Well, here's my 2 cents. It sounds like you're hell-bent on doing this despite being too young so, rather than talk about your age, lets talk about your question. I'll get to the too young part next..
I kinda think that at your age, you could do the var by itself and not even need to mess with the test. You have plenty of testosterone in your system already. I have done var by itself before and, while the gains were not as rapid as they are with test included, they were pronounced and they stayed with me. Try 40-60mg of var/ed without the testosterone for 4 weeks. You will slowly start to see the strength gains, I think it's the slower rate of growth that makes the gains stick with ya post cycle.
If you do attempt the testosterone, I wouldn't go beyond 300mg to maybe 350mg test per wk MAX.
can't speak to var's tendency to shut you down, others will need to comment on that. I have heard several times that it does though. At any rate, make damn sure you have a PCT plan in place before you start!!! And be prepared to have blood work done to check your test levels throughout the cycle and after the cycle to determine if you need the PCT. That's going to cost you $$ but, tough shit, you want instant results, break out the checkbook son!
Now, to the age part!!
Yes, I was 22 once as well!! I wasn't hatched at 40...
I thought I couldn't stand
not being the baddest dude in the gym either!!
Now, Ive spent the last 10 years giving myself a weekly injection of Test-C to replace the hormones my body no longer makes on its own!
If you think it's expensive to buy a bottle or two for a short cycle, wait till you have to buy it for an eternal cycle that never ends..............
Think about this kid, everything has a price, the question is, are you sure you want to pay it???
I just came across another thread with some info on var shutting you down. Take a look at Ochana25's comment