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Thread: New Split

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    New Split

    Looking to try something new with my split. Please let me know how this looks and if you've got any advice to help hammer this out, before giving it a try. Everything will be 3-4 sets, in the 8-12 rep range.

    Day 1 Push
    -Bench Press
    -Incline DB Press
    -Incline DB Fly
    -DB Shoulder Press
    -Lateral Raised
    -Skull Crushers
    -Rope Pulldown

    Day 2 Pull
    -Pullups (As many as possible - Trying to improve this)
    -Lat Pulldown
    -Barbell Row
    -Back Extensions
    -Barbel Curls

    Day 3 Legs
    -Leg Press
    -Leg Extensions
    -Prone Leg Curls
    -Calf Raises

    Day 4 Off

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by lestat85 View Post
    Looking to try something new with my split. Please let me know how this looks and if you've got any advice to help hammer this out, before giving it a try. Everything will be 3-4 sets, in the 8-12 rep range.

    Day 1 Push
    -Bench Press
    -Incline DB Press
    -Incline DB Fly
    -DB Shoulder Press
    -Lateral Raised
    -Skull Crushers
    -Rope Pulldown

    That's a ton of pressing for one day & tris after... Maybe push - y... No way with my intensity and short rest periods could I press THAT much - remember once you've torn down the muscle you need to rest/recover & EAT) why not dedicate a day for each Body Part

    Day 2 Pull
    -Pullups (As many as possible - Trying to improve this)
    -Lat Pulldown
    -Barbell Row
    -Back Extensions
    -Barbel Curls

    Drop the biceps imho and just do back!

    Day 3 Legs
    -Leg Press
    -Leg Extensions
    -Prone Leg Curls
    -Calf Raises

    Keep the body guessing - I'm assuming this is repeated after your rest day?? Ever try splitting your quads and posterior chain up?? Made a world of difference for myself and many of here

    Day 4 Off
    In bold - just check this thread out its changed everything!
    Last edited by NACH3; 08-07-2016 at 01:49 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    My typical split, for most of the last 10 years, has been one muscle per day so everything is hit once per week. I've never tried this push/pull/legs before and thought it would be a good way to shock my muscles with something they're not used to, as well as a way to hit each muscle twice per week. I tend to rest a pretty solid minute between sets and the goal here is primarily hypertrophy.

    I see your point about the amount of pressing, but don't really see which one I can cut out. I don't want to lose a chest press, as I feel it's a weak point for me and probably the muscle who's size bothers me the most and that only leaves the shoulder press, which is the only shoulder press in this plan. Can you maybe make some suggestions for how to make this work a little better?

  4. #4
    Not a bad routine in my opinion. Similar to what's worked real well for me the last couple of years.

  5. #5
    I have always found arm training a bit of a waste. Granted my arms grow easy. If you do weight pull ups ( or if you can only do a few just do negative pull ups) your bis will grow. And from all the benching and pressing your tris show do the same. Pretty much what Nach3 said. it all depends on your goals. if you dont care about bodybuilding then drop all the leg extensions, leg curls, lat pull downs stuff like that. the are way better exercises anyways.

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