x failure
Neutral grip chins (every other week, pull-downs instead)
3 x failure
DB bench row
If your back routine consists of mainly machines and non-heavy, non-compound movements, switch to something like the one I've posted above ASAP. Also, a lot of people under-train their back because it's a huge muscle group. The latimus dorsi are massive. 5 exercises is not excessive as it would be for say, biceps.
Another thing is with back, we often cheat ourselves out of gains. Our bent over rows look like deadlifts as we jerk our way to the top, our cable rowns look like leg presses, our pull-downs look like, well just awful! Keep your back bent/straight at a consistent angle and isolate those muscles! Focus on using only as much bicep as the motion inherently entails.