How long do you cruise between your blast periods?
I have been HRT for about 5 yrs and blasted for the first time recently. I was planning on waiting 3 months to do it again but have read that 2 months is fine for HRT guys.
What do you do?
Less than 2 months
2 months
3 months
More than 3 months
How long do you cruise between your blast periods?
I have been HRT for about 5 yrs and blasted for the first time recently. I was planning on waiting 3 months to do it again but have read that 2 months is fine for HRT guys.
What do you do?
Last edited by First6; 09-17-2010 at 01:34 PM.
i only tried that in the beginning of my trt...i think i've read guys that are OF TYPICAL TRT age might blast a couple times a year...
what do u plan on running? or just a big dose of test?
Ugggh...geez...not sure how to answer this. Those of us who are sort of old and need TRT...why would we do blast cycles? Where do we get the extra amount of T to do that? I mean, I love to lift weights and all, but certainly have no interest in formal bodybuilding. Just not sure where this fits with TRT as I know it.
Yup. this thread is not for you. (no offense meant) Someone like you has no need for or interest in blast cycles. Thanks for your response though. I am seeking input from the guys who are interested in growth from the test and run a blast cycle on a regular or semi regular schedule.
I ran as high as 400mg of test around the beginning...along with a small dose of deca and then the arimidex...saw great gains....all though i was losing weight i was getting stronger the whole time...i guess the compounds were preserving and it seemed as if i was gaining muscle while losing fat but losing weight almost like a great cutting effort but havent done it'll get more chimes in here a little later...not all trt'ers are done packing on some lean weight
I took 8 weeks between my last cycle and my current cycle and feel that was a good amount of time. I had blood work done just prior to starting my current cycle and was very happy with all levels. I'll probably wait at last that long before doing another one, but I don't anticipate doing more than a couple per year going forward. Once I've gotten back in good shape and attained my goals I'm really not looking to run a bunch of gear on a regular basis. I have a 25 year high school reunion next summer I'll be ramping up for, but that's about it. No idea what I'm even going to run next blast -- it will likely depend a lot on the results from this cycle.
I'm on TRT 125mg total/wk (cyp, injecting 2x/wk), and I'm really interested in this topic because I'd like to up the dose to a true "cycle" for 8-12 weeks and see what kind of body composition changes I can achieve. I've been lifting consistently about 2 1/2 years, 41 y/o, on TRT for 8 months or so now. The only ancillaries I'm on is Arimidex 2x/wk to keep E2 low.
I have 2 questions:
Let's say I want to "blast" at 500 or 600mg/wk. Is it just a simple matter of upping the dose, then going back to 125mg/wk at the end, or do I have to some type of PCT or add in HCG or something?
Secondly, where to get the additional T? I wouldn't have the first clue where to get it black market, and I wouldn't want to go that route anyway, because who knows what the hell you're actually getting? I get my TRT from one of those online clinics that sets you up with a local doctor to write the script and make it legal, but all the blood tests, ordering, etc is done through them. I could go off my TRT temporarily and sign up with a second online outfit (so my blood levels show "low T" again) to get the additional, but I don't really want to because I feel like shit when I'm off. Maybe I could tell them I'm currently on TRT but want to switch to them because they've got better pricing, but I'm afraid they'd contact the first one to get copies of the labs and the first one would know what I'm up to. Any ideas?
actually anytime you would be doing such thing (cycling) or obtaining enough test to do a cycle or doctor shopping(going to 2 or more clinics) you would be breaking the law so youre venturing into the illegal there...
MOST clinics that i've heard of or dealt with personally would provide enough for what your looking experience however was 4 years ago...dont know if its changed but pct...just continue on your replacement doses when your done with your blast
Okay, that's what I thought... no PCT needed since I'm getting all the test I need from my injections after the "cycle" anyway. Thanks!
The clinic I use only gives you enough for your prescribed doses. I mean yeah, you get 6 months worth of refills, but if I use that in one month, I don't think they'd give me more. I get that "doctor shopping" is technically illegal, but so is speeding. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to go about this without resorting to trying to find a "dealer" in my gym.
There are many out there that will provide you more...that was a requirement before I chose the one I work with.
I haven't blasted yet, but I plan to start one soon - I have a stock pile building... =) I'll probably run 600-800mg of Test + 400mg of Decca for 8-12 weeks and then take 8 weeks off. I haven't blasted before, but have been doing a ton of research and reading over the past few months.
I'm not really interested in competitive bodybuilding anymore as I've sustained some injuries, but would like to get to a stage that I'd like and maintain if that helps.
I don't personally go to a clinic, but one of my friends does and they give him pretty much anything he wants, including winny, deca, etc.
I think that you should at least be off as long as you were on. If I blast for two months, I take two off.
Thanks for all the replys.
I have decided to start my next one in Jan. That will give me 12 weeks off from the last one which is good since it was a 12 week blast. Then I will run 2 a year for the next 3 yrs unless I meet my size goals first (which is likely).
This is a great topic guys... I am a little confused though as some have said that you blast for a period of time... then just go right back down to the normal TRT doses... then some are saying take actual time off from taking anything for the same period you were on it...
Which leads to another version of this... is there an advantage of cycling TRT? Meaning taking a break for a few month then starting back up? I know some folks crash hard when they do that, but I find for some reason that I do not crash at all, so have wondered about this.
Ok... makes sense... thanks
I'm lucky enough my doc always prescribes a extra bottle or 2 in my 6 monts script and yes I refill them all.
There is a amazing difference just between 200mg and 300mg weekley injections. You will make gains in the gym the first week you increase and make gains for a couple weeks. When the gains stop, just back off to your TRT dose and cruise for a while. You will keep your gains and give your body time to get the important tendons and ligaments time to adjust to the new muscle and will avoid injury. In a couple months bump her up again until gains stop. I have done blood work everytime and blood lipids, sugar, psa never gets worse and most of the time will improve a little.
Last edited by The Wizard; 10-18-2010 at 11:26 PM.
I don't run an AI when on my maintenance dose. I run dex at .25mg EOD when blasting. So far, so good.
No AI when on Maint.
I run .25 of L-Dex eod on Blast
Yes, the increase of "T" will lead more conversion of "E". A little extra AI should be factored in when doing this, and BW should be ran in 6-to-8 weeks so that you know where your levels are at with the higher doses. This will help gauge the dosages on future protocols. Just my .02
Last edited by The Wizard; 10-18-2010 at 11:26 PM.
I think that's just a matter of where you're at and where you want to go. Hell, I've been "dieting down" all year. My two "blast" cycles have been about body recomposition. I'll probably gain a bit of weight on this one but it's very possible to drop body fat while gaining lean muscle mass while blasting.
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