At start i would like to say that i'm on gear so i think my regneration is little better than natty... It's not secret for me so i want to tell You it on start, maybe it's important information for my question :-)
Shoulders + Bic
Chest + Tric
4-5 ( 3-5 sets per exercise ) exercises per large muscle group, 3-4 exercises ( 3-4 sets per exercise ) per small muscle group. 5-8 reps in main exercises like DL, SQ, BP, in other 8-15 reps.
And the most important - about weekend split. I thought about three option:
1st option;
3on / 1off
2nd option;
4on / 1off
3rd option;
Mn. Shoulders + Bic
Tue. Back
Wed. Chest + Tric
Thu. OFF
Fri. Legs
Sat. Training from Monday
Sun. OFF / Training from Tuesday ( depend of how i will be feel )