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Thread: Bench press with or without smith machine

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Bench press with or without smith machine

    Hi just lloking at buying a home gym setup and wanted to know what you guys think about the smith machine when bench pressing or is it better to do it free weights ?

    Here is the setup im looking at

    and is there any difference squating with the smith machine to without it ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    with the smith machine is alot harder on your joints

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I've covered this topic many times. Always stick with free weight flat/incline bench press. I would only utilize the Smith if I was suffering an injury and going into deload phase to rehabilitate it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Free weights are the way to go.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    free weights

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    NEVER use the smith machine

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jypoll View Post
    NEVER use the smith machine
    I realy disagree with that.. In bodybuilding I think there is a place for smith.. Let's just say you have heaps of mass already on your chest, then you can hit upper chest in a perfect line and heavy to squeeze out more reps if upper chest is lagging or needs work.

    Iv recently gone all out on flat bench, then hit incline on the smith and noticed heaps improvment

  8. #8
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McFly View Post
    I realy disagree with that.. In bodybuilding I think there is a place for smith.. Let's just say you have heaps of mass already on your chest, then you can hit upper chest in a perfect line and heavy to squeeze out more reps if upper chest is lagging or needs work.

    Iv recently gone all out on flat bench, then hit incline on the smith and noticed heaps improvment
    x2, every machine has its place somewhere, though free weights should make the majority, throwin it in now and then doesnt hurt.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by McFly View Post
    I realy disagree with that.. In bodybuilding I think there is a place for smith.. Let's just say you have heaps of mass already on your chest, then you can hit upper chest in a perfect line and heavy to squeeze out more reps if upper chest is lagging or needs work.

    Iv recently gone all out on flat bench, then hit incline on the smith and noticed heaps improvment
    I agree with this. My upper middle chest was really lagging for a while so I switched to the smith machine for 2 months. My chest evened out for the most part minus one small area. I just went back to standard bench last week and man I couldn't do as much weight, but I was super sore in my chest and shoulders. I think it's better to stick with the standard bench so you can use all those stabalizer muscles and if you have problem areas like upper chest hit the smith machine so you can focus directly on those spots.

  10. #10
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    Well before everyone just immediately says "free weights", did you consider that the OP said this is for a home gym? I never use the smith machine (except for shrugs), but for a home gym, where you might not have a spotter, the smith machine might be a good option. If acquiring dumbbells isn't practical, then I'd rather use a smith machine over barbells just for the fact that you can't really push yourself in a home gym with barbells if you don't have a spotter. And if you try to push yourself and can't get that rep up and you're stuck with a bar across your'd really be wishing you had the smith machine.

    But if you have a spotter, then definitely free weights. I'd personally rather get a gym membership than use the smith machine for my home gym...but if you HAVE to workout at home, I don't think the smith machine should be completely ruled out as it can be beneficial to not dropping the bar on yourself.
    Last edited by Dan111; 10-08-2010 at 08:10 AM. Reason: spelling

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Free weights. You are better off not doing bench at all then solely using smith machine which builds in weak areas to your foundation. Stick with dumbbells if you don't have a spotter.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Free weights. You are better off not doing bench at all then solely using smith machine which builds in weak areas to your foundation. Stick with dumbbells if you don't have a spotter.
    Completely disagree with this advice. Yes, free weights are better, but to say its better to just skip bench completely than to use a smith machine is nonsense. You are always better off getting some muscle stimulation than nothing. Yes the smith machine will neglect the stabilizer muscles, but you still get a decent workout to the major parts of the muscle you are working.

  13. #13
    Free weights has more vercitility in my opinion. If your trying to go 1 rep max without a spotter well it is Darwin telling you to get out of the gene pool. I've got an olympic weight set with bench for days when going to the gym is not an option. BP, deadlift, lunges, shoulder pressees, curls, nose breakers..... If I go max my wife can spot. After all she only needs to lift 20lbs off so I can get the rest of the weight up.

  14. #14
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    As stated, everything has it's place but I would rather use free weights 90% of the time and Dumbbells would be my choice for home, not a bar due to the risk factor. Dumbbells you can always drop.

    That being said I also think that using dumbbells without a spotter you are more prone to other type of injuries due to trying to get the dumbbells from your legs to a bench position. It can be hard on your shoulders if you dont do it JUST right.

    Those are the reasons I finally got rid of my clothes racks..... I mean home weights and machines and joined a gym so if/when I needed a spotter I could have one.

  15. #15
    I use the smith machine when I do not have a spotter. I would not use it exclusively, like it was mentioned, dumbells are a good alternative with a home gym. However, I do not believe using it is going to hurt you if you incorporate free weights and/or dumbells.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Dublin, Ireland.
    If you're looking for a home gym setup the best thing you can do is get a powerrack and bench (flat or adjustable) and of course a proper olympic bar and a shitload of plates You can do everything in the rack. And if it has chin up bars then even better. Get a powerlifting bar. The ordinary ones cut into your hands like cheesewire if you're loading up heavy.

  17. #17
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    Sep 2009
    Smith machine is harder for me personally because it compromises my natural range of motion. I will use it here and there for burnout sets but don't see much use for it otherwise.

  18. #18
    Free weights definitely. Do not consider smith machine to be a foundation for any bench/pec routine. Have used it in a pinch for bench/incline (maybe 2-3 times per year) only because there was no power rack and no spotters. I do like the smith for splite squats because of it's emphasis on the quads

  19. #19
    One more thing - some smiths have weight limitations. The one at my gym is 405lbs. I've seen these bars snap because some moron tried to load it up to much or take too much weight off one side. Most have a composite bar (it is not solid steel)

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