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Thread: How does my cycle look (Test-E, Deca, Tbol, Var)

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    How does my cycle look (Test-E, Deca, Tbol, Var)

    I've laid out a 18wk cycle (w/ PCT) and wanted to know if I've got all my bases covered, or if I should look into alternate/more ancillaries. It's my first cycle with DECA so I'm not sure if I needed something in addition to caber, and if I have doses for everything correct.

    Spreadsheet is attached with entire layout.

    Tbol being used as a kickstarter.

    Var being used to help trim the excess with an aggressive cut near the end of the cycle.

    Thanks in advance! Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    How many cycles have you run and what did they look like.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Nephets View Post
    How many cycles have you run and what did they look like.
    It's my 2nd cycle. (queue the crowd boos)

    My first cycle was orals only. It was stupid, I know. I did 3 weeks of Tbol and 4 weeks of Var. Finished off with a 4 week PCT and saw my test at baseline 6 weeks post PCT. I was pleased to see that bounce back had gotten over the fear of pinning.

    I have a good reason, I think, for using deca. I was originally going to do test-e with a tbol kickstarter and finish with Var again, but I'm coming back from ACL surgery in the last year and now have been cleared to train legs, which has been the biggest reason I hopped on to begin with. I wanted to not only regain what quad atrophy I experienced, but get my legs built up beyond their previous form.

    I began being intrigued by Deca's therapeutic effect on joints with increased college synthesis. Rather than solely focusing on re-gaining size with test, I also want my knee to heal faster/stronger as well. From what I've read, test isn't so friendly on the joints - admittedly something I overlooked prior to my interest in DECA.

    I know, for a 1st cycle injecting I should be doing a Test only cycle. But I also want to do right by my knee and take this opportunity to help it get back to 100% or better soon. To be clear, my knee feels good, but there is still some healing that needs to be done beyond anything I can "feel."

    OK - let me have it. Just go easy (prepares to duck).
    Last edited by Coffeehead; 12-01-2016 at 05:33 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Lose the deca. If you don't you need to start PCT a month after last deca shot.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Lose the deca. If you don't you need to start PCT a month after last deca shot.
    Please read my reply above regarding why I wanted to go with deca - I'm not sure if that changes your opinion? Maybe not...

    And I've opted for NPP to get the DECA out of my system faster. I did not specify that on my layout - sorry.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Very bad reason to use nandrolone as it doent heal anything, its just has a strong anti-inflamatory effect.
    This can make your injury feel all better, while it actually isnt.

    You never even used test yet, if a problem arises you dont even know where its coming from.

    Nandrolone will shut you down hard. Good luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Appreciate your reply bb. I'll steer clear of the deca.

    FTR, if deca worked as I believed it did (and that's why I asked), it wouldn't be a bad reason to use gear for therapeutic purposes rather than for my own vanity.

  8. #8
    Low dose Deca (100mg/wk) seems to moisten the soft tissues but like Mr.BB say, it doesn't heal the soft tissue or create new soft tissue growth. Read this, it may be of interest to you if you have joint issues.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    OK - thanks for your reply. I'm happy that some vets have weighed in, as I'm relatively new to this scene. Much appreciated Scotch..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    But the thing is you dont know how your body is going too react too test.This is why we urge guys to run test only.This way if you have a reaction you know wat it is.And your cycle has way too many compounds for your level.You are only going to grow so much on each cycle.Save your money and down size.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Treat this as your first cycle, since it really is, and run your standard 1st cycle protocol that can be found as a sticky.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Is that an ap you used to make that calendar? Or an excel spreadsheet. Its definitely a good way to schedule a cycle

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    But the thing is you dont know how your body is going too react too test.This is why we urge guys to run test only.This way if you have a reaction you know wat it is.And your cycle has way too many compounds for your level.You are only going to grow so much on each cycle.Save your money and down size.
    No, I understand the methodology behind it. Although, I'm currently 10 days into my 1st test cycle (was thinking of adding NPP at week 3 if test injections and sides went well). No acne, minimal bloat, definitely no gyno so far (knock on wood), but I am still early into the cycle. Not sure if some of these symptoms kick up a few weeks down the road, or if they would appear within the first 10 days.

    I guess I'll see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    Is that an ap you used to make that calendar? Or an excel spreadsheet. Its definitely a good way to schedule a cycle
    Thanks - it's excel. I'm relatively anal about organization. I have tracking spreadsheets for my macros and training as well. Keeps me accountable.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well Bro guys usually tell us wat they plan on doing for a cycle prior to the cycle.This way we can help them.But sometimes guys start a cycle then tell us about it and want us to say its a good cycle go a head.But most of the time like yours it isn't.We are only here to give advice on the safest way to run your cycle.Have a good day Bro.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Well Bro guys usually tell us wat they plan on doing for a cycle prior to the cycle.This way we can help them.But sometimes guys start a cycle then tell us about it and want us to say its a good cycle go a head.But most of the time like yours it isn't.We are only here to give advice on the safest way to run your cycle.Have a good day Bro.
    Of course, and that's why I asked. I opted against it due to the overwhelming amount of advice not to run NPP or Deca yet. It was merely an idea that I was interested in trying.

    Sticking with Test-E, and running it maybe at 500mg rather than 600mg. Am I correct in thinking that less Test = less water retention?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Coffeehead View Post
    Of course, and that's why I asked. I opted against it due to the overwhelming amount of advice not to run NPP or Deca yet. It was merely an idea that I was interested in trying.

    Sticking with Test-E, and running it maybe at 500mg rather than 600mg. Am I correct in thinking that less Test = less water retention?
    No but at this point you dont need 600mg test.For some reason you think you need too run a lot of juice to get big.Diet is key without a proper diet you could run anything you want and wont gain or keep a pound.Bloat can be from diet or needing to adjust your ai.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    OK - I'm good in regards to diet; my nutrition is solid. The water retention only appeared once I started injecting test. I know that's one of the side effects, so I figured reducing it may help alleviate any excess water retention if I reduce the test.

    Thanks anyway, Bro.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    NO! 100mg of test will not stop your bloat! your ai will if your diet is clean.Wat are you using as a ai?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    0.5mg arimidex EOD

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