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Looking to try something new with my split. Please let me know how this looks and if you've got any advice to help hammer this out, before giving it a try. Everything will be 3-4 sets, in the 8-12 rep range.
Day 1 Push
-Bench Press
-Incline DB Press
-Incline DB Fly
-DB Shoulder Press
-Lateral Raised
-Skull Crushers
-Rope Pulldown
That's a ton of pressing for one day & tris after... Maybe push - y... No way with my intensity and short rest periods could I press THAT much - remember once you've torn down the muscle you need to rest/recover & EAT) why not dedicate a day for each Body Part
Day 2 Pull
-Pullups (As many as possible - Trying to improve this)
-Lat Pulldown
-Barbell Row
-Back Extensions
-Barbel Curls
Drop the biceps imho and just do back!
Day 3 Legs
-Leg Press
-Leg Extensions
-Prone Leg Curls
-Calf Raises
Keep the body guessing - I'm assuming this is repeated after your rest day?? Ever try splitting your quads and posterior chain up?? Made a world of difference for myself and many of here
Day 4 Off