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Okay, so first off I will say that I've never been on a cycle before. Been training 27 years. Lift extremely heavy (seated shoulder press best is 200kgx5) and have probably reached my genetic muscular peak. I am doing TRT due to age related low levels (268).
However, my muscle is covered by fat. As you know, it's much easier to grow and become stronger with weight on you.
I want to reach a new level of muscularity but also lose fat. I like to think I know about diet and nutrition etc but there are many experts on here and I would be foolish not to take advantage of that. Always willing to learn.
So my question is, what (blast) cycle would you recommend, what diet and what adjustments to my training regime?
I know Lee Priest used to get very chubby when bulking too so maybe we can approach it with that in mind. Not that I want to be that muscular.
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