BF% 13-14%
training for 4 years but only two with knowledge and good diet.
Cycles: Two prohormone, One test/deca, one fake cycle ( no gains made), and now currently on dbol 50mg, test c 500mg/wk, deca 300mg/wk. Will be taking anaavr last 6 weeks at 50-80mg.
Goals are strength and mass. With a clean diet also want to keep the bloating and extra bf down.
Workout:Semi Heavy weight going 6-8 reps.
Sunday LEGS
Week 1
Reverse hamstring Curls
Leg Extensions
Leg Press
Straight leg Deads
V-squat (reversed though)
Monday Chest (which i hate, used to be legs but schedule has changed)
Flat Bench
DB incline
Incline Flys
Cable Flys (downward, and even)
Tuesday Back
Wide Grip Pull ups
T-bar Hammer strength mach
Seated Row
DB one hand bent row
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down
Straight arm Standing lat pull down
Thursday Shoulder
BB smith press
Db press
Lateral raise
Up right Row
Shrugs BB in front and back
Cable Pec/dec Reverse (like the machine just on cables)
Front db front raise
Friday Arms
Close Grip Bench
DB over head
Rope pull down
Reverse preacher bar pull down
BB curls
Incline DB
Reverse Standing Preacher
Iso movement.
Saturday Cardio and Abs
I do cardio after every workout. started 25 mins on stairs level 7 Fat burning routine. Usually get 260 cals, 2.2 miles, 90 floors. I am now up to 28 mins on the stairs. Certain days if time permits, i will jump on the treadmil and do 20 more mins. This treadmil goes to 30% incline, has buttons that increase by 3. So every 45 sec- 1 min i raise the incline and lower it jumping all around. at a pace of 4.1-4.2.
Workouts actually change from week to week, for example Chest. If first excerise week 1 was flat...week 2 will be incline. Or one week will be all BB, next week with be all DB.
So three questions adding on to any critques you guys can give me.
1. If i am doing the cardio on the stepper 6 times a week, do i need to switch it up at all? Since u have to change your workouts should i change my cardio routine up??
2. Anyone can figure out a simple way to get my chest day off mondays??? I hate it, i can not do it on sundays. Gym is empty and noone to spot me.
3. Is it bad t switch the workout routine like i do? Never two straight weeks of the same thing? Should i just stick to exactly samething all the time?
Any help is greatly appriciated. Plus i am sure i forgot something so im sure ill be addign it later lol. thanks guys.