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    Please create a weight training plan for me

    Hi guys

    So if I train 2 days a week with 48 hours in-between, what would be the ideal training routine?

    Goals: to tone, sculpt my arms so they are lean and defined without bulking since I am not a BB and want to maintain a feminine look

    plus tighten up my bootie

    Thanks for any suggestions....
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  2. #2
    Need pics of booty for inspiration...

  3. #3
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    ^^ my inspiration is the "Hot A** Thread" in the Lounge! And could be yours as well...
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  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    a third day, if you could manage it, would be ideal slim.
    squats and deads will soon tighten the booty

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    a third day, if you could manage it, would be ideal slim.
    squats and deads will soon tighten the booty
    I realize that. For now, just 2 times per week. I just love being outside in the summertime. I will do 3x's per week starting in mid-Sept after swimming season. Meantime, what about a 2 days per week weights program. What would you design?

    Thanks Dec~
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  6. #6
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    I realize that. For now, just 2 times per week. I just love being outside in the summertime. I will do 3x's per week starting in mid-Sept after swimming season. Meantime, what about a 2 days per week weights program. What would you design?

    Thanks Dec~
    Missed that....

    I would have you follow a High Intensity, Low Volume Upper/Lower Split....

    It would consist mainly of basic compound lifts with a few of my tweaks here and there...

    Smaller bodyparts such as Arms and Calves may be supersetted.

    Sets would all be to failure (you will warm up well and then get to work), some sets would be beyond failure and some sets will be further than that!

    Reps would be in the 8-12 range and some sets would be as high as 50 reps.

    The routine would focus on Progressive Tension Overload via small weight increases (on the bar/machine) week in week out.

    The routine would be periodized, would include blasts for 6-10 weeks and deloads when required for 2-4 weeks.

    Just a few things I believe are Key and if done correctly will work well
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Missed that....

    I would have you follow a High Intensity, Low Volume Upper/Lower Split....

    It would consist mainly of basic compound lifts with a few of my tweaks here and there...

    Smaller bodyparts such as Arms and Calves may be supersetted.

    Sets would all be to failure (you will warm up well and then get to work), some sets would be beyond failure and some sets will be further than that!

    Reps would be in the 8-12 range and some sets would be as high as 50 reps.

    The routine would focus on Progressive Tension Overload via small weight increases (on the bar/machine) week in week out.

    The routine would be periodized, would include blasts for 6-10 weeks and deloads when required for 2-4 weeks.

    Just a few things I believe are Key and if done correctly will work well
    so specifically what exact body parts? as in triceps, bi's, etc and what order....
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  8. #8
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    you can fill the other 3days in with push up's and lunges hell you can even do them outside in the sun

  9. #9
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    I would follow a basic upper/lower split...

    Lower body one day and upper body the next

    I will go into more detail but wanna see ur answers to the proposal of an extra day...

    Or you could follow a Power/Hypertrophy Split, like the one I wrote up.....
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    2 days at the gym is all i am going to do now over the summer. So that is my plan. Being honest. I do not want to over commit and then not follow thru. I have hired a PT for 2 days a week to make sure I go and I want to tell her what the program will be.

    I am more of an outdoor girl who loves to ride my bike and swim. So to add 2 days a week is one more day than I have been doing lately. And then when it gets colder outside, I will up it to 3 days a week. But for now....2 days separated by 48 hours.

    Thanks Base~
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  11. #11
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    so UPPER/ LOWER split means both in the same day? or upper one day and then lower the other day....meaning a week in-between them if done this way or again, are both to be done both days....?
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  12. #12
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    This is what I have been doing for 1x per week for 3 months now. I want a better program now since I am trying to take it up a few notches.

    Lat pull downs: 25 x2
    Arm Extension: 25 x2
    Chest Press: 15 x2
    Fly: 15 x 2
    Arm Curl: 25 x2
    Free weights:
    Military Press: 2x15
    Biceps: 2x15
    Curl: 2x15
    Hammer: 2x15
    Triceps: 2x15 each arm
    Side bends: 2x15
    Bench Triceps dips: 2x15
    FLOOR w/ free weights
    Chest overhead: 2x15
    Arms ext overhead: 2x15
    Triceps: 2x15 each arm
    150 crunches
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  13. #13
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    Your first session would be Lower Body (Quads, Hams, Calves)

    The second session would be Upper Body (Chest, Back, Delts, Tri/Bi)

    In that order...

    Exercises I recommend are;

    Hack Squats
    Smith Machine Squats
    Leg Press
    Lying Leg Curls
    Seated Leg Curls
    Bench Press
    DB Bench Press
    Incline DB
    Cable Flys
    Pullover Machine (for lats)
    Low Row MAchine
    Pull Downs (Shoulder Width Grip)
    Underhand Pull Downs
    Hyper Extensions
    Side Laterals
    Bent Over Raises
    Barbell Shoulder Press
    DB Shoulder Press
    Smith Machine Shrugs
    Barbell Curls
    Incline DB Curls
    Tricep Push Downs
    One arm Lying extensions
    Seated Calf Raise
    Standing Calf Raise

    Hmmmm, I could go on!

    Do you want someone to write you a program?
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Your first session would be Lower Body (Quads, Hams, Calves) DAY ONE I assume. lower only

    The second session would be Upper Body (Chest, Back, Delts, Tri/Bi) DAY 2 upper only starting with chest etc
    In that order...

    Exercises I recommend are;

    Hack Squats
    Smith Machine Squats
    Leg Press
    Lying Leg Curls
    Seated Leg Curls
    SLDL what is this? stand leg dead lift?
    Bench Press
    DB Bench Press
    Incline DB
    Cable Flys
    Pullover Machine (for lats)
    Low Row MAchine
    Pull Downs (Shoulder Width Grip)
    Underhand Pull Downs
    Hyper Extensions
    Side Laterals
    Bent Over Raises
    Barbell Shoulder Press
    DB Shoulder Press
    Smith Machine Shrugs Shrugs for a female?
    Barbell Curls
    Incline DB Curls
    Tricep Push Downs
    One arm Lying extensions
    Seated Calf Raise
    Standing Calf Raise

    Hmmmm, I could go on! I bet you could!

    Do you want someone to write you a program? Didn't you just do that?

    THANKS A TON BASE! Really appreciate making more specific~
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  15. #15
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    I would do a full body circut IMO. both days and each week change up routine a little bit. for 2 days a week i dont see much benefit in a split routine unless your willing to spend 3 hours working out

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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    I would do a full body circut IMO. both days and each week change up routine a little bit. for 2 days a week i dont see much benefit in a split routine unless your willing to spend 3 hours working out

    2 x 60 min sessions you can do plenty, you just have to train smart and quickly
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post

    2 x 60 min sessions you can do plenty, you just have to train smart and quickly
    That was kinda my point. Sorry if that read wrong. I was suggesting training each muscle twice per week but doing full body circut to make the mose use of your time

  18. #18
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    Yep, day one is lower body in that order

    Day 2/ second training day is upper body in that order...

    SLDL - Stiff Leg Dead Lifts

    Shrugs for girls - Yes but not to build traps, more to prevent any in-balances which can affect posture (especially bad in that middle back/ trap area)

    This is far from a program Slim...

    This is just a list of principles and exercises that I believe in.
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  19. #19
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    if your only training twice a week its going to have to be full body to get anywhere
    and lower your reps your not going to get big by going heavy, but you will get nowhere by doing rep ranges to "tone"

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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Yep, day one is lower body in that order

    Day 2/ second training day is upper body in that order...

    SLDL - Stiff Leg Dead Lifts

    Shrugs for girls - Yes but not to build traps, more to prevent any in-balances which can affect posture (especially bad in that middle back/ trap area)

    This is far from a program Slim...

    This is just a list of principles and exercises that I believe in.
    Thanks Base, I appreciate all of this input. I bet you have this down to a science~ it shows!

    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post

    2 x 60 min sessions you can do plenty, you just have to train smart and quickly
    Interesting and a relief it can work

    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    That was kinda my point. Sorry if that read wrong. I was suggesting training each muscle twice per week but doing full body circut to make the mose use of your time
    So full body 2x's a week?...or same body part 2x's per week?

    Thanks Brad~

    Quote Originally Posted by lifter65 View Post
    if your only training twice a week its going to have to be full body to get anywhere
    and lower your reps your not going to get big by going heavy, but you will get nowhere by doing rep ranges to "tone"
    I keep hearing this: heavy weights over and over ...

    and your vote is full body 2x's a week.....

    Thanks lifter~
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  21. #21
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    Here's my vote:

    Monday HEAVY DAY!
    Squats (wide stance)
    Leg press with feet touching each other (super close stance to target butt and hams)
    Pull ups (assist machine)
    Military press or Db press superset lateral raise

    Friday high reps, high intensity
    100 squats for speed, no stopping no resting, legs never lock out
    100 situps, fast up, slow negatives (explode up with as much power as you can curling body)
    30 diamond pushups (girl way)
    50 jump lunges
    Rest and throw up
    50 military presses
    50 curls for speed
    50 seated calf raises
    20 back extensions
    30 leg throwdowns
    Rest and repeat the cycle again...

    idk how to do this in under an hour. I hate it when I only have an hour to workout with my clients.

  22. #22
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    And twist, that Friday session looks like a right burner... Heart would be going mad...

    I'm gona PM u sumat u mite like
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  23. #23
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    Considered the power/Hypertrophy split I wrote up?

    With a few changes....

    Up the reps to 8 on power days and 12 on hyper days.

    Some good results coming back from that routine now, check the thread
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  24. #24
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    sorry slim, v busy with work over the w'ends, i'll post you afew suggestions tomorrow eve sometime

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Here's my vote:

    Monday HEAVY DAY!
    Squats (wide stance)
    Leg press with feet touching each other (super close stance to target butt and hams)
    Pull ups (assist machine)
    Military press or Db press superset lateral raise

    Friday high reps, high intensity
    100 squats for speed, no stopping no resting, legs never lock out
    100 situps, fast up, slow negatives (explode up with as much power as you can curling body)
    30 diamond pushups (girl way)
    50 jump lunges
    Rest and throw up ??????
    50 military presses
    50 curls for speed
    50 seated calf raises
    20 back extensions
    30 leg throwdowns
    Rest and repeat the cycle again...

    idk how to do this in under an hour. I hate it when I only have an hour to workout with my clients.
    OMG TWIST! You must think I am a he-woman! Flattered to say the I allowed to work up to this?

    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Considered the power/Hypertrophy split I wrote up?

    With a few changes....

    Up the reps to 8 on power days and 12 on hyper days.

    Some good results coming back from that routine now, check the thread
    Not clear as to exactly what you mean, Base...

    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    And twist, that Friday session looks like a right burner... Heart would be going mad...

    I'm gona PM u sumat u mite like
    No kidding re:Friday

    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    sorry slim, v busy with work over the w'ends, i'll post you afew suggestions tomorrow eve sometime
    Sounds good to me, Dec~
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  26. #26
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    Have u read my power/Hypertrophy thread?

    You split the body upper 2x a week and lower 2x a week

    One session is focused on power where you work at 5 reps and one session is focused on a more high paced bodybuilding type training, named 'Hypertrophy' where reps are all 10...

    I was recommending you could follow the program over two weeks rather than one as your only training 2 days per week...

    You could increase the power day reps from 5 to 8 and the hyper day reps from 10 to 12...

    This is a killer routine as once you get tuned into it you are literally at your limit each week, each set... The focus is to create personal bests each week over a 6-12 week period and then de-load for 2-4 weeks and blast again.
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    ^^^ will Read it now~ Thanks Base.
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  28. #28
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    i'd personally go:

    day one : squat
    lat p'down
    shoulder press d'bells

    all 6-8rep range 4 heavy sets after warm ups

    day two:

    standing dbell curls, single sides
    underhand grip single tri extension superset

    lateral shoulder raises
    front shoulder raises superset

    hammer curl
    overhand grip single tri extension superset

    standing/seated calves raises

    all above 12-15rep range, medium weight, 3 sets

    had success with this type of programme before and its optimal for a x2 pw workout. imho the big muscle groups dont respond well to high rep lighter exercises and need to be hit heavy in short rep ranges, much in the same way as low rep heavy sets arent suited to small groups like bi's and tri's.

    ive left your abs up to you on a diff day or you could do them last on day 2
    Last edited by dec11; 07-18-2011 at 08:43 AM. Reason: funky spelling!

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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    i'd personally go:

    day one : squat
    lat p'down
    shoulder press d'bells

    all 6-8rep range 4 heavy sets after warm ups

    day two:

    standing dbell curls, single sides
    underhand grip single tri extension superset

    lateral shoulder raises
    front shoulder raises superset

    hammer curl
    overhand grip single tri extension superset

    standing/seated clave raises

    all above 12-15rep range, medium weight, 3 sets

    had success with this type of programme before and its optimal for a x2 pw workout. imho the big muscle groups dont respond well to high rep lighter exercises and need to be hit heavy in short rep ranges, much in the same way as low rep heavy sets arent suited to small groups like bi's and tri's. Very interesting distinction

    ive left your abs up to you on a diff day or you could do them last on day 2
    Thanks a lot Dec for this detailed plan~ Appreciate it.
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  30. #30
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    Full body twice per week. Twists heavy day and high intesity split is a good idea (depending on your diet)but yes that could be somthing to work up to. just keep increasing the intensity and the style of your workouts every couple weeks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    Full body twice per week. Twists heavy day and high intesity split is a good idea (depending on your diet)but yes that could be somthing to work up to. just keep increasing the intensity and the style of your workouts every couple weeks.
    Do you mean do upper/lower 2x's a week? or upper one day and then lower another.....thanks for your input Brad~
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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Do you mean do upper/lower 2x's a week? or upper one day and then lower another.....thanks for your input Brad~
    I mean each day you go to the gym do a full body workout. So everything is getting worked twice per week as you will not be able to do the same volume amount per body part so more frequent muscle stimulation would go a long way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Gd luck slim and keep us all posted on you new routine
    THANKS BASE. I really do appreciate all of your suggestions.

    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    I mean each day you go to the gym do a full body workout. So everything is getting worked twice per week as you will not be able to do the same volume amount per body part so more frequent muscle stimulation would go a long way.
    Thanks Brad. My PT agrees with you on this idea of full body 2x's a week. This is why I am confused since other suggestions are upper one day and lower another.
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    OKAY GUYS....

    I am sorting thru all of this as I have saved it onto another format and trying to come up with a common denominator here as outlined by all of the above plans you all so kindly created for me.

    I am seeing a pattern here. The only confusing thing for now is the terminology as to how one of you might define a certain exercise as opposed to how another might describe it.

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    Gd luck slim and keep us all posted on you new routine
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    You won't be able to hit a whole body effectively in an hour. I am a pt and have tried a million different ways but think that the best way is upper and lower or pushing/pulling splits. Either that or what I wrote out for whole body.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    You won't be able to hit a whole body effectively in an hour. I am a pt and have tried a million different ways but think that the best way is upper and lower or pushing/pulling splits. Either that or what I wrote out for whole body.
    Twist is right...

    You will waste time moving around the gym as well and I will just drag...

    Sure you could half the volume and do the whole body but it's still going to take a long time because of all the warming up/moving between machines etc...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    You won't be able to hit a whole body effectively in an hour. I am a pt and have tried a million different ways but think that the best way is upper and lower or pushing/pulling splits. Either that or what I wrote out for whole body.
    Upper / Lower split? or big/heavy muscle groups vs small? because on your routine you suggested you included bench, military, pull-ups and dips which are all Upper on DAY ONE....please clarify or was your plan for whole body both days but TOUGH AS NAILS!...thanks, Twist
    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Twist is right...

    You will waste time moving around the gym as well and I will just drag...

    Sure you could half the volume and do the whole body but it's still going to take a long time because of all the warming up/moving between machines etc...
    Thanks Base...This was my original concern with my trainer. Taking time to move around here and there plus waiting for someone to get off a machine.
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  39. #39
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    You won't be able to hit a whole body effectively in an hour. I am a pt and have tried a million different ways but think that the best way is upper and lower or pushing/pulling splits. Either that or what I wrote out for whole body.
    correct, unless its a low rep power/strength type routine

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    The plan I wrote out earlier is a full body workout on monday (heavy hypertrophy type day), and the second day is high intensity. I should have clarified that each of those exercises (on day 2) are to be performed right after each other and where I wrote rest is where you rest for about 2 minutes then continue onto the next set.
    100 squats for speed, no stopping no resting, legs never lock out
    100 situps, fast up, slow negatives (explode up with as much power as you can curling body)
    30 diamond pushups (girl way) whew!
    50 jump lunges
    Is one set and there is no rest in between exercises. You then rest and continue on to the second set:
    50 military presses
    50 curls for speed
    50 seated calf raises
    20 back extensions
    30 leg throwdowns
    then rest for 2-4 minutes and repeat the whole cycle again.
    This is full body because it works back, chest, shoulders, arms, legs, and calves.
    Thanks Twist.....appreciate your specifics....high intensity? no kidding....

    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    correct, unless its a low rep power/strength type routine
    Thanks Base for clarifying the distinction between the 2....appreciate it....

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