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Thread: Critique This Workout

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Critique This Workout

    Hey guys,

    From what I've been reading I feel as if I'm possibly over training but I am never wore out when finished my workout and I am definatley gaining. I'm curious what others think if you do not mind replying. I've increased weight in the last month on almost all. I've been following this for months.

    Here's my workout 3 days a week, full body;

    Flat Bench Presses - DB 8/8/8
    Incline DB Presses - 8/8/8
    Decline Dumbbell Presses - 8/8/8
    Incline Flyes - 6/6/6
    Seated Leg Curls - 8/8/8
    EZ Bar Preacher Curls - 8/8/8
    Seated Calf Raise (Max) - 16/16/16
    Standing DB Curls - 8/8/8
    Leg Press - 14/12
    Cable Cross Over - 8/8/8
    Standing Calf Raises - ( Max Out)
    Cable Rows - 8/8/8
    Lat Pull Down - 8/8/8
    Squats - 10/10/10
    Barbell Curls - 8/8/8
    DB Pull Over - 15/12

    Abs - On Incline Bench - 5 sets, 12 - 15 reps. Put hands at top of incline and pull legs (feet) up over head. Then lower back down slowly.

    Abs on Decline - 25 in between most sets of other exercises.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Well if you're gaining and not feeling run down or just ragged, I'd guess it's pretty safe to say you're not overtraining.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    How long have you been working out?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Halifax, Canada
    I never repeate any body part more than twice a week and then it's only for my week body parts that I want to bring up.

    I would end up pacing myself and not going all out if I were doing a full body workout like this.

    If it were me and I didn't have the time to workout more than 3 days a week, then I'd split my workouts and do something like this...

    workout 1: chest and back
    rest day
    workout 2: legs
    rest day
    workout 3: arms and shoulders
    rest day
    This way you sort of end up working out most of your upper body twice since your hitting your arms (to a certain extent when doing chest and back) and vice versa. Plus your shoulders do get a pump when doing chest.

    Also you get to do legs alone and really hit them. Seems everyone hates going all out on legs, but it's the only way to grow. It's been proven that your entire body grows when you really push your legs. I'd do two different kind of pushing movements for them (squats and leg presses) and do leg curls and hams and calves.

    Not sure what your goals are, but I would have a hard time not making any real gains on a 3 day a week whole body workout.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thanx everybody!


    I've been working out for over 1 year now but really starting working out, as I do now, in the last 7 months.


    Just wondering, if I only work each part once a week, will I loose mass or gain weight (fat) in abs?

    You stated; "but I would have a hard time not making any real gains on a 3 day a week whole body workout." Do you mean by changing it to workout as you stated; once a week for each body part?



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Halifax, Canada
    I've only ever only really workout every body part only once a week. Some of the pro bodybuilders do workout every body part twice a week, but that's their full time job and I'm assuming that most are on a whole lot of gear while doing this.

    The only real way to loose fat around your abs is to have a good diet and do cardio. It's real hard to get cut and gain muscle at the same time. You can do it, but it'llbe alot slower than trying to do one or the other.

    I also forgot to mention that I do abs with every workout at the end. I find that this works good for me and I don't need to do 20 mins of abs. I just do 4 sets of crunches or cable pull downs and that's it.

    You shouldn't loose any muscle mass if you train with enough intensity and you should actually get ahead since you're giving your muscle time to recover. Most muscles need at least 72 hours to recover from a workout. If I'm not sore the next day for the body parts I've worked out, then I don't feel I got a good workout. I'm usually sore for a couple of days. That's why I try and make sure my muscles are recovered before I hit them again.

    Everyones different though. So what would work for me doesn't always work for someone else.

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