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Thread: running 250mg test with var. would you see good gains ???

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Cool running 250mg test with var. would you see good gains ???

    if you were to run a 10 weeks cycle of anavar @60-80 mg ed and wanted to throw some test in, as it would be a first time cycle would 250mg a week be enough to still see some decent gains ?? or would it make more sense to just rn the var alone ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    London, England
    I would have the test as a base, I would run the test at 500mg per week, with the avanar at 60-80mg per day

  3. #3
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    Savannah GA
    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    if you were to run a 10 weeks cycle of anavar @60-80 mg ed and wanted to throw some test in, as it would be a first time cycle would 250mg a week be enough to still see some decent gains ?? or would it make more sense to just rn the var alone ?
    Stats... u posted this 3 times

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    yea i know it was a mistake.
    roughly 14% b,f
    was also thinking of running propionate @ 100mg eod instead of ethanate

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    yea i know it was a mistake.
    21 - Pretty young to by running a cycle.
    80kg - Too light for that height, aim to getting in the 200 lbs. range.
    roughly 14% b,f - Not a huge issue in my mind, but many would say to get this down to 10%-12%.
    was also thinking of running propionate @ 100mg eod instead of ethanate - For a first cycle prop might not be fun pinning so frequently.
    See bold.

  6. #6
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    Unfortunately most on here will say your too young!

  7. #7
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    yea fair shout, im 22 in 3 weeks
    im just trying to get some info under my belt. not planning on using anytime soon but do want to find out as much info as possible so the day i feel im ready i know 100% eactly whats for me and what to do. at the moment my goal isnt to be gaining as much muscle mass as possible as im trying to get my b,f lower so im not ready for them yet anyway as my diet would suit.
    more info would be great.

  8. #8
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  9. #9
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    22 is still a couple of years away from where you should be to do a cycle. Also you dont need 500mg of test to see good results. 250mg is a little low, 300mg would be a nice round number for first cycle but you really should read up more on this site and take people word for it and wait just a bit longer. Everyone who waited is glad they did and a lot who didnt are sorry they didnt. Just read through the history for a few days and you will see and start to believe.

  10. #10
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    To young and you dont need 500mgs test to start.That is a myth.I did 250 like 1000s of others and did great.But wait a few years get a good base.Beacuse you can really damage your endo system now.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    To young and you dont need 500mgs test to start.That is a myth.I did 250 like 1000s of others and did great.But wait a few years get a good base.Beacuse you can really damage your endo system now.
    True on all accounts.

  12. #12
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    do you think 100mg of test propionate eod would be a good test base to use.
    help keep the water off and get quicker gains as i think 10 weeks of ethenate wouldnt compare to 10 weeks of propionate.
    what you guys think. also is there less sides to propionate because of the more frequent injections ?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    do you think 100mg of test propionate eod would be a good test base to use.
    help keep the water off and get quicker gains as i think 10 weeks of ethenate wouldnt compare to 10 weeks of propionate.
    what you guys think. also is there less sides to propionate because of the more frequent injections ?
    So you are ignoring the part most everyone mentioned about being TO YOUNG? How about diet and food then you dont have to worry about bloat or sides? Maybe with prop you will only have some mild acne and a couple months of ED (erectile dysfunction) I guess that would be OK, right? it's worth gaining a little size/strength for a few months and then loosing most of it due to your diet not being what it should and having a few embarrassing moments when your woman asks you why your dick doesnt work or you explain to your doctor why you need viagra and your body is not producing natural test like it should? Up to you.

  14. #14
    250mg is gonna shut you down just as much as 500mg. I'm not sure how big the difference would be and if your body would produce more or less SHBG to block out free testosterone though with varying levels. I personally would not do that cycle.

  15. #15
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    i agree on the test dosing.. i ran 500 on my first 2 cycles, on my most recent cycle, i swtiched to prop every day @ 50 mg...been my best cycle so far. no bloat and all the good stuff

  16. #16
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    lovbyts their is no way you can say from running a cycle at 22 rather than waiting till 24-25 your going to get limp dick etc, more chance of being ok i would have said. like i said not planning to run anytime soon just looking for good cycle advice as i have no cycle history and would want to do the best possible first time cycle for me.
    thanks for other advice so far though guys, much appriciated.

  17. #17
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    Well, here's my 2 cents. It sounds like you're hell-bent on doing this despite being too young so, rather than talk about your age, lets talk about your question. I'll get to the too young part next..

    I kinda think that at your age, you could do the var by itself and not even need to mess with the test. You have plenty of testosterone in your system already. I have done var by itself before and, while the gains were not as rapid as they are with test included, they were pronounced and they stayed with me. Try 40-60mg of var/ed without the testosterone for 4 weeks. You will slowly start to see the strength gains, I think it's the slower rate of growth that makes the gains stick with ya post cycle.

    If you do attempt the testosterone, I wouldn't go beyond 300mg to maybe 350mg test per wk MAX.
    I can't speak to var's tendency to shut you down, others will need to comment on that. I have heard several times that it does though. At any rate, make damn sure you have a PCT plan in place before you start!!! And be prepared to have blood work done to check your test levels throughout the cycle and after the cycle to determine if you need the PCT. That's going to cost you $$ but, tough shit, you want instant results, break out the checkbook son!

    Now, to the age part!!
    Yes, I was 22 once as well!! I wasn't hatched at 40...
    I thought I couldn't stand not being the baddest dude in the gym either!!
    Now, Ive spent the last 10 years giving myself a weekly injection of Test-C to replace the hormones my body no longer makes on its own!

    If you think it's expensive to buy a bottle or two for a short cycle, wait till you have to buy it for an eternal cycle that never ends..............
    Think about this kid, everything has a price, the question is, are you sure you want to pay it???

    I just came across another thread with some info on var shutting you down. Take a look at Ochana25's comment
    Last edited by Linuxian; 04-04-2011 at 02:51 PM. Reason: Added link to other thread

  18. #18
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Linuxian View Post
    Well, here's my 2 cents. It sounds like you're hell-bent on doing this despite being too young so, rather than talk about your age, lets talk about your question. I'll get to the too young part next..

    I kinda think that at your age, you could do the var by itself and not even need to mess with the test. You have plenty of testosterone in your system already. I have done var by itself before and, while the gains were not as rapid as they are with test included, they were pronounced and they stayed with me. Try 40-60mg of var/ed without the testosterone for 4 weeks. You will slowly start to see the strength gains, I think it's the slower rate of growth that makes the gains stick with ya post cycle.

    If you do attempt the testosterone, I wouldn't go beyond 300mg to maybe 350mg test per wk MAX.
    I can't speak to var's tendency to shut you down, others will need to comment on that. I have heard several times that it does though. At any rate, make damn sure you have a PCT plan in place before you start!!! And be prepared to have blood work done to check your test levels throughout the cycle and after the cycle to determine if you need the PCT. That's going to cost you $$ but, tough shit, you want instant results, break out the checkbook son!

    Now, to the age part!!
    Yes, I was 22 once as well!! I wasn't hatched at 40...
    I thought I couldn't stand not being the baddest dude in the gym either!!
    Now, Ive spent the last 10 years giving myself a weekly injection of Test-C to replace the hormones my body no longer makes on its own!

    If you think it's expensive to buy a bottle or two for a short cycle, wait till you have to buy it for an eternal cycle that never ends..............
    Think about this kid, everything has a price, the question is, are you sure you want to pay it???

    I just came across another thread with some info on var shutting you down. Take a look at Ochana25's comment
    Var wont shut you down completely but it will really suppress the hpta too low levels... limpdick might explain that better

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    good info

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