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Thread: Back pain and legs not recovering!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust

    Back pain and legs not recovering!

    Hey guys, just wanted to ask about 2 things.. Firstly: my lower back kills me after I do deads, very painful for about 2-3 days afterwards, can't stand long trips in the car!!

    Secondly: on leg day my legs are taking up to 5-7 days to recover from my sessions.. This is ridiculous, I have just bought some zinc magnesium tablets to try recover faster and sleep better.

    Actually while I'm at it, the last 5 sessions or so on legs, after heavy leg presses, I get very light headed and need to lay down afterwards, this just wrecks my workout, is this a sign of anything

    Any help on any of these subjects would be a major help guys, thanks for ur time!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    what are you doing to warm up before doing deads?

    i'm flat out not sure why recovery is so long on leg day. I lift around 5pm, and after legs, I'm basically done for the night. but next day i'm fine.

    maybe you should post your routines so we can see. It may be possible you are over training, but it seems to me that after awhile, you would be adapting if the same routine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    what are you doing to warm up before doing deads?

    i'm flat out not sure why recovery is so long on leg day. I lift around 5pm, and after legs, I'm basically done for the night. but next day i'm fine.

    maybe you should post your routines so we can see. It may be possible you are over training, but it seems to me that after awhile, you would be adapting if the same routine.
    My warm up is deads, and that's is my last exercise for back.

    Leg routine:
    Leg press - 4 or 5 sets, 12-15 rps
    Usually go into squats, but light-headedness doesn't allow - 4 sets, 10rps
    Hammy curls - 4 sets 15-20rps
    Leg extensions - 4 sets, 12-20rps
    Seated and standing calf raises 3-4sets of each, high reps
    If I can't do squats earlier I normally finish with weighted lunges!

    I do this routine once a week!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    My guess is overtraining! Hope you're supplementing with BCAA's as they will aid in recovery.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola
    My guess is overtraining! Hope you're supplementing with BCAA's as they will aid in recovery.
    I usually only have my BCAA's during my workout!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by dooie View Post
    I usually only have my BCAA's during my workout!
    From the rountine you posted above I retract my statement about you overtraining. Your split looks good and not to taxing on the body. I'm not quite sure why recovery is taking so long. I am suspect for the rest of your diet. If you can try taking BCAA's first thing in the morn and during or pwo. Also, what brand of BCAA's are you taking?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola

    From the rountine you posted above I retract my statement about you overtraining. Your split looks good and not to taxing on the body. I'm not quite sure why recovery is taking so long. I am suspect for the rest of your diet. If you can try taking BCAA's first thing in the morn and during or pwo. Also, what brand of BCAA's are you taking?
    Modern BCAA by USPlabs (taste like sh!t too) I didn't think I was overtraining!

    My diet isn't amazing but I don't consider it shocking! Here's a ill run through meals are every 2 -3hrs
    Whey protein shake on waking
    Scrambled eggs (2cups of egg whites) on 2 pcs wholemeal toast
    6-8ounces chicken breast with rice n veggies
    PWO shake with oats
    Same as meal 2 (chicken)
    tuna with salad, potatoes

    Depending on what time I wake I will have 5 meals, but this is a typical day, this is what I ate yesterday??

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by dooie View Post
    Modern BCAA by USPlabs (taste like sh!t too) I didn't think I was overtraining!

    My diet isn't amazing but I don't consider it shocking! Here's a ill run through meals are every 2 -3hrs
    Whey protein shake on waking
    Scrambled eggs (2cups of egg whites) on 2 pcs wholemeal toast
    6-8ounces chicken breast with rice n veggies
    PWO shake with oats
    Same as meal 2 (chicken)
    tuna with salad, potatoes

    Depending on what time I wake I will have 5 meals, but this is a typical day, this is what I ate yesterday??
    You are good to go with Modern BCAA's by USP Labs...they have the 8:1:1 ratio in which Leucine is heavily favored (this is what you want). From the diet you listed above it doesn't look like you are undereating (although I don't know your stats). When's the last time you deloaded (taken a week off)?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Syd, Aust
    Double post

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Can we see a video of your deads?

    My guess is your having some form breakdown.

    As for your recovery.....not sure. Maybe get a thorough check-up.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by Fred40
    Can we see a video of your deads?

    My guess is your having some form breakdown.

    As for your recovery.....not sure. Maybe get a thorough check-up.
    Ooo ur pushing it there, next time I do deads I'll see what I can do!!

    Ps did legs on Tuesday, played soccer last nyt, legs were feeling good, but I woke up tight this morning, if I didn't play soccer, recovery would of been normal!!

    It may b the zinc/mag tablets, perhaps I was lacking in one of these!! Sleeping much better too (after leg days)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by dooie View Post
    Ooo ur pushing it there, next time I do deads I'll see what I can do!!

    Ps did legs on Tuesday, played soccer last nyt, legs were feeling good, but I woke up tight this morning, if I didn't play soccer, recovery would of been normal!!

    It may b the zinc/mag tablets, perhaps I was lacking in one of these!! Sleeping much better too (after leg days)
    I feel you bro...I use to play indoor soccer games on the same day I trained legs and this led to a rough recovery.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I'd guess it's your form for your deads. Only a video could verify this. Always think ass down, chest forward. Your ass should be as far down to create a 90 degree angle, maybe a little less, but not by much. Make sure your chest is forward and not down facing the bar. Focus on using your legs to lift it, don't worry your back will be too, but your trying to limit the amount of bending over at the waist. Overloading this position (spinal flexion) can lead to herniating discs and other bad back problems. Always lift with your legs! It also may just be overtraining. As far as the dizziness it could be something as simple as not enough water or your breathing. A lot of people do it naturally, and there's nothing wrong with it a lot of people feel they lift more weight, but holding your breath could cause these dizzy spells. Try exhaling as your pushing and inhaling as your coming back down.

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